Now that the dust has settled, what does Veeky Forums think of the zipper merge? To me...

Now that the dust has settled, what does Veeky Forums think of the zipper merge? To me, it seems like an interstate pileup waiting to happen.

the zipper merge and doggos are the only 2 good things left in this world

This has been the normal, courteous way to drive forever.

Zipper merge is the best way. It o ly works if every creeps along and actually does it.

What really happens is people dont leave room and block out people in the right lane. so everything gets fucked up.

as someone who moved from NY to NC recently, the south seem to find it "impolite" to use the whole lane when a merge is down the road. this merge, if nothing else, will allow more of the opened section of road to be used.

>Now that the dust has settled
What major event regarding the zipper merge happened somewhat recently?

It's slowly making its way across America. No real settling of dust.

idk about you guys but muricans are tard drivers for the most part here and wont let people in trying to merge on the right lane when it is backed up and they arent smart enough to zip and they think it's rude when you try to skip ahead and merge cause the fat fucks down south treat everything like a cafeteria and no cutting in line ya hear

I don't think common sense can be applied in the US. Even here you will have the occasional Turk who won't let you merge in, can only imagine what would happen in truck land.

It's better but doesn't work here in CA because no one fucking wants to let people in and it just causes more traffic. If you pay close attention a lot of drivers don't even look around them, they just stare straight ahead when they're not looking at their phones

The theory is sound and effective. The people that don't learn about it, or don't care about it, tend to fuck it up. It has gotten better. I used to see folks pull halfway into the ending lane to stop folks from passing. That seems to have faded. Now it is just assholes who try to zip two or three cars at a time instead of doing it one at a time like you're supposed to.

The problem with both methods is that people are entitled dicks.

The zipper is easier to muscle your way in, because where the fuck else are you gonna go, so I use it whenever there isn't a huge gap.

This won't ever happen because people are assholes and don't want another car in front of them while they get cucked by traffic jams. The best way to change how people adopt this would be to have the police stand by and fine anyone who doesn't abide by the pattern. They will pull them over right in the spot so that the offender loses time and the people behind them will be taught a lesson.

>put cops at the end of a bottleneck
>everyone's now driving 3 mph

Good job!

>This won't ever happen

That's funny because it happens in literally every other civilized country on earth outside of the US and seems to work just fine.

Zippers only work if there's space for the tooth to go into

You seem to imply that the US are civilized to begin with, when in reality they're savages that have acquired wealth through a chain of lucky circumstances.

>impatient faggots trying to cut in front of me after I've been waiting like everyone else

You're not required to let people in in Ontario and every trucker or other professional/career driver you meet here will defend this until the day they die. It's never going to happen here

Keep telling yourself that yuropoor

I live in a 3rd world shithole and zipper merge always work. It's just common decency.

>I don't think common sense can be applied in the US.
You've already read in various threads year after year in Veeky Forums from people who _deliberately_ don't allow anyone to merge just for lol or because they don't feel like it.

Works perfectly in every country that isn't burgerland.

So how do we make it work in Burgerland?

It makes no sense. The amount of cars able to travel at one time remains the same regardless of where they merge. The real problem is people who blatantly ignore the fact that the left lane is designed to pass people and after the pass is completed you should return to the right lane.

On some of our freeway onramps in Blortland OR we have a light system that forces zipper merge during peak hours. Two lines form, then the lights alternate between them, letting one driver go at a time. It's goofy but it has the knock-on effect of making people used to zipper merging, so they do it almost everywhere else.


The benefit is pretty much completely negligible and not worth the life-threatening danger of giving the average driver anything vaguely complex to do or think about while driving.

I don't let people merge based on their car choices. I live in the Bay Area, and I'll let exotics in because they're kind of cool, but any tech bro driving an M or an AMG can suck my dick. Also don't let in any brotrucks. Sue me.

That would be a great idea if people can actually fucking drive in this god-forsaken country

if you have your turn signal on, ill most likely let you in.

This, people on Veeky Forums drive like absolute cunts

REE WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THESE FUCKING HICKS? I was driving through West Virginia and I had to merge and some faggot with a truck pulled out in front of me. Why do you guys do this?

It helps traffic. When I slow down and encourage a zipper merge (by letting in one person and discouraging the other one behind them) the other drivers usually notice and will attempt it also. It really just takes one person to show them that they will have a chance to merge and then they'll get out of the mode where they just want to fight their way in like with the early merge.

This. There's one on my way to work and surprisingly people actually do the zipper thing and it flows more or less smoothly.

NO, when I let people merge, I sometimes have angry people behind me honking at me. SOME competitive people just want a dog eat dog world I guess.

if some places don't use the zipper merge, what do you guys use instead? There's an alternative?

I actually pay attention to road signs and know most of the roads I drive on. I try to be in the correct lane before it merges.

Some fuckheads always fly by in the lane ending doing 10 mph over the speed limit and expect to get in when they can tell everyone is merging.
>Traffic is stopped on the left
>Fuck'em I'll just drive around them even though I can tell everyone is getting over and force my way in at the last second
>I wonder why there isn't more road rage than there already is

It's shit.
It's not like you can actually fit more cars in the same space, they have to be the same distance apart from each other to merge as they do if they're already merged into the same lane.

I'm guessing you're one of those stupid cunts that merges way before you actually have to, causing more congestion in the moving lane, right?

>Taking away a lane of traffic
>Me knowing to be in the lane not merging because I drive the fucking road every day
More congestion? Fuck off m8.

Auspoor detected. That would explain why you don't understand how traffic works. Go eat some spiders and die in a bushfire.

>>Taking away a lane of traffic
the traffic is the same distance apart whether you're already merged or maintaining space for the person next to you to zipper in.
there is no added congestion. you can't magically fit more cars into the same amount of linear space just because they are next to you diagonally instead of directly in front of you

meant for this dumbass


This still works if each car in the left lane allows one (1) car to merge from the right lane. But as other posters said, people are entitled or retarded.

>Zipper merge is the best way.
Too many people here are used to aggressive work situations. So when they are on the freeway, they behave the same way with selfish aggressive driving. To them, the merge is to race all the way to the front of the merge where the road ends. They then force their way into the merge. They know the way the collision laws are written, the person that CHOOSES to hit the car is guilty, thus you are legally force to let them in because if you continue to move forward and hit their car that has wedged into the gap, you will be guilty.

Some people merge at offramps like this.

Instead of getting into the right lane where the cars are going to the offramp, they zoom forward in the left lane to where the off ramp is. Then they wedge their nose into the gap and force their way into line. Again, if you choose to hit them, you are the one cited by the police as being at fault. That's because the biggest crime is when you deliberately choose to hit someone with your car. That trumps their merge, that trumps their jaywalking, that trumps their giving the finger at you. If you choose to hit someone, you get the blame. So they merge successfully at the head of the line.