It's popping
Get out while you still can coiners
It's popping
Get out while you still can coiners
m4ke m3
how many times are buttcoiners gonna get BTFO'd before they quit
>patiently waiting for btc to drop to 100$ and then buying
what is leverage
>what is leverage
I genuinely don't know
Is it like a valve?
borrowing money on the exchange to increase the amount of potential earnings or losses + paying maintenance fees depending on how long you keep the position open for. I traded in Euros because it allowed the highest leverage on Kraken for 5 times the amount of equity I had. Trade Equity is the sum total value I am allowed to use as collateral for trading, so If the trade ever went too badly, they would Margin call me and liquidate my position taking money from my equity.
praying for you user
Got scared after getting home from work and sold for 300 euro profit and then quickly bought back in again to ride the wave with more equity
so you have to have enough currency or other coins to cover the leverage?
I have like 3.2 BTC or 2.5k Euro in holdings, therefore I can borrow up to 5 times that value to make trades. For this trade I borrowed the ~10k Euros to buy 15 bitcoins. Idk what the margin call level is, but I think If my equity (trade value - trade cost) drops to ~50% of my margin (amount borrowed) it immediately sells for a loss and forces me to payback the loan. Othewise I pay it back when I close my trade manually and it doesn't cost very much to open/hold.
forgot pic
Rocket already launched at $750. Cope more:)
I see. So closing the trade basically means selling it back to EUR? gl with the riding the wave
The chinks passed inspections and giving the chinks their freedom back
Price is rising
I just checked the graph and its going down qickly, do you shit your pants and sell at this point or what?
ride the waves brah, gotta expect some rocky riptides in this game. A strong stomach is required to use leverage. Went from positive 160 Eur to -150 Eur in a matter of minutes. Back to -60 now
Who /ready for a new bottom/ here?
Don't forget to /buy the dip/
Ok, I tried to ride the waves with a small sample amount and man is it hard. I really don't think this is for me. I'll practice cents some more, but if that screen isn't consistently all green I don't think I'll be risking it.
Looking at this mess I just realized if I do everything just the opposite of what my gut tells me I should be fine.