Captain edition
Captain edition
ahri thread
Ntr (aka cuck) worst fetish.
Soraka worst waifu.
Lulu second worse waifu.
Karma/Vayne best waifus.
Degenerates everywhere.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
xth for Syndra
>Get actually fucking mongoloids on the team
>three of them are plat
>they're all 0/10 against silvers that for whatever reason have high gold mmr
>you're the only that's actually got any kills
>you go to help your team
>your 10/0 ass can't fight four 10/0s
>you're expected to win games like this by "carrying"
>when you can't even do shit against equally fed opponents
>and you can't even blame your teammates
>even though 9/10 it is THEIR fault
>tfw people would rather you make excuses for OTHER PEOPLE rather than yourself
Why the FUCK. I'm not a beta cuck defending my shitty teammates. I'm gonna fucking kick them down to the kirb till they get good.
holy shit
Who was the first champ you got a ranked pentakill with? Mine was Maokai
I don't have a waifu and it makes me sa-a-ad
At least your best waifu is thicc
Leagues needs a mic system.
Leagues needs a leave system.
There are some games you cant win. Why am I forced to play 20 minutes of wasted time or get punished. Its fucking retarded riot is the worst company since ever.
Olaf. Before the Olaffing.
Get a girlfriend faggot
Did Ahri become vlad? Thats fucking disgusting.
Unworthy wench, the lot of em'
What champion pisses you off the most?
Karma is the only creamy chocolate woman i would allow my dick inside.
Fuck those theighs. hnnnnng
Veigar Jungle
Bunch of confusion in champ select and I ended up jungling.
Ahri drains the life force of man.
A man's life force is his seed.
>he can't find a pure, qt, irl waifu
Git gud
League of Legends
Thigh fucking is a patrician fetish
why do you post this every thread?
>A man's life force is his seed.
[Citation Needed]
Mid Soraka vs Mid Velkoz
Who wins and why
she's really cute in this splash
Yeah, renekton is pretty bullshit senpai.
and I don't even own Jayce or play ranked at all
That was so long ago i dont even remember. Probably kogmaw since he was my main dude back in the day.
Ill always remember my triple penta game though. Old graves when?
No wave clear vs infinite waveclear.
Gee I wonder.
As a tank main, Fiora. Remove that cancer at least Vayne has to stack that bullshit true damage on you and not just press R
agreed holy shit
I will purge this thread with a cute picture of Quinn
No one wins, just a boring stalemate.
Can any drawfag give me advice how to start drawing League r34, thinking about buying a tablet.
>Soraka worst waifu.
Well okay so you were right on the cucks being footfag tier but goat girl is a good girl. Don't you talk bad about my waifu
>asking the autistic people that post the same shit every single thread anything
Theyre not human, they cant reply. Even they are slaves to their memes
man this game looks like a fucking shitty gook MMO at times
like what in the literal fuck is going on here
why are all these fucking effects so disgusting looking
>get one retard in bot lane
>ruins the entire game
>they end 1/9 as fucking C A I T L Y N
Start traditional.
Friendly reminder to thank and love your soraka support
pick renekton pick jax pick maokai pick poppy pick ekko there are plenty of champs that can get comfortable lanephases against fiora and have kill potential during lanephase that can snowball a lead
their bot lane had to stop me from kicking is ass
because riot decided to take an art direction that had no outlines, no black, a faded shitty watercolor look, and killed particles that look just as bad.
You guys remember when the redid nauts textures and particles. It went from a banging slamming aoe of metal to splish splish splosh.
Like riot is retarded.
Vayne is best waifu so you should only ship her with a refined, rich and handsome man of equally noble descent.
Of course he has to share her murder fetish so they can butcher things together.
>ahri sucks your dick
>steals your soul
but what happens if I suck ahri's dick
You just learn drawing in general. Work on observational drawing, basic shapes, value, and anatomy.
Honestly drawing porn is a great way to stay motivated and learn human anatomy at the same time, assuming you do look at references consistently.
You grow a fluffy tail. But only if you swallow.
Renektonfags, not even once.
God forbid one of these niggers not autowin lane with their bullshit champion they completely lose their shit
Cause every fuckin champ has some huge aoe nonsense these days
If karma didnt exist i wouldnt tie vayne for top waifu with her.
I ship vayne with Jayce.
You get a sore throat and an empty bed in the morning
>pick jax
As a fiora main I don't understand this one. Jax isn't hard for me at all.
He just doesn't have the tools to beat you at any stage.
Leblanc and Yasuo. Also Fizz.
Why would Jayce stick dong in crazy
because jayce seems like the kind of inteligent dumbass. you know. like holy shit he graded mit amazing wait jayce why are you downing a galon of mayo thats fucking stupid
>lose past twenty games because of teammates going 0/10
>some how it's my job to make sure they dont do that
>while also getting fed
>while also carrying
>while also maintaining our towers
>you're expected to solo carry games
>when it's nigh impossible
>unless you're autistic
>mu-muh teammates
Source on the image?
>We will never have another story like Shadow and Fortune
>We will never have a team up of Caitlyn for the home-town hero, Vayne for character dynamic, and Kennen for comedic relief trying to fight against a Viktor invasion
>We will never have Mordekaiser canonically fight Nautilus in a one on one
It doesnt matter if I put her down early, as soon as she hits two items she can duel any champ even from behind
Once they get better at managine 3 hit strike timings and parry/dodge timing it becomes much harder
its definitely a skillmatchup
Why do you have these?
>Forgiven possibly coming to NA
Topkek, not even EU players wanna play in EU anymore
filthy heretic
Delete this right now
Hmm. Maybe they will date, Jayce will be traumatized by a trainwreck like Vayne and he will kill himself/dump her.
>forgiven plays in EU
>always gets completely exposed
>forgiven goes to NA
>becomes a god among clowns
How many f you are playing normals right now?
I'm not playing league right now
Finished like 10 minutes ago.
You got a problem with normies?
If twitchfag won and you were forced to have sex with one of the league furries which one would reluctantly you do?
Ahri doesn't count.
Who the fuck do I focus when ganking a Raka + Kog'maw?
>Focus Soraka
>Kog'maw makes us a new face with his bullshit autos
>Focus Kog'maw
>Kog'maw makes us a new face as Soraka keeps healing him
>darius w/ thundermemes
Plz tell me you shut him down all game long.
I only play normals, so I don't have a problem with that.
>TLD darius
Just to level accounts, though, when I need a break from stalling bots.
>in aram champ select
>someone dodges
You're cool. I don't really like Lee but I don't hate him.
Post your top 2 rows
Because the thought of playing udyr in aram makes many people want to kill themselves
Frog knows no mercy.
Because sometimes you're just not willing to be punched around for 20 minutes.
>Forgiven didn't utterly shit on the entirety of EU
Gotta love EUfags and their revisionist history.
Forgiven' alone weakness was his absolute refusal to learn certain champs like Kalista. Meanwhile some of his best champs like Lucian are meta as fuck right now
>get Vel'koz
>Nunu offers to trade
>somebody dodges
>get Brand
>Garen wants to trade
>maybe no
didn't get sona/lux/ziggs/xerath/varus/jayce
>defending retards
Hows the carer job, user? Having fun hanging around people that accept you? Boy that job must be hard! adjusting all those helmets.
>adc walking straight into morg q and caitlyn traps
>standing in the morg oil spill for its full duration
>not even trying to cs
>not buying items
and yet I'm the one who will get punished for not wanting to lane with this asshat
>just posted my skins as well
I should make one big image having all my stuff on it.