jungle lulu edition
jungle lulu edition
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for Rumble
Xth for Katarina
best girl
~S I O N
I'll be the best, most obedient and useful healslut in all of League! Just you wait!
Malzahar support is amazing
This is the cuck thread, only cucks post here.
>play cs:go with friends
>third ranked match ever
>play against a hacker (never died, every shot is a headshot, shooting through walls and getting headshots, etc.)
>they say this happens a fair amount
Pro Play and esports ruined league
so like every other healslut out there? what makes you different?
This is the real thread because I say so
Fuck off
Post it in the thread on time next time then
What are some fun champs like Riven and Kat? Ie. That satisfying fast paced gameplay
it really concerns me, how serious some people take this image board.
i legitmately wonder what you are in real life
Master Yi no joke
The difference is that I can be yours
>quickshot thinks bjergsen is better than faker
Has league gotten any better since the shitfuck of a game it was around season 3/4?
But healsluts are public property
I hate /v/ posters like you
Current faker, yeah, I'd agree.
I'm in love with someone from /lolg/ and am gonna propose to him soon!
eventually they will make a champ with a kit centered around pic related
so you're just like everyone else... how boring
maybe someone else might want to take the low hanging fruit
holy fucking shit fuck polymorph
revive is still in the game
I hope it's me!
Nothing like a meta where I can enjoy the tears of assassin and diverbabs after they basically got free reign to ruin the game for patches with lethality
kys retard lmao
>thinking faker is better than bjergsen makes me a /v/ poster
But I'm in love with (you), user...
This is my average post on Veeky Forums.
I generally sit on my bed in the corner editing images of cute elves so they're not wearing shoes. I play random champions in silver 5. I commonly browse /d/ and fluffy threads on /b/.
Why do they have these pointless ass surveys
no your cancer AHAHAHAHA and posting for the sole purpose to stir shit is what makes you an autistic /v/ poster
fuck off back there
>can't even capitalize
Post disregarded
I'll try him, thanks.
I thought you were both dead, at least that's what Welding said.
which ones are worth it and which ones will get dusted
keeping the gragas and morde ones no matter what tho
>purpose to stir shit
>challenging bjergsen is better than faker is "stirring shit"
TSM fanboy spotted
Pitch me your champion and skin ideas, /lolg/
They're all garbage except for nutcracko
Prisoner's island exists and ranked is rigged to make climbing as slow as possible without alerting the sheep so they keep spending and munching the chroma grass.
Spellblade user, ultimate allows him to switch between 3 different elements on his sword, which switches some of the characteristics of his basic skills. Had the whole kit with numbers ready a long time ago, no one really gave feedback so yeah.
Arcade Glitch Nocturne
>Missingno style sound effects and pixel art.
Candy Kled
>Axe is one of those long swirly lollypops
>Skaarl looks like fucking Yoshi and his Q uses his tongue.
>Skaarl turns into a jawbreaker for ult.
>Splash is terrifying as per tradition.
World Wide Bard
>Head is one of those old square white computer screens.
>VO entirely replaced with dial up sounds.
>Chimes are Ram
>W is little desktop icons for healing related programs.
>Q is a loading bar
>Ult is blue screen of death and makes a crash sound.
>Meeps are little computer mice with cords going to bard.
Junkyard Taliyah (Where she belongs)
>Q/W throws a different piece of trash each time.
>Knockup uses a dark metal piston.
>Ult is a giant wall of garbage like crushed cars.
>Passive rides a trash can lid.
>Wears old rags, hairpiece is a big bottle cap or something.
Volcanic Kog'maw
>Kog'maw is a tiny little adorable volcano spewing volcanic ash and lava everywhere.
General Yorick
>Him and the ghouls dressed as either civil war soldiers or classic american soldiers with the green hats and boots.
Ringmaster Karthus
>Basically traditional Karthus with skittle Qs.
Dark Star Singed
>Poison is cosmic dust
>Glue is a baby black hole.
