How would you invest $250,000?

how would you invest $250,000?

put it all on black.

I'd buy land.

In my business

Dis dick cuz.

buy bitcoins

buy as many lottery tickets as I can

Like right now? Coffee.. up 30% in one year, not going down anytime soon.

Sorry leaf, I think you're looking for

Pay off student loans then invest in an aassortment of ETFs

Considering how our real estate market is I'd say don't buy into that. If I had some cash I'd invest in silver tbqh since the maple dollar is donna crash and burn real soon.

a tank and a bunker

lel, leaf got deported from /pol/

In index funds.

hookers and blow

Guns, land, food, bitcoins, and 2 girls at the same time.

That's assuming I'd ever have 250,000, hell I'm lucky if I have 250 right now. Fuck


short term bonds, gold, non-hedged foreign equity

Index Fund.

Anything else is gambling.

Start a small business fucking easy m8

>small business
Don't do this in America. It's an oligarchy where large corporations have influenced politics in such a way to benefit them and screw over competition.

Wrong there is still plenty of opportunity I know for a fact if I had 250k start up capital I would quadruple it

Straight into my lab

i would live a nice and steady life

>100k property and house (or 100k down)
>130k index funds (4% rule gives 5k/year)
>20k emergency fund/ play money
Retire at 700k in investments, fuck 250k would be a hell of a good start.


where's your ID?

it's going to be shill after shill pretending to be a different user all over again

What's this kneepad meme?

Nevermind I guess you want bruised up kneepads

buy a better computer, pay for driving lessons and a cheap car, and then put the rest in the bank and only use it for rent payments.

Bruised up knees*

Aren't you a piece of shit then

Penny stocks :^)

Dividend stocks



Buy a house, have someone pay me to rent it.

t. mark maloney

would buy golden kneepads

1 berkshire hathaway stock

I'd put most into various index etfs and put the rest into riskier investments. iPod or something.

$250k couldn't buy shit in the way of houses here.

buy a house and have a decent amount of rental income off it for the rest of my life

No I'm job looking :(

1000 bitcoin leveraged

I am not sure if it is enough but raising an own Hedgefonds would be great... some state Investments, CDAs and such stuff

>investing in ipod

That's not how it works. Teen detected.

BTC.... duh

I'm so fucking tired of noobs who always write the same fucking shit of threads about how to invest X money or how to become rich. Read the fucking old threads faggot.

Was meant to say IPOs but my phone thought otherwise.

$50k liquid cash
$50k stocks
$50k metals
$50k bonds
$50k into a house (this wouldn't be my first choice but gf would insist)


Right now i would've probably put it all on RNVA.

A house or else savings for rent is not a bad investment.

i think it's a shit investment right here right now.
housing prices jumped 50% due to gov policy dumping money on the housing market. they will get back to normal or well below in 5-7 years most likely.

open a forex account and trade


Water would be good too

that would be about 450 a month in some REIT funds. Not bad for doing nothing really. You could probably do about as decently in a total stock index.

probably a business that requires a lot of money from consumers and is used a lot. ie hotels in highly populated countries.


all paper money will be worthless

500 acres of timberland in northern Maine.

Can it pay for its self through logging, renting to hunters, etc?

But what would you do with the land.

are you retarded

>what assets would you buy with 250k?

.75 cords per year in timber growth @ apx $100/cord

hire sluts and fuck them on camera
use the videos to start a porn site

at the point where paper money loses value your ownership of anything will be meaningless. you think you own land? hah! the robber baron with more hired guns will own the land.

Bet on souljaboy for the celebrity boxing match

>have enough money to buy a house 100%down
>rent payments

250k is enough for a three story 1200 sq ft 4 bedroom 3 bathroom house in Midwest usa