
stop being such a nuisance you fagtarded janiturd
>hur dur no I have to take the time to mark your post so another guy can ban you and then you'll have to spend 3 minutes restarting your router

get a life. get a hobby. go jerk off
theres so many other things you could be doing besides being a little janibitch

Other urls found in this thread:

what do you guys think janny is thinking about right now...

brood war


probably guy's asses
resetting my router brb


anyone else staying home on a Friday night...


Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee;
blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death. Amen

no its been every friday night for the past 8 years

+1 lmao

god says get in here!

the deadness of this game is reflected in the populaton and quality of its threads

hmm yes going to have to +1 this

uh threads are fine... or they were fine...

they were fine before janny got the order to clean the threads for the reddit newcomers before the bw release

terry is making music

that youtube vid is very sad

fucking dumb humans

StarCraft II StarLeague 17h 19m

>My cat tries to revive his dead friend. (Sad)
hmm... no thank you

i wish i had a cat

>ah yes a cat meowing at another dead cat i better film this and put it on youtube

*has a cat*


cat gore fag btfo

i'm very good at hacking mini-games in various video games

what's the most difficult hacking mini game?

i couldnt do the ending credits one without dying a bunch


no wonder...

lockpicking is my specialty

those are always easy...


actually now that i think about it this general is a brood war you know what i mean

dude just get zoloft