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This pic suddenly reminds me of the Summer Jeanne speculations last summer in GBF and now I just realize why its an actual possibility, huh
Updated art link where?
True. It was always also better to go first in Seraph mirrors since you're prone to auto-winning unless they have Odin on t8. Moreover, I have a 80% winrate on Dshift mirrors going first.
It's not that strange, really. Going second is better when the wincons aren't so clear and the matchup is unclear such as with T2.
Only Walfrid can bring the fight to the commie hordes.
I hope the meta stabilizes soon, I fucking hate going up against like six different decks. How am I supposed to try to counter anything like that, it's just luck based bullshit
has anyone had any luck with cannon memes? the more I play it the more I'm convinced it's shit.
>turn 5 do nothing
>bad against aggro
>shut down by bahamut
>shut down by lightning blast
>shut down by aegis
Thank you
Friendly reminder to ignore the namefag for a nice and comfy thread.
No it and commander banner are shit, maybe less when gawain is released
There is no way this is okay
Its our time to shine shadowbros, get cucked swordfags and dragonfags
Anybody doing well with aggrorune/mutagenic bolts/aegis?
Also new D-Shift is just adding Lous, right? What did you cut?
Good luck about that.
>How am I supposed to try to counter anything like that, it's just luck based bullshit
You can't. It has been designed to be this way. If you want less RNG, you shouldn't be playing card games which are inherently about randomness and should perhaps seek out more skill-based decks where practice can take you far and you can actually have bigger room to adapt for bad matchups. Basically, combat reaction-based games with matchups like pvp arena action, shooting or fighting games.
>I fucking hate going up against like six different decks.
Isn't this what everyone asked for?
>1x Lightning Blast
>2x Frozen Mammoth
We are getting Walfrid sleeves right? He will be the only one who can compete with Magisa.
Lets be real, Tempest of gods was a mistake
>Midrange archetype is straight up dead, it was killed by shitload of wards and heals printed in this expansion
>Cards like Daria and alberto went from 100 to 0 in spawn of two seconds
>Dragon got his dick sucked harder than anything else with le ebin ramp and heal legendary
>Forest on other hand got some absolutely retardedly garbage cards that dont do shit and moved to joke tier
>In fact most of matches now are literally dick contest (whoever has greedier deck wins)
>Heavenly aegis is straight up retarded card that should not exist
>Blood snakes are simply broken thanks to blood moon and belphegor
>Hyper aggro gets shit on by retarded amount of heals and wards
Jesus christ how did cygajews fucked up so hard?
You really want to know? In Ramp, you need to spend your early turns ramping up anyway or establishing defenses and Frozen Mammoth basically does nothing until 2-3 turns later
The immense value later does not matter if you cant survive early
someone post cblood deck
sent ;)
commander banner seemed ok when I was testing it. aside from gawain I think the best new sword card is luminous mage.
we will crush sword pig dogs like watermelons!
>Dragon with Purgatory and SahaLucy
Lucifer I can understand but ????????????
x Lightning Blast
x Frozen Mammoth
Post a good list
Could you please post your decklist?
Only idiots and casuals want diversity
>Darkness Evolved
>get every emblem except the one I really want (Pascale)
>Rage of Bahamut
>get every emblem except the one I really want (Nep)
>Tempest of the Gods
>get every emblem...
Nice reddit post friend
Upvoted so I can follow the comment thread
Make sure to buy packs from the new expansion in three months
God damn aggro necro is fucking insane now. I don't really feel bad for not getting any of the essential shadow cards right now.
Get fucked aegis shitters
Weekend Tourney #4 today:
Fuck, I want this card purely for the emblem.
If a deck exists, than somebody has tried to put PtP in it.
>I fucking hate going up against like six different decks
And all with different flavours of bullshit combos or finishers, right?
That's basically the Modern Format in MTG.
Except you're not playing with $500 - $1000 decks thought.
I see very clear that the Devs vision was to create a "soft Modern" format with this expansion, with less floodgates and no counter spells.
I play MTG in real life so Im used to it, but I understand that people that have never played in such formats might feel really out of place.
what's wrong with her mouth
has anyone tried using arriet in frog meme decks? I didn't open any and I'm running low on vials.
The current state of forestcraft: losing to runecraft decks running goblin
When I get another I'll give it a whirl with 3 ironwrought fortresses so I can contest aggro and boost officers to contest the board and kill fast enough to beat out aegis.
IGN: Let’s talk a little about Tempest of the Gods and the direction gameplay is going. What do you and the rest of the team want to change with the release of ToG? What are the key things with this expansion?
>Yuito Kimura: The game will be a lot slower than now and it will take more turns to finish the game, so different cards will see more play compared to the current environment. When it comes to the moment when you actually manage to finish the game, the actual impact will be bigger, is what we’re expecting. And we have a couple of cards that utilise the class mechanics, like Necromancy and Vengeance, so it’ll be important to effectively use your class’ unique mechanics.
IGN: So is this shift to a slower style of game a direct response to the team feeling the game was too fast? Or is it just time for a change? To have a different direction?
>Yuito Kimura: It was more the latter, we wanted to introduce something new, and matches that take a long time is not something we wanted from the start. It’ll be harder for new players to start playing if it takes too long to play. This is something that we had in mind from the very start – to make the game quite fast-paced in the beginning, and then later on introduce more slower cards and abilities.
