League of Legends General - /lolg/

Stay positive

OLD eyosongive.us

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night lolgen.

xth for Rumble

xth for Syndra

>tfw no irl lux gf

Explain yourself Kayle mains

>duo that askes you to group so you can help fight four fed champions that they've had a hand in feeding
>that when you do go to group
>they go to your lane, take your cs and feed your 0/10 enemy laner

fuck sake

comfy bfs~

fuck autofill

hi again
what games do you play while waiting for queue or when not playing league?

x Zed

I'm bad at this game.

Is there anyhope for me?

>you're there purposely

yeah, probably.


Only other game I'm naturally good at because card games are fucking easy and brainless so I can sit and stomp idiots for hours, feels good. I like to win an Hearthstone gives me cheap wins often.

>three seasons
>still bronze

Post sions




i only play league
in queue i watch memes or shitpost

>tfw first account i made has been stuck in silver for 5 seasons
>account i mess about with shit builds is plat 5

Then agian, plat is just green silver.

Who has some more EleLux cosplays? This one's particularly cute actually. Who has more of her?

Q - osu or Hollow Knight atm. Quick and fun stuff.
Not playing league - Finishing up Nier:Automata and gonna start RE7 or Furi.

How would you feel if league was more like dota?


point and click is boring, and dota has shit animations and colours, fuck that noise man

No you fukcing idiot, you are 0/12, fed your ass of to the enemy top laner

ff im afk

i'd kms

Wait, who the hell made that image?

>Rune control
>No scaling on abilities with items
>Raw base damage
>Almost everyskill can be a ground target skillshot

My main Sion would probably pretty strong for teamfights.

I would much rather be autofilled to support than adc. Seriously, fuck playing adc.


Jeif Mayt: wawit what
Jeif Mayt: draven
Jeif Mayt: support?
Jeif Mayt: like fuk you dude
A player left champ select. Your group was returned to matchmaking.
You are now back in a chat room with just your premade.

How many times a day Zyra uses her tentacles to pleasure herself?

Diablo 3, or Stardew Valley depending on queue length.

>its storming outside
>you are inside nice warm and comfy
>suddenly hear knock at the door
>open it and see pic related

wat do?





Lock her in my basement, keep her drenched to weaken her fire powers


There is some shit in dota that I like ( Items, and the "once every one is super no one is" balance design where you just make every hero over the top and broken so it evens out)

but mostly I think Dota players have baby duck syndrome and a lot of the shit in that game I would hate to see adapted into league (Turn Speed/Deny/Runes/Couriers/teleport scrolls).

>tfw always recognize this as the DawnXBuizel gif poorly shooped over

fuck I feel old

>Aatrox is intelligence hero

Fuck her

Yeah there were a few on their that confused me, Nasus being intelligence but Yorick not, Kindred being intelligence and not agility.

Who else /prefertoplaysolo/?
Starting to think im the only one thats this anti social

called the cops

>no Bork or IBG in that pic
>no Spirit Vis

is galio good now?

prefer to play solo? or plays solo because you have no one to play with?


visage is of course a must build, but it's not quite as insanely broken on trundle as titanic hydra

gauntlet is a meme, and so is bork

i prefer solo because i can chill and listen to music without my mouthbreather friends sperging in voice comms
it does wonders to my mental health


enjoy rotting in jail when the black vans come

would you choke your waifu without her consent

this one is good

is my other one good?

>Enemy team has two duos
>I'm camped top by top and jungle
>botlane is getting its shit pushed in by the duo
>midlane is pretty much even
>we ultimately lose because nobody can exert enough pressure anywhere
>no duos on my team

why the fuck is this a thing.

Do you not like sheen on him?

Is there some autistic J4 main I can watch so I'm not so dog shit with J4 anymore.

My original main champion and I have no idea how to build him now.

>survive lane as vayne vs draven. people try to force something bot and he double kills them. lose
>jg and mid try the same gank 7 times, get double killed every single time. lose
>same thing but top lane. lose
>top decides to attempt to play second jungler and loses his inner tower at 10 minutes. lose
>team doesnt respect the fact that ivern gets to gank 24/7. lose
For the first time in my life I am mad at videogames.

king nidhogg

>kill my laner
>ping my duo who is playing ivern
>tell them river is warded and they should lane gank through top
>ignores me completely.

>enemy support picks melee champion
>just pick Lulu
>just poke him until either leaves lane or dies while my adc farms
Have people figured out Lulu is better Janna yet?

explain what you gaygay? i don't give a fuck about muh lcs big plays cuz it's a flashy mobility champion. is her kit boring? hell yeah it is, pretty much a ranged tryndamere without gap closer.
at least her kit doesn't have any of the most bullshit cancerous aspects aka true damage, stupid mobility, %max hp damage, hard cc, delet enemy in 0.05 seconds,and other shit you gayfags are always complaining about.
her theme is also cool af, even though pretty much only her ult and her stupid heal makes you feel like some sort of angel.
>muh highest winrate
yeah no shit, that's because pretty much only autistic dedicated mains actually play her since her kit is so boring for other people. and good luck playing against anyone with half a brain, because you're going to get camped and abused as soon as you don't have your aa up, potentially feeding the enemy team and costing you the game.
just leave my comfyangel alone pls, riot barely remembers she exists anyway and will probably only touch her again in 2020 and give her all the bullshit that new champions have nowadays.

stop playing so many different champs you memelord

All champions you landed a kda of 4 or better: play them again until you have 5 games of each

all champs you got over 50% winrate on: you're free to play them

all others: don't play again until a buff

place your scaling hp seals on all your pages except the ADC one

What the fuck are these AP marks? You own Mpen marks, what the heck is your excuse for putting ap marks in a page?

