Deadstiny General /dg/

R8 my warlock :)




I hope the new menus will look more like some of these.

Leave the gay shit in the other thread you wastes of space.

Hella gay

post feet

Must you make every conversation about yourself?

I can't help it can't lie though middle right is appealing

Reminder that it is canon that all titans have baby dicks

I want that thunderlord ;-;

You're right in the eye of the faggot storm, just sit down and ride it out



Just report and get the failed excuse of a being banned.

>all these low impact AR's in PvP rn
Damn it Bungie

Teacup is better


That helmet is silly looking.

>Go fuck yourself if I have the option to buy the exotic or earn it I'm buying it YOU can go out and earn it more power to you but don't tell me how I should get it

>yfw my perfect balance rangefinder y1 sillymars wrath

Raifu now and forever

Lol you still have presented a counter argument to my statement

Unlike you, I'm a little bitch.

Stains, pls

Real talk,

What would be the ideal PvP/PvE setup for D2, with regards to cross platform?

All platforms isolated?

All platforms sharing PvE?

Consoles sharing PvP but all sharing PvE?

Xbone/PC shared and PS4 split off?

All platforms sharing PvP and PvE?

Ideally I'd like to see all platforms sharing PvE to make grouping easier and faster, but keep PvP isolated to each platform to avoid the PC vs Consoles and PS4 exclusive crap out as excuses for winning/losing.

we dont want boners or pcfags in our raids

Consoles sharing PvP but all sharing PvE would be the saner option since console peeps vs pcfags on PvP would be unfair.

>Neither the CE or LE for D2 has badges.

Why stop now? D1, TTK, and D2 all have a book, steelbook, and poster. Why the removal of the badge?

While not a problem for established groups and non-shitters, shared PvE may cause a spur in console requirements for raid groups due to ps exclusive weapons. Again not really a problem for non-shitters who can socialize enough to actually find a group outside of LFG.

Anybody doing a WotM run? Currently at 375, with a Titan.

All platforms sharing PvE and events.

what's all this cross platform talk? did I miss something or are people just being extra gay

Just wishful thinking at this point. No official word on it.

I don't want your peasant framerate and resolution in mine cuck.


Don't make me vomit.

I honestly doubt we'll get any form of cross platform whatsoever.

Speculation until we get official word.

considering blizzard won't merge the xbox and sony overwatch players, i'm not expecting bungie to be any different.

Too bad. Bungie will lock FPS so nobody gets left behind.

so how long will it take me to go from 350 to 390?

Let me succ ur boipucci and I'll do it for you in a day

Depends. Bust your ass doing strikes and getting rep, maybe a day or two. Pop 3s, rep boosters, and cross your fingers.

Coming back for Age of Triumph after leaving a few weeks after Rise of Iron. Did they ever buff the Astrocyte Verse? It was always my favorite looking Warlock exotic but it sucks serious ass.

Doubt anyone has tried it in awhile but it got a small buff. The increased recovery after blinking went from +3 to +7

Not long desu, blues now drop up to around 390 from heroic strikes, and faction packages drop even higher.


Stupid misguided hopes and dreams. Crossplay would be cancer

Rares drop up to 385, Legendary engrams 390, Legendary drops/packages 400, and Exotics 400.

I've seen 390 blues from heroic strike drops.

ive been gone to long, Hayley posters will retake Destiny Gen

Wierd, I'm 400 and I've never had one drop at 390.

Guess I've missed that.

Same, I want something new, Destiny menus just look really basic and boring to me


I'm interested in one also.

Literally just filled up. :( Sorry, man. Stick around though, someone might quit or I'll kick them if they're terrible.

Drops from the Forge also go to 400 now.

Fr*ck off Nathan go flip some burgers

Anyone on PS4 want to do CoE?


>the ancient evil awakens, complains, then goes back to sleep

should i pick up destiny for 40$ or just wait for the sequel?

Just wait.

>repostan from last thread
alright time to break down WHY the cayde in the trailer was terrible, hint: its the writing inconsistency
Cayde's defining traits, as observed through grimoire, cutscenes, and ilde and mission chatter, is that of competence, devious, and good natured, often throwing out witty or uncommitted and often unrelated dialogue ("take me with you," "somebody took my sparrow"). he often lets other people perform the work in his stead and often has things done "off the record" if it can be completed to his liking in the event of Vanguard disputes.
This trailer portrays him as incompetent to lead, which is not a defining trait of the Vanguard position, willing to threaten others if they displease him, when normally he would likely find another solution, and otherwise dull in the head. he does have dialogue in the trailer that underlay his nature, which is actually written fairly well considering (opening (minus the dirty misfits), everything is gone, and "worst case scenario), but it is overshadowed by the rest of the horrid speech (Gary, If i dont see you out there, there will be loot). This also comes several days after the teaser trailer which portrays Cayde as he is meant to be seen when he recounts his stories: mood is set, getting into the story, taking advantage of a serious situation to inject a little personality. Also, Fillion's acting wasnt very good in the trailer either, though that can be put on poor writing and directing as it sounds like he was getting into the mood of the role.

Alright, which one of you fuckers changed the Band of Xbowner's clan tag to TRAP?


I'm tempted. Invite please.

Pick it up, everyone you play with in D2 will be joking and telling stories about their D1 adventures and you'll be left out if you don't experience the magic while you can.


reminder to the ps4 bros that Bob is /ourguy/

Or, it was a simple light hearted trailer with a comedic relief character who's been that kind of character for almost 2 years.


it's not the same comic relief compared to him from ttk to now. the only instance that can be compared to the trailer is the primus joke

Daily reminder for all Y1 players to leave the general and only play with OGs, and separate ourselves from this cesspool of mediocrity.

Depends if you mean Y1 /dg/ or Y1 overall

Y1 /dg/ ofc.
Name me a better crew than the pubstompers from vanilla.

Y2 /dg/

I can see them using a darker menu/UI with the noticeable tone shift for Destiny 2

5/6 for fresh CE


2/3 for CoE

It's not that deep bro.

brace for lol replies


sent a friend request


I'm in if you've got room for one more

>le chubby meme man who spends way too much time sitting down
haha nice try dude

This is my favourite meme


So the Will of crota stike needed to be 320?

>This trailer portrays him as incompetent to lead, which is not a defining trait of the Vanguard position,

Let's not forget Cayde never wanted to be the hunter vanguard leader. He made a bet and lost.

Jiro is leaving for a bit, so 5/6 again for fresh CE.

2/6 for nu-crota, come join

thank god

Dude I need two spots to be open to join you guys, I've got a friend with me

This is mine

> chill bro outta 7 familams.

Cant say I'm a fan to be quite honest with you.

What's the trials map

Assuming the 12 spare primary slots are for vog/kings fall/wrath adept exotic primaries, whats the one special slot for?
also where would the updated mythoclast go?

I'm not getting anything but enjoyment out of the raid, so I was gonna back out and let you two join. Or Pandox could come. Whoever joins the party first.

FInally that fucking dead weight decided to fuck off.

Special is probably Pocket Infinity, unless they've confirmed that's not coming forward. Mythoclast will probably go in primary.

burning shrine

You're both stupid. Infinity isn't coming back, the extra slot is the mytho