Bump limit is 315 and thread subject is /rgt/ edition

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Stickerbitch's calendar of memes and dreams:
calendar.google.com/calendar/[email protected]

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Shitposting room:

Alternative memechat for poorfags:
-- Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST DAMMIT!! - www.robinhood.com

> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade. It's also pretty basic shit.

> When is it coming to my country?
Never. They only have "plans" on an Australian beta.

> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, email their support. They are very good.

> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?

> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform. -- (also learn difference between LIMIT and MARKET orders!!!) Jews aren't people.

> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want a 2nd account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or a non-pile-of-shit for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.

>How do I git gud?
Don't listen to any advice in this thread.

> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator

> I'm ending the year with positive shekels! I'm rich!
Not so fast goyim, remember to report and pay taxes on any capital gains.

Other urls found in this thread:


For the love of god hold onto NAK. If you dId your DD you'd know why the price dropped.

Nows the time to unironically buy the dip.


I really think URRE is going to break $5 by Friday. Uranium spot price going up.


Being a contrarian investor means getting kicked in the fucking balls sometimes.

Could you clarify how this $25 million deal is not simply dilution?

So uranium prices only went up because of a shitty glut of oversupply that just now dried up.

Demand is flat and going down. Some supply went down in central asia and the market overreacted.

Sell that shit now at it's peak... it'll fall and be a dead-money plateau for the next 20 years.

How much money do you guys use in robinhood?

I just put $200 in so I don't get fucked. I'm treating more like a videogame than a source of income

>I'm treating more like a videogame than a source of income
this. i use entertainment money for robinhood.

Protip: If your capital losses exceed your capital gains, the excess can be deducted on your tax return and used to reduce other income, such as wages, up to an annual limit of $3,000, or $1,500 if you are married filing separately.



Honestly meme chasing should never be more than entertainment

So you just throw a little bit of play money in there, and if something shoots to the moon, then yippy? Have you guys had any luck playing the penny stock game? Seems like a fun past time though.

i am up about 10% overall... but up 45% from my low point. some anons here post massive 100%+ gains tho, so it's possible. probably some who made it today on MYOS.

Hm, it sounds like fun. Maybe I'll move some money from my current broker account over there. Or maybe just invite my dad to play on it. I know he tried playing the market before, without much luck. Maybe something simple and small like this might let him have more fun while working with real money.

no trading fees are pretty great for small timers and learning. it is pretty fun.

link the old thread pls.

Do any of you guys have other, larger accounts, or is this your form of access into the market?

Yep. Read a little about your investment.

Nuke will be way important in 5-10 years. No time soon. Enjoy your dead money in the meantime.

check out this user's day from last thread:

i have a 'real' non-speculative account w/ vanguard

last thread:

Just dump SVU and get your gains back in URRE.

Holy shit, dude called it right. Good for him.

So no trading on it what so ever? Just going long on positions?

i readjust things every now and then, but no daytrading or meming. long positions only. most are etfs.

Fair enough. I have some trading going on in my main account, but I wouldn't classify it was aggressive. Trying to grow it quickly as reasonably possible to get an additional source of income, but eh, one step at a time.

I sold URA at 30% gain already, I'm not getting back into that, it's just a nice market correction from oversupply. There is zero new demand for uranium, a tad less with nuke reactors decommissioning across the western world.

Also if uranium prices get too high the end users just reprocess and enrich the spent rods. Low ceiling price.

SVU is the one true SAVIOR that is publically traded and can compete against ALDI and soon LIDL Hun invaders. Neither of which of the latter are publically traded.

Sell your gains, buy something that'll grow between now and 2030.

I know everyone's saying entertainment money but I put 1,400 into Robinhood and am finally positive on my initial capital I'm hoping to turn that money into being more of a real investor.
I'm honestly hoping to ride some more meme rockets and get 10K+ then switch over to a real broker and start doing "real" investments.
Currently at 4K

Honestly, with like $3,000, you could move it over to a real broker, and start doing some simple strategies and make some small, relatively, consistent returns. Then you can leave the $1,000 to do your own thing back at robinhood.

When you play the Market Memes you win or you die

Very sorry to see that, user. Why not halt meme-chasing and invest in, say, Fiat Chrystler?

