Why not just genocide the German tribes and resettle them with true Romans?
Why not just genocide the German tribes and resettle them with true Romans?
Because racial theory didn't exist.
>lol just kill them all :D
babbys first politics
Too many Germans, no Julius Caesar around to do to them what he did to Gaul and they became better at confederating then barbarians had been in the past.
>Trying to murder all members of a warlike race described by julius himself as a strong and tall race.
>lose all germanic allies instantly
>fighting in the forest, romans are fuck scared of the forest
>implying this wouldn't turn into a pls give back legions style guerilla warfare vietnam 0.1
>all this for some shitty forest land, the germans didn't invade and migrate to gual for no reason.
>just kill them ALL
But they genocided like four different proto-Germanic peoples centuries earlier.
they wanted a steady supply of qt blonde fuqqbois
Good job romaboo
battle of arausio
120000 profesional roman soldiers dead
Worst defeat in roman history
"Plutarch, in his "Life of Marius", mentions that the soil of the fields the battle had been fought upon were made so fertile by human remains that they were able to produce "magna copia" (a great quantity) of yield for many years."
>Somehow want to repeat this 10 times on their homefield
>Somehow the cost of 120000 roman soldiers which could be used anexing china is less then just leaving them to their shitty homes
>mfw a snownigger is talking to me while posting on a vietnamese cartoon finger-paint canvas forum
>while writing in the Latin alphabet
>probably from a western country
>which has its civil and legal systems based off Roman laws
1. There wasn't much a concept of race, they thought in terms of groups.
ex. They may or may not consider a particular tribe as "Germanic" even if they were more similar than not to the Germs.
2. They made good mercenaries and auxiliary forces.
And 3. They couldn't have even if they wanted to.
I'm not saying rome sucks, for fucks sake i've had latin for 5 years, but it's incredibally retarded to think rome would have the recources to exterminate ALL germans, let alone that it would have been worth it
Because they didn't browse Veeky Forums
Couldnt they mass set forests on fires?
Just like the EU, they needed cheap labors.
Because the massacre at tutoberg forest, op.
expensive, strains morale, reduction of an extremely important resource (people) for no reason other than being super edgy, loss of technology and tools and wisdom of the land by those people, unpopular, takes way too much time and resources, "true Romans" weren't a thing and still aren't, making an empire too large makes the empire devour itself.
And that's just off the top of my head.
>I've been proven wrong
>I know, I'll grasp at straws with racism!
>resettle them with True Romans
that's a big misconception, because the Latin Italians rarely settled outside of Italy, and when they did it was to specialized colonial lands the Senators sold off for dirt cheap in one of the outer provinces, so most everyone in the provinces Rome conquered were still natives to the land, just given Roman Citizenship to make them subjects of the Empire.
A continuation of the misconception is that Roman is not an ethnic or racial identity, but solely a status of Citizenship within the state. Same as there's no ethnic Americans, but there are American citizens in the US. A Latin living on the Italian peninsula was just as Roman as an Egyptian in Alexandra, or a Greek living in Athens.
What Rome would do to new provinces was have Latins or peoples from loyal provinces administer the land and hold the high positions, while training the natives as legionnaires, educating them in Latin and Law, then eventually hand over leadership positions to natives of that newly conquered province, once they have sworn their loyalty to Rome as a Roman citizen.
To Rome, it made no sense to outright genocide people so as long as you could bring them to your side, as long as you were loyal to the Caesar and a citizen, Rome had no problem with non-Italic ethnic groups.
Because Rome didn't have a surplus population by that time, making such colonization efforts impractical.
>I don't know how to read
>but I'll just say he's wrong anyway