What the fuck are these mastery pages? Each champion has its own mastery page, that can change depending on the matchup, or even on the enemy team comp, or even on your own team comp, discard all those pages, and use op.gg or a similar site to make a good mastery page when you've decided which champ to play




there is always hope but seriously do all what I told you above and it'll be just fine.

Yes and when is she getting nerfed.

I always soloqueue so that nobody may meme about me not deserving a rank

dynamic queue was a bigger mistake than the pandora box

only if she asked me to

bc + tit hydra until nerfs

>play jungle
>all lanes feed
>play top
>jungle is useless and other lanes feed
>play mid
>everyone dies to invisible junglers because they don't understand to back when low
>play adc
>support feeds trying to make 'big plays'
>play support wukong
>carry the game
Wew lad fuck this game

>tfw no manly adc near me to support him while I slowly become his personal healslut cocksleeve

Why even live.

Never tried sheen, but i dont really think that any build with sheen items in it is going to be as effective as titanic into full tank. Rushing sheen makes you very vulnerable, and is a much worse option than bami's cinder if you're taking grasp of the undying. The problem with trinity is that it costs way too much gold and makes it incredibly easy to kite you and kill the shit out of you, and ibg just doesn't give you enough things to make it a good purchase. (since you already have two slows and a displacement in your kit.)

But above all of that, they fall off quite hard towards the lategame (along with bork).

While the rule with titanic trundle is that you always scale as hard (if not harder) than the enemy does.

>tfw working on my adc skills so I can flirt with and carry cute slutty boys

feeks gud man

does anyone else find starting the game in legacy client to be a hassle?

suggest me a fun build for elise.

post ign qtie

>mfw I find it hotter without the wig

am I turning gay

here's a webm of you

>No Soraka

Shit roll

how does that even happen?

I'm not done with you yet, maggot
Never buy thornmail as a single armor item
Never buy frozen mallet when you can buy randuin instead
Frozen heart is a garbage item and you didn't have Redemption on that thresh game
Don't play botlane support ivern ever again
I don't want to see a single more frozen hearth in your inventory especially when you get it after already having a RoA

You're dismissed

based gay taste bro

mid-length is top tier for cuteboys

>get turned on by the idea ofg fucking a tiny asian boy
>"am I gay?"

I wonder you fucking faggot.

that kid is an offie. pretty sure he's actually autistic.

>king gay doesn't like long haired girly boys


Time to get that haircut I guess.


Remember when Riot began their slow process of changing perfectly fine champions for the sake of it, introducing some of the worst patches in League history and ruining the game slowly and steadily

Remember release Gangplank rework

>Orbiting an underage beaner

your life has sunk very far my lad

>S5 Worlds
It was hilarious and sad that Riot managed to fuck up that hard.

aha ya dont gotta change how you look to impress be buddy, Ezreal is just my ideal husbando

I think if you act qt thats all I need~

im not fucking underage you fuckin gay

>Red side was forced to ban Mordekaiser or get a free auto loss

Never forget, what a shitshow.

Fuck off, this game is straight up trash. 'Pros' and streamers literally get accounts that have unfair perks, such as dealing more damage to other players and taking less damage as well.

I've just straight up copied a pros build, watched a video of them fighting a match up I don't like and it went the complete opposite for me, as per usual.

>Oh look, he dodges a q from darius then goes in and just autos him down and forces him to flash
>Try the same thing in my game
>Dodge his q, walk in and start attacking
>Darius just stands there and out traded me

>"lol just dodge the q xD"
>Dodge an attack which has enormous range in both length and width which has a 5 second cooldown
>"lol just run away from it tho xD"
>Yes let's just run away from it when he's fast as fuck and always catches up to me to clip me with it

Utter fucking trash game.
Utter trash champ
Utter trash balance

love this pasta


Don't remember the exact stats P/B stats for GP and Morde at Worlds, but they were some shit like 99.6% and 100%. Most of that came just because they were getting banned.
Then there was that one game where they didn't pick or ban one of them.

Shut up.

B-but I needed a haircut anyway, since my current hairstyle looks retarded since I just let it grow and grow.

Thanks, coach.

Could you stop

>exact stats P/B stats
I need to get myself some sleep.

>gimme dat T H I C C Akali

apparently the general consensus is that mines retarded so wed be a matching pair~

>'Pros' and streamers literally get accounts that have unfair perks, such as dealing more damage to other players and taking less damage as well.
you mean runes

It's like watching two ugly ducklings try and mate