/domg/ - Dominions General

Forced stale balance edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.

The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 2800 units, 800 spells and 300 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.

It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.

Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

Join the steamgroup for multiplayer

>Group chatroom

>Our work-in-"""progress""" wiki


>Dom4 Manual

>Dom4 Inspector
This is a community resource that has every unit, spell, and item in the game in an accessible database.

>Play by email guide:

>Debug Mod:
For testing battle formations and spells

>Where do I get it?
It is available on Gamersgate and Steam. Desura is kill.

>Read the manual
>Read the wiki
>Read the pastebin
>Watch some LPs by Sy, Maerlande, or Nuclearmonkee
>Jump into MP feet first; ask for pretender advice in the thread

Submit completed games here:

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g-guys how do i contact the llamabeast? i can't find any contact info anywhere.

i want to flap my bats.

what does summod change ?

summod changes Rain Of Stones(E3A1 spell) gem requirement from 1 to 2, making it impossible for a E1A1 mage with earth boots to cast it on the first turn, since a mage can only consume gems equal to its elemental level for a spell. Can still do it with Summon earth power, but second turn RoS is not as good as first turn.

Thanks, user

Wow shiet I never realized that before. I wonder if that can be called "balance" though? RoS is a powerful spell, but does it need to be nerfed if you already have a mage that's e1a1, boots, and research for that spell? 6th level spells are no joke and they should be treated as no jokes. Some even game changers. Without the change evo6 has a rightful place of a powerful 6th level spell that competes with other 6th level spells from other schools. I think if a nation can research evo6 it should be granted that they are also capable of casting RoS, without summod's changes.

RoS was bullshit.

- Ranged:
** Tsihsithese Human Bowman (Dynastic human), 7g, 4r, Short Bow, Bronze Hatchet, Linen Cuirass.
--- Ranged unit, Blind and Mountain survival
** Tsihsithese Human Bowman (Dynastic human), 7g, 5r, Composite Bow, Bronze Hatchet, Linen Cuirass.
--- Ranged unit, Blind and Mountain survival


bullshit maybe, but so is wild hunt, BoT, elementals, and all those other shits you can cast at 6th level.

you can't cast those with 1level paths