Or alternatively withdraw it all and donate it to a children's hospital so kids can live the lives that disease threatens to rob them of.

> capital losses
kek how do people actually lose money?

Put the rest in RNVA help us all out.

>poor earnings and this:

I think this sometimes too. "Wow, -40% I suck at this stock trading shit, I should just quit while I'm ahead. Maybe I should just buy a mutual fund and check it in another 10 years"

Then I see my meme-stock going to the moon with that $120 I put into and I know my true calling is to be a stock playing billionaire.

Only got around $100 buying power for tomorrow till my funds settle. What meme do I dive in? Some things I'm watching though are $IMNP $OPGN $LTBR

All the grocery stores suck, deflation and low food prices.

Best time to buy grocery store stocks. These market forces won't last forever. Grocery stores and their wholesalers are not all going bankrupt and you faggots are all trying to buy food direct from the farmers that are just as broke.

Learn some macro economics you fucking pleb and then you'll finally make some money.

Normies get the spot price after trading hours tomorrow. You can go green on pretty much any uranium firm. I disagree with you on your long-term prediction, so I'll hold. Over 60 reactors under construction globally and Japan has no natural resources for energy production. Renewables won't cover growing energy demands. Even if you don't like the uranium market, URRE will be producing lithium less than 137 miles from Teslas GigaFactory in 2018.

Also, I'm not a daytrader. These are the only threads with decent discussions.

ICPT should at least double when Novartis buys them out this month. Mock my words

I'm all in robinhood. Started with about 500 dollars.
IDXGs first run, NVCNs run, and IDXGs second run have all made me very good money. Im up 50% this since the start of the month, overall Im well over 1000%

URRE will get to $5 and platea for the foreseeable future.

Still a good pick.

eh... i'd wait for it to hit $3 to buy.

2017 Moon Mission tally:


4 already in the only the first 7 trading days of the year. Madness

Already donate to St Judes with non-monopoly money, i'm gonna bounce back, don't worry brah we're all gonna make it.

let the mocking begin.

YNWA lad

What do you guys think of CSBR?


Fair enough, the floor is $4.10 though and it's easily worth 5$ and perhaps 14-20$ in the distant dystopian future where basic commodities are back to 2014 levels.

Long-term URA is great. Solar and wind won't do everything and fossil fuels will be too expensive in the long-term. That said, new reactor designs rely less on uranium and more on thorium.

It'll go up, someday. Hold if you like but this bull rally is only because a tightening of uranium supply and it's overreached already. There is literally no new demand. Research it now.

Or whatever, enjoy holding on to years of dead money. By then they might as well have discovered uranium-less fission or fusion or whatever. It's dumb to play thinly selling commodities over the long term.

Quit telling me to do research. Obviously I have. Thorium reactors are meme territory until 2040.

Say i sold stock on Monday.

Do those funds become available Thurs at midnight or at market open?

New reactors are meme territory until regulatory headwinds loosen and that will ONLY happen with next generation reactors, most of the cost-effective ones use both thorium and uranium fuels and will almost be rebreeders that alleviate the constant need for new fuel or waste disposal. Otherwise they will not make economic sense. Photovoltics already outcompete current nuclear power in price per watt in many regions and PV is fucking shit.

You're research is from the early 2000's or someshit, because I can bet my 10% of my risk fund that new reactors up and running in large amounts won't be fucking shitty uranium water cooled pebble bed reactors like explody-melty old Fukushima.

Like friday. Brokers are endlessly lazy as fuck settling funds because they use it's equity to invest in the meantime.

That's extremely jewish. So it's not a hard 3 days? It's just whenever the kikes get around to giving me my money back?

Looks like I'm 3 months too late

I know it hurts but I was down 60% around 4 months ago. When you just joined the market especially the meme market it's a tough run. But stick through and learn and if you play your cards right you'll be riding and jumping off rockets at good times.

They only refuel every 2 years. Fuel is such an insignificant cost that they will never bother putting breeders into production. It's not worth the added complexity. What you'll probably see is molten salt reactors, then maybe Germany will stop being so gay.

Fukushima effect decreased demand, Kazakhstan over production increased supply. Those are the only factors causing the price to have bottomed in November. You're pretty much wrong about everything else.

Say thorium again!