Cosmic Kennen
>Turns into a star for W
>Ult is a meteor shower.
>Based off a single important star instead of a constellation.
>Shurikens are little galaxies.
Program Cassiopeia
>Top half is human
>Bottom half is snake like machine
>E's are little emails.
>Ult might also be blue screen of death.
I have six more pages of this. Lube your fucking asshole right now.
>Samefagging three times
(You) must really want this reply
I like bardx2, varus, huehue, kaiser, sahco and leona maybe
idk about your taste tho
>enemy locks in Quinn
>with ignite
Another free Gnar game.
> cassio skin
Makes me think
That cass skin id pay big money for it
>Haunted Doll Orianna
Orianna looks like a haunted ball-jointed doll!
Drop Niv, Kass, Leona, Rammus and Cho. Only get others if you play them regularly.
If you're feeling saucy keep Cho's around for two years and it will probably look fucking sick with his VGU
Stop avatarfagging.
i'll say GGEZ to fucktard NA kids till the day I die in every fucking vidya i'll play
cause when ur on NA it's a fucking fact it's GGEZ FAGGOTS
Wew. Time to leave moms basement.
Kira Yoshikage
P: Quiet Life
>When Kira is unseen by the enemy team, he gains Quiet Life. While Quiet Life is active, Kira's next ability will deal up to 15% additional damage, scaling with level. Quiet Life has a cooldown that scales on level as well.
Q: First Bomb: Killer Queen
>Kira resets his auto attack, dealing magic damage and applying spell effects while marking the target. Kira can reactivate the First Bomb to deal additional damage to the marked target in a small area of effect. If he chooses to not detonate the bomb, some cooldown is refunded.
W: Second Bomb: Sheer Heart Attack
>Kira releases Sheer Heart Attack. SHA chases the nearest champion, detonating when reaching a certain distance from its target. SHA stops briefly before detonating. The detonation applies a minor slow. SHA has hp = to 20% of Kira's hp, and can be attacked by enemy champions and minions. Damage and cc dealt to SHA are reflected back onto Kira, but with diminished effects. SHA moves slower the further away from Kira it travels, similar to Victor ultimate.
E: Stray Cat
>Kira unleashes Stray Cat and launches a bubble in a line skillshot. He can recast to detonate the bubble early. The bubble deals more damage the farther it travels. Damage is based on the level of Q.
R: Third Bomb: Bites the Dust
>Kira places Bites the Dust on an unsuspecting minion/monster (lvl 6), epic monster (lvl 11), or allied champion (lvl 16). When an enemy champion gets within a certain distance to the affected target or if activated by Kira, Bites the Dust activates, dealing magic damage in a moderate radius that scales with Kira's missing health. After detonation, Kira gains permanent Quiet Life for several seconds.
would /lolg/ play?
>Kira champion
don't even need to read, fuck yes i would play it
i read it though
Why is she white in this picture?
Because it's almost impossible to get good Karma smut, you take what you can get.
she got washed before the picture was taken
Dragon Knight Mordekaiser
Heartseeker Varus
Josh please leave
she's not black nigger, she's caramel nigger
more like poo in the loo nigger, not african nigger
Sir Loup
A knight who fought a demon in which he landed a killing blow during a killing curse which left him malformed and turned part of him ethereal
p: at deaths door
gain movement speed based on missing hp
they say you should take life's troubles in stride, some have a longer stride than others
q: eroding blade
the knight targets an enemy and deals a moderate nuke to both himself and an aoe at the target
The End does not care which blood is spilt, but rather how much
w: ethereal walk
stand still at your current location and gain % damage resistance and become immune to cc unable to attack, while controlling an ethereal projection that has increased movement speed. at the end of the duration you are moved to your projection. can go over terrain.
step into the ethereal, and experience true freedom
e: phantom edge
enchant your weapon so the next x auto attacks scaling with level deal extra magic damage and apply a slow, allies who attack a target afflicted gain a short burst of speed
an enchantment that inflicts biting cold to enemies while heating up allies fervor of battle
r: soul reave
melee range target ability that swaps percentage health with an enemy or ally
the demon's curse has imparted knowledge to the knight of which you hold most dear
99% of people in this thread have spent between 500-1000 dollars on a F2P game.
