Tell me EVERYTHING you know about the Romans, Veeky Forums. Every little minute detail.
Tell me EVERYTHING you know about the Romans, Veeky Forums. Every little minute detail
italy is the third western civilisation after crete0 and greek respectively, the fourth is france, the fifth germany, and the sixth is england - to which our current days hegemon stands with its proxy satelites(global bulldogs) of north america & oceania
in b4 shills/ameriboos
what language are you speaking fuckhead?
>1 crete
>2 greece
>3 italy
>4 france
>5 germany
>6 england
call it civilisation call it empire call it succession call it what you will its a european world and has been for approximately 6000 years of continuency. volcanos can't stop it (thera). islam cant stop it, russia, spain, africa (carthage etc), mongols, huns, turks,
why did they wear the togas
Kingdom that got invaded by Etruscans then became a republic, conquered Carthage and Hispania then the gracci brothers fucked shit up and it became an empire, conquered the whole Mediterranean, converted to Christianity, split, western half got BLOND'D, ere gained and lost italy and hobbled on for another 800 years till the Turks took it out of its misery
Bunch of gay Italians who got muh dicked by Celts, Germans and Persians
>By Celts
Lol you wish, Celts were slaughtered by Romans and always lost except when Rome was just a small town in 400 bc
the entire early history of rome is fiction made by later romans because of incredible foresight to help guide the identity and culture of future romans
the idea of monarchy was so feared due to these tales that the emperors and dictators had to be very careful lest they get pummeled to death by the mob
also rome made its entire fortune based on war, war, and more war, which perfectly speaks of the characteristics of the initial romans. in all fields other than war they just copy pasted the greek
Everything? Damn, you put me on the spot and now only wierd little details are coming to mind.
>the pilum used by the legions was heavy and had a soft tip that would bend so enemies couldn't pull it out of their shields and throw it back
>gladiators ate a diet based mostly on peas and grain as it would plump them up and leave a layer of fat that could be cut and look cool from a distance but leave the muscles undamaged so they could fight again sooner
>Romans sucked at sea combat until they figured out you could cheat by boarding the other ship and kill the guys on board trying to row into yours
D-do I have autism?
Nice pasta, but how does it relates to OP's post?
they are a leg of empire, a continuation from before (notably epicurus defeat and the passing of reigns to italy from greece) to its continuation with the annointment of clovis, a leg of the journey, a continuation of epochs, centralisations of power through space-time''=-==
you can interpolate and extrapolate points of data beyond rome to see its affects after, and what came from before leading to it
shows ones not a complete ignorant asshat of history by the occasional engagement of critical thought
That list is retarded. If you want to trace the lineage of western civilization it looks like this
>1 Mesopotamia
>2 Pharaonic Egypt
>3 Persian Empire
>4 classical Greece
>6 Byzantine Empire
>7 Renaissance Italy
>8 Spanish Empire
>9 British Empire
>10 United States
Exactly the way you learned it in your 8th grade social studies class
Get the fuck outta here with that "Germany" bullshit, they were a fractured people until very late in their history, had fewer colonial holdings, and got thoroughly smacked down in two world wars by the English, American, and Russians before they were even finished building triumphs for their "1,000 year Reich"
And France? You mean the empire that's most famous for losing in spectacularly embarrassing fashion?
what's this
>Get the fuck outta here with that "Germany" bullshit, they were a fractured people until very late in their history, had fewer colonial holdings, and got thoroughly smacked down in two world wars by the English, American,
>Get the fuck outta here with that "Germany" bullshit, they were a fractured people until very late in their history,
C I M B R I jutland has ruled outside of roman borders for millenia, btfo barbarossa
They came from Rome
>And France? You mean the empire that's most famous for losing in spectacularly embarrassing fashion?
And they also had tremendous success as well. Take a closer look at their history.
I'm not saying that they didn't but to consider them the hegemony of western civ? That's a fucking stretch, their 'empire' collapsed thoroughly within the span of a single Emperor's lifetime
>tfw WE have two entries in that list
Feels good man
O L .I .M
M .I .L O
I'll concede that you could probably put Charlemagne's regime between the Byzantines and Renaissance Italy, but lets be clear: his regime wasn't modern France and it wasn't modern Germany, either. Both nations are fractured remnants of the Carolingian regime, which also included the low countries and parts of Italy. And after the fragmentation of this empire, the next powerhouse of the west would be fueled by the capital flight and brain drain from the middle east to the merchant cities of Italy.