Yeah like 3 days counting after the market closes on the day you trade. And maybe a little bit after.

They let you re-invest that money but never let you withdraw it sooner than that.

I think that but at the same time I just want to have 10K so those small consistent gains are greater. And a little more meme spending money.

But obviously at the same time I could totally fail on a ship and lose my money and be back where I started.

Y'all keep missing BIOC is it only cause there was me and the shiller in on it? It feels like it.

Fair enough. It also depends on what your goal returns are/how you will trade with the real broker too.

Damn. I could have ~200 in funds to throw on BNSO

Thorium rebreeders are the ONLY FUTURE.

Seriously though the new reactors are based on simplicity and safety at the expense of efficiency so rebreeders will be more attractive as a design consideration. Cheaper to build, cheaper to run. You know enough to not sound completely retarded but your opinions are old and busted. How about you research the Gen IV reactor designs and you'll figure out why their designed the way they are and why their next generation.


Yeah, but that's like 2030 territory. There's still a bull-run left for previous generation. It was going to happen in 2011, but then Fukushima fucked everything up!


There are 450 power producing nuclear reactors in the world, with 60 currently under construction.

The largest glut of excess uranium came with the development of reprocessing old nuclear weapons via a government program that ended in 2010, and passively through reprocessing other nuclear materials such as certain medical wastes and scientific instruments.

It's far cheaper for a mining company to build a mill and reprocess nuclear material than to mine uranium.

We've run out of things to reprocess. It's mostly mining here on out, and the costs increase, as well as the cost of uranium.

Spot price of uranium went green for the first time in a year. The trend is still reversing for now. It's going to have a good run.

What are tomorrow's memes/moon missions. $RNVA?

Time for bed, anons. May Kek bless our investments, and we shall have big league gains when we wake.


looking forward to another big day tomorrow.

All the new reactors are in China and they can supply their own fuel or just not even finish building them since they went crazy with all kinds of new energy projects and they probably overshot their demand projections. Their economy is already slowing down. Meaning a lot of half-built reactor hulls and no new demand.

You might be right, but I'm betting it'll level out about the same level it's at now. Nuclear power is a long, loooong-term investment and I'm not certain all the companies on URA will survive til then and technology like rebreeders might make the miners less important anyways.

I'm neutral on it. I'll put my money in different shit in the mean time, but I'm gonna be all aboard if I see some actual development from the industry in the future.

Good luck bros, but I think you're putting your money into a dumb speculative boom that'll settle lower then plateau.

May your dreams not be memes and may URRE hit 1500 by summer 2019.

long-term bb!


RNVA baby $1000 all in for me!
Let's go to the moon baby!

Good luck user!

Why are people talking about RVNA? Any news / expected news?


Thanks user. Im on the fucking west coast so its unbearable waking up early hours. Put in a limit order for a few shares that will hopefully execute tomorrow morning.

Bout 400-600 a month

Started with 1500$ now I deposit about 200 a month. Gonna cut back to 100 a month I think

Today we head for the stars or rip hard with MYOS. Since I'm not an english nativespeaker. Could someone translate if this is good or bad news pdf.reuters.com/htmlnews/8knews.asp?i=43059c3bf0e37541&u=urn:newsml:reuters.com:20170111:EDG_0001213900-17-000244

is BIOC dead now?

Lucky JNUG saved my ass last night

Is HBTX still a good hold?

Is Sprw a good buy? Recent contract sales with duke energy...

How much really qualifies as a bag?

Is RNVA still a good buy? What's the news?

It's the best buy today, its going to the Moon.

rip AMD

4 weeks and my application still hasnt been finalized. fuck this.

sucks dude, i was approved in less than 10 minutes

Ptn undervalued below .5 before the deal, still has to apply no?


Good morning RHG,

Make sure to eat breakfast so you can trade emotion free and be like Make-It-Rain-gutan

Admins busy riding the moon mission

Also, at what point does your capital ruin or modulate a moon mission. Say with Etrm around 7$. If I bought 500k shares at that moment, would that effect the likelihood of it going toward the 27$ price sticker?

CBIO worth buying?

When will Tokyo stock be available for trade?

It says "not 'currently' available" so it implies at one time it will be

is RNVA really a moon mission? the vol is drying up

what? why?!

$13 wall and fearful profit taking