>People still treat Teemo like a meme champion
>Want to learn swain
>He's due a VGU soon
>Probably huge rework like galio
>Won't feel the same after
What are the chances he stays the same sort of like warrick?
Hopefully his gameplay will include more than just pressing R and running around like a fucking faggot. Fuck Swain.
Orsino, the Pathfinder
Passive: Trailblazer, Orsino periodically leaves behind markers on the walls of the rift, they grant vision in a small area and give him a stacking buff to movement speed so long as they are left in tact, markers can be revealed by control wards and sweeping trinkets and decay over a long period of time. Killing a monster camp reduces the cooldown of this passive.
Q: Close Quarters, Orsino draws his sword losing attack range but gaining armor and on hit damage equal to 3% of the targets max health for 12 seconds, reactivating this ability will end its duration early.
W: Lawbringer, Passively Orsino gains bonus gold from collecting bounties on other champions and killing large monsters, actively Orsino vaults a small distance moving over terrain and units.
E: Orsino draws back his bow channeling the next shot, he can move at a reduced rate until he releases and fires an arrow which collides with the first enemy champion hit, pushing them back a short distance if they collide with a wall they are rooted for 1 second. Damage and distance increase the longer this ability is channeled. If used while his Q is active Orsino will heft his blade channeling and then releasing it in a vortex around him dealing aoe dmg and slowing all enemies within the vortex.
Orsino's ultimate ability is Salvation, Orsino channels for four seconds creating an aoe large zone around him that grants truesight within the zone and gives him and his allies within the zone 100% bonus movement speed for seven seconds this bonus begins to slowly decay upon leaving the aoe.
if you somehow end up here go to
don't be that autist that's going to bump this shit for hours
>Ahri doesn't land a single spell
>presses W and R
>ADC and support dead, runs away safely
sivir: slightly reworked
guardian angel for 2400 please
maw of malmortius for ___ please
Don't they make the patch notes videos anymore?
Sivir has a melee stance and is a jungler?
>200 posts early
>fuck it new thread
>/lolg/ proceeds to bump it 78 fucking times
nice meme
do you know what a rework is?
Just don't see the resemblance beyond the speed boost ulti
Sounds like Sivir, kindred and windranger from DotA rolled into one
I can see that, I just want a jungling ranger champ.
Post you main and a skin you'd like to see for them
>High Noon Lucian
Finally got 3 key fragments again, opened a box, got a Lion Dance Kog'maw skin shard
Meh, don't own the champion nor have any urge to want to play it, reroll the skin with two other shit skin shards I have
Got fucking world breaker nautilus
Not only do I not own that champion either, but I have even less of an urge to want to play it, and it's a shittier skin
I should've just bought Kog and used the shard...
>Battlecast Sejuani
>PROJECT Sejuani (Motorcycle Bristle)
>Winter Wonder Sejuani
>when the enemy top lane thinks they're smart for picking an adc into Nasus
dreadnova gp sounds like pure shit. his q almost sounds like a toy gun and his barrels and ult have no explosive sound to it
what a shame because the skin itself is nice
post slutty foxes
xth for Eve!
The best waifu!
Fluffier tails!
Breastier Breasts!
you stole this image from me
Yes please! Post as much Ahri as you can! I want everyone to be able to share some fun with my wife!
How do I deal with Quinn top? Please tell me. I have NO fucking idea what to do in this lane except literally nothing because I can't even walk up to my minion wave.
its just the q thats shit, rest is fine
would you let me fuck her whilst you watch?
kashaway had a custom high noon lucian in one of his videos, I thought it looked pretty good