IGN: A lot of people say that control decks are more difficult to play, but I personally think there are strong arguments that aggro can be just as difficult. Is there going to be a place for aggro in this meta?
>Yuito Kimura: Not so much. The overall pace might be slower, but there will be some aggro decks that survive through it.
IGN: The reactions to some of the card reveals online have been pretty crazy. Heavenly Aegis and Lightning Blast, for instance.
>Yuito Kimura: But once you actually play those cards, you realise that they aren’t as super strong as you expected them to be.
>Aegis not strong
Uh Shadowbabs?
nothing, but her head is kind of big
Do not reply to the namefag
So if I use vials to create a Legendary, will I still get the icon?
>lightning blast
>not strong
Aggro is dead outside of Shadow and only because of sticky followers. You better start investing on midrange decks because the game is pushing for longer games now and the odds are against you.
Would anyone help me with the 20 private match achievement? Need 16 more complete games to finish it.
Room number: 99043
4/20 matches completed
First to go wins and the Second to go loses.
Aegis is fucking useless if you win before them. Simple strategy
They're not wrong. The card itself isn't strong. Haven, however, has always been the best control deck with great utility.
My list is a standard one.
Its only insanse if you get Prince Catacomb on 3 and even then you can still get fucked over by wards.
Midrange is better.
Us and everyone else. It's not like anybody actually wants to play her.
Fuck Have and Fuck Aegis.
This deck has so many board floods that sometimes they just run out board wipes.
After two florals, a Luminous and Otohime, this Haven just didn't have anything left to stop the Walfrid play.
I remember reading that. It was interesting and I wish they did these more often.
Except Modern didn't change that often (until wizards went full retard with the banlist) and MTG has a sideboard.
Play midrange or accept rock paper scissors. Welcome to card games.
Are there going to be more alternative cards like fem quickblader and AGRS?
>admits Owlcat is only for memes
>still doesn't make a owlcat sleeve
What the fuck Cygames
Quick question, has anyone tried out aegis+that card that gives it +2 and ward? I'm assuming it doesn't work, but I'd figure I'd ask since I didnt' hear anyone try it.
Midrange was killed by this expansion though
same here. feels good mang. the deck didn't even change that many cards.
Trying to make a Laura Bloodcraft deck, but it just ended up looking like my Snek deck without the Sneks. Makes me question why I would just take out my soft win condition for no reason.
I thought it died last expansion.
Don't have an aegis to use with power of protection
Baph-azazel+laura+razory otk
Does anyone have a Wolfbolt deck?
I fucking hate Grimnir, it's such a bullshit card
No I was mainly playing midrange dragon and midrange blood in ROB and I was doing just fine against most decks, but now they are useless, you cannot do anything against retarded overpowered ramp dragon and control blood on steroids.
Pulled an animated Heavenly Aegis and Minthe from all the free packs. Any meme I can do with these, and any other Legendary I should craft right now?
No. Literally nobody in 3 months has a wolf deck. Nowhere in existence has one.
Yeah, Everyone's a worse haven now. It was bad enough having to play around 3 def, now you have to play around 4 def with is also most of your midrange followers that you use to use up all your pp with
Turn 10 do everything
I did not say I did not wish to face those decks. I was merely telling that Anonymous Person that he couldn't play one deck to counter everything. He needs to embrace matchups. I invite you to re-read his comment and mine as to get a better grasp on the conversation that ensued.
What would the rest of the deck be structured like though? Aggro backup plans or pure control?
>I thought it died last expansion.
""""""""Midrange""""""""" sword was virtually the most consistent deck.
what's wrong with her dragon's mouth
How do I play Nep now? Everything cucks her.
>your board has to constantly teeter above 5 health or you get cleared by chuuni man of winds
The damage it does to your face just makes it even worse
Tell me user, have you tried the spiciest meme in the town?
t. knife ear
Is this Forte-chan apprentice?
Thanks, Urias!
Room number: 99043
5/20 matches completed
First to go wins and the Second to go loses.
post >yfw you saw Grimnir doing face damage with its enhance
>play T2 to get a feel of the new cards
>Had to drop Owlcat for tempo
>Sword runs his 1/1 knight into Owlcat, only for him to get eaten
>cue a pause before he exclaims his surprise
I see people are still getting used
You know what i meant faggot
I kinda like early game expansion.
Everyone been tyring new meme deck minus previous expansion deck and I can't even be mad when I'm losing.
>be a datamining user
>had a whole day with no connectivity and could only post that one post in that 24+ hours
>already burned through multiple threads in a single day
>shadow is actually alive
What happened?
I love how low IQ Swordfags are and need to wait months for a netdeck to come out when a new expansion drops.
Probably control. If you include meme peddler, you can black mask him for 6pp, baphomet him for a mary combo. Something's gonna stick and kill them.
>tfw your first 12 dmg grimnir of the season
Says room id is invalid. You still there?
And you know what I meant. Go look them up and go from there.
Skeletons happened
What a fucking meme.
>Says room id is invalid. You still there?
Yes, Room says, 99043. If worst comes to worst, I could just refresh and start a new private room.
Cerb got cut off.
Get rekt sword. Dirt rune is unga now.
shadow can only aggro now
>10 turns 0 frogs
>have to kill with a fucking ninja master
Don't have the deck but I like attendant over skele knight. People are allergic to hitting him and maybe othrus will force them to trade at a loss for a stronger payoff
It's early post-release
Still says it doesn't exist