GOP just voted to remove Obama care. Furthermore, they reduced medicare and medicaid. Plus, people with pre-existing conditions are now removed from insurance. How will this affect businesses?
GOP just voted to remove Obama care. Furthermore, they reduced medicare and medicaid. Plus...
more fulltime jobs
Expect mass deaths, with no immigrants to fill the dead people's job, there will be a huge inflation.
Enjoy not being able to afford food.
So 8 years ago there were mass deaths because Obamacare didn't exist?
Wat!? Is this real life!? Has it finally happened!?
Sick people don't contribute to the economy. Especially not sick people on welfare.
Fuck them. Dump those people into the ocean and watch the GNP go up 33%.
>people with pre-existing conditions are now removed from insurance
Nah, they're just going to dump them in subsidized high risk pools, like Minnesota and Alaska used to do.
It'll be a huge blow to the medical insurance industry which saw record profits from Obama care. If you want to short insurance now is the time.
I can't believe I voted for this shit. I'm a fucking idiot. FUCK TRUMP AND FUCK WHITE PEOPLE INCLUDING MYSELF
The economy is not more important than human life. You're talking like some kind of Jew.
If human life was more important than the economy we'd revolve society around baby-farms churning out people to live in prisons and communal farms. Which we don't really do that much historically.
Humans are a renewable resource. They're not that important. Supply and demand works on an ecological scale too.
this didnt happen stupid, Obama is still in office.
Honestly, how fucking retarded do you have to be.
Hillary prob lost because CTR couldnt afford real trolls and had to settle for basketweavers with 160k in b.a. debts.
>people with pre-existing conditions are now removed from insurance
fucking americucks
hope you all die from eating each other like rats in a barrel
More part time jobs that include no employer paid benefits*
Trump isn't going to magically make corporations give you a job all he's going to do is reduce government spending so his band of lobbyists have it even easier. Not for you.
Throw another turd in your stove.
Warm up.
How so? Without any restrictions, wouldn't they be able to raise insurance even higher?
How do you fall for bait so easily user
you can always travel to another country, stay in the best private hospital and save 95% of the bill.
>It's the jews fault I'm poor. They have money and won't give it to me.
Are they getting rid of the retarded mandatory overtime?
No one was dying in the streets before it was enacted
This law did nothing other than shitting on small businesses and giving the poorest of the poor even more free care, as if they and the illegals didn't already use the ER as a walk in clinic enough, by taxing the shit out of the middle class.
If the government wants everyone to have insurance, then it needs to stop rimming the insurance companies and allow every single person an easier way to set up an HSA.
>with no immigrants to fill the dead people's job
Yes, the guys swimming the Rio Grande in the hope of getting on welfare are essential to replace elderly white engineers and architects. We should also invite in witch doctors to replace aging surgeons and dentists while we're at it.
>No one was dying in the streets before it was enacted
Maybe not in the streets, but 45k a year died because of no health insurance.
Obamacare was basically a government-enforced protection racket for the insurance companies.
"Buy insurance now or pay $600 fines every month until you do."
Medical malpractice killed 400,000 last year.
Meaning more people died from getting treatment than not getting treatment.
Is this the death panel thing again?
Sarah pls go
This is trumps way of doing mass genocide, especially against poor niggers and mexicans. Remove the healthcare, they all die.
>medical care is bad because malpractice kills people
You've got some strong mental gymnastics there, kid.
I can't tell if this entire thread is full of retards or if this is all some next level trolling
It means more people get bad medical care than no medical care.
Sometimes, not getting treated is actually the safer bet. Fun fact: anti-biotics can make the tests for many bacterial infections give false negatives. Meaning you shouldn't run to the doctor for some zithromyocin at your first sniffle, because if it's something serious the tests will be inconclusive.
Trump would most likely not support something that takes away the precondition thing based on his rally speeches.
He has always supported giving coverage to people with preexisting conditions and has never stated otherwise.
Again, mental gymnastics. Your argument is fallacious. Only 1% or less of hospital patients were victims of malpractice in the 90s, and that's all malpractice whether it resulted in death or not. The percentage is likely higher today, but I can't find newer data.
In any case, even if malpractice that guaranteed death was as high as 10% today, that's still over 40,000 deaths that could be prevented if the uninsured had insurance. Malpractice deaths are a percentage of the pool, not an absolute that nullifies providing medical care to a smaller pool.
So invest in STON?
No, it's under 40,000 because some of them would also be victims of malpractice.
Further, you vastly over-estimate the percentage of deaths that 40,000 is. For a comparison, 75,000 die alcohol-related deaths each year. Should we have an initiative of a scale similar to Obamacare to deal with that as well?
>says fuck white people in one post
>says we're some sorts of Jews in another
Oy vey, you forgot about post ids, didn't you?
The original number was 45,000, now take away 10%. You're not paying attention.
Why do you keep comparing the amount of deaths to unrelated deaths? Can you come up with any argument that isn't fallacious?
I'm pointing out that there are worse problems that are getting less attention, try to keep up cupcake.
With less population there is greater demand for labor and a housing surplus. This is a good thing mr. Goldstien
His point is that the number of people who die due to not having health care is statistically irrelevant.
35k people died in 2015 just from car accidents.
Imposing a massive tax hike through the ACA just to help such a small amount is wasteful.
The majority of those people who died had illnesses that could have been treated by lifestyle, such as diabetes and hypertension.