Stay out PCucks Edition
Stay out PCucks Edition
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le gary face
What's his name again?
3nd for fuck the Cabal, pay me for my stuff
Fuck bungo
xth for 3/6 Crota checkpoint. Just looking to finish it, challenge mode not important.
Cayde-6? More like Cayde-SEX
Alright, if we get anybody, or if I scrounge up anyone, I'll send you invites.
Boner Raid, if any are left.
Fjord Ewe, Norwegian pilot extraordinaire.
>not Gaul or Ga'ul
Fucking Bungie doesn't even know their own naming schemes
Still got room my man?
I'm calling him gee-haul from now on.
Stupid bungo
Yup. Waiting for my group to get together so it might be a little bit still
>mfw console cucks think they own the general
Do you guys think any of our exotics will make an appearance in destiny 2?
Im not saying carrying over from the first game, I mean like a last word or suros regime and some other classics being obtainable again in destiny 2
I feel as if some of the iconic ones will probably appear again
Alright, pm me when you have it, I'm farming thrall for my husk
So the only ones confirmed dead so far are Rahool and Amanda. Nice!
>pc cucks still wont have exclusives
Ps4 owns this game, fuck off.
>Destiny 2 opening cutscene
>your character spawns into the Tower
>walks up to the vault
>scrolls through it, shows everything you owned at the end of D1
>vault explodes
>Gary approaches the ruins and taunts you
the cryptarch better be the first to fucking die
I swear to god if rahool is in the sequel...
It's spelled with two R's
Sounds good senpai
is rahool autistic? genuine unironic question. his obsession with categorizing and numbers is concerning.
And sweeper bot.
Pls no not my waifu
Rahool was behind the Cabal attack
>a million deaths are not enough
he's a big cabal
>PS4 gets some mediocre content for a limited time (a few exotics that are probably shit, a strike, a crucible map everyone hates)
>PC gets the definitive better gameplay forever (M+KB, probably a text chat system, ability to use non-shit VOIP solutions)
Really wrecks my tower.........
I'll come along if you've got room. I'm gonna farm for my husk in the meantime as well.
Because shit like zen meteor is SO good right?
Shard yourself peasant.
is that Sarah fucking palmar?
Pc fags are literally total cancer and I hope the pc version of destiny gets hacked to all fuck just like the division did. Enjoy getting one shot through walls in crucible.
>he never used hawkmoon in it's prime
sweet xcuck tears
>people are afraid of PCfags
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Alpha Team? Let alone defeat them. And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Zippy. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Noobish either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei PandoxR8 with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with ThunderTouch's Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
If the port does turn out to be shit then I'll just get it for my ps4 pro desu
> hacked to all fuck just like the division did
I (unfortunately) played the division. Hackers were a problem for a few weeks at launch, then I never ran into another one the next 3 months i played. Ubisoft is NOTORIOUS as the worst PC porter in the business, and it was still fine.
I'm not worried.
Reminder that even at the height of HC domination in year one, Thorn and TLW were better than RNGmoon
did we get invaded by horse people
5/6 if you join us. I'll send you a party invite in a sec
you thing Blizzard / Acti pushed them for PC?
i want to hold hands with rakishelias!
>do you think blizzard pushed for a competitor in the MMO market
no, i don't
>he doesn't use hawkmoon, 4th horseman for arc burn specialist pve, jade rabbit for ez mode pvp, etc
>not liking exodus blue, timekeeper, or icarus
Who is there to compete with?
WoW still rakes in the most subscribers out of any MMO on the market.
Most likely this came from Bungie, which means the port most likely won't be shit.
Glorious 1440p/144hz here we come.
The contract they signed in like 2010 stated Destiny 2 would be on PC
It was always gonna happen
yfw its locked at 1080p 60hz
So how easy is it to find a group for raids these days? I'd like to go through them again this weekend for old times sake.
That's the point, WoW has no competition.
Destiny is a MMO-ish game that could potentially take subs away from WoW. Blizzard would never push for Destiny PC.
It either game from Bungie cause they wanted to make it for PC, or more likely came from Activision to get more playerbase to make up for the loss of 360/ps3
there'll be plenty of wagies on the weekend
holy shit
I kind of want them to do that now
3 titans 3 hunters elite fireteam just breezed the maze
should I stream this potential shit storm?
We've been saying this for years dude
Twilight Gap was an inside job. Scorch cannons can't melt steel beams
>breezed through
>6/6 1 hour ago
lmao don't even bother
We did a no-Warlock run earlier tonight too and it went great
It is not a coincidence
>caring about graphics
nah fuck that. I'd play it on PC if it had WORSE graphics on PC. The control scheme, text chat and ease of multitasking are far more important to me
You act like text chat would be PC exclusive
k, we'll wait 5 minutes for you to type out 1 sentence peasant
It might as well be? On console you've got to deal with 5 wpm on screen keyboard. Even if you DO get a keyboard to plug into your console, it's still less convenient to use a seperate peripheral to chat and play, and the majority of people you're trying to chat with will be using the 5 wpm on screen keyboard.
Be realistic senpai
don't know why they didn't put it on console
keyboards work on them
would be a quick way to send information
Mic-less shitter, detected
>emblems don't carry over to Destiny 2
>pre-order and get an emblem
It's bait, don't reply to it.
Pretty good MOTW this week
we farmed husks first you donut.
starting ir yut
>Live in third world shithole
>Can't buy the Limited Edition because international shipping from GameStop is fucking expensive and doesn't cover import fees and taxes
>Amazon covers those but doesn't have the LE, and it also can't ship the Collector's Edition internationally even if I wanted to buy it
This country just isn't a place for gaming. Specially if you want the cool limited stuff.
5/6 for Crota checkpoint no challenge
Pm if interested
Actually I have a $100 microphone, peasant.
Stay poor.
>what is usb keyboard
>be realistic
Wafrrame has been successful with a console chat.
Yeah they must both be stealth marketing by activision
>i love arachnids
made me lol
Does anyone need the NF or want to run CoE on Ps4?
Any xbox users out there looking to run CE? I wanna get my Necrochasm
>mfw reading all the salt of this general today
>mfw consolecucks finally getting their just desserts for bullying ps3/360 owners for years
Get fucked peasants
Me and neb are looking.
Unless neb died.
We would still need 3 more though.
Wait, so during the reveal streams for AoT (I didn't watch them so this is why I'm asking before anyone tries to get smart) did they say whether Trials of Osiris shit will instaunlock or no? Because yes, Lighthouse does but what about the rest?
>mfw not bothered at all about the PC release
This general needs new blood anyways.
Just biding my time. Surge soon.
no, they said the only one that will unlock is the Lighthouse one. the rest have to be re-earned.
ok, name is GoldenDragonC4D
>reearning wrecking ball
nah senpai
Ok thanks.
Who's in the fireteam?
Why not? Isn't it just for you individually killing the entire enemy team?
no, its you completely reaming the enemy team for 5 rounds straight
Neb and I, atm.
And maybe c4d.
I vaguely remember the name.
Neb appears to remember more than I.
So far?
It doesn't happen unless I'm "carrying" lfg shitters which rarely happens because I usually play with /dg/
so is that a yes or a no because i honestly can't tell anymore