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Warhammer II
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So what's the next fantasy setting they will release after warhammer? It's pretty much confirmed fantasy shit is here to stay since it keeps the company afloat. LotR? GoT maybe, to have a mix of history appearance and fantasy to appease the history fags?
Why does the Beastmen hate Wood Elves? Wood Elves don't have civilizations.
isnt lorewise the fact that a slann is fully awake something bad ? like wouldnt the fact that he is awake in the trailer mean that both the elves army are fucked ? cause if i remember they are like the most powerfull mages alive but because they are in a deep sleep cant do anything super powerfull
I love Historyfags.
I love Fantasyfags
I love you all, /twg/
Hear me out before you start flinging shit
WW2 with nazi superscience and nordic occultism
>Literally notits
This can be fixed with mods though right?
I don't think they're going to do more fantasy after Warhammer - probably the only reason they did Warhammer was because GW was practically giving the licensing rights away after AoS.
Everyone's scared, but it's more than likely just a fling. There's still plenty of history to cover.
The people who wanted a China-themed TW game pretty much got what they wanted, since Chinese people and Skaven are basically the same.
The least sexy Witch Elves I have ever seen.
The guy who modeled them should get a Greatest Homolord Award.
Fucked, no. Greatly threatened, yes.
Her face is so ugly. She looks like a monkey, her nose especially is the worst.
At this point I don't think CA is able to make pretty girls
Eh, Elves are also really damn op. Not as much as Slann, but I would say they have a fighting chance.
i love you too and i love total war whatever setting they are doing , be historical or fantasy ill keep playing this serie
They're the most powerful natural mages, but they have a few equals.
Teclis, Nagash and the strongest Lords of Change spring to mind.
>modder tits
>no idea how to into physics
>large breasts, but oddly stiff as they're running around and pouncing on enemies so they look fake as fuck
>Go on the CA Facebook page for the announcement
>Comment section is full of people whining that it's about another Warhammer title instead of a new historical setting
>With Lizardmen and Skaven and potentially Tomb Kings right around the corner
The lizardmen honestly don't interest me that much but the trailer Slann looked amazing. Hope they're fun to play as with the new bombardment stuff.
Isn't this Slann supose to be riding a Stegadon?
That's Mazdamundi, the oldest of the Slann and he's meditated to the point of reaching an epiphany.
That epiphany being the Lizardmen have failed to accomplish the first of the Old Ones’ decrees — the extermination of those races not part of the Great Plan. Mazdamundi believes it is pointless to divine the next stages of the Great Plan until the first is complete; to do so would only invite further error.
Before the shitposting ensues, can someone post the up to date Warhammer roll chart?
1v1v1 confirmed!
So is the reason GW wont let them do naval combat really because they gave the Man-o-war IP to someone else?
Is there some kind of contract they signed where they gave man-o-war exclusively to that shitty indy company who've made it an early-access game just like all the other early-access games?
>Everyone's scared
Speak for yourself, his scum.
They're not supposed to be sexy, they're supposed to be scary. Remember all those faggots who loved the idea of elves looking inhuman?
So, the wargame setting?
>medieval 2
>shogun 2
>rome 2
>warhammer 2
Large tits would be very impractical when fighting. There's a reason most sports girls are modestly endowed in that department.
They are startung the roster cuts early this time.
Slaan spend time awake, it's just not common. Slaan have power ratings based on what generation of spawning they are, with older Slaan generally spending the majority of their time asleep while the younger generations actually control the empire.
It's the 1st and 2nd generation Slaan that were truely godlike, but they're mostly all dead, the youngsters of the 5th generation that actually show up on battlefields most regularly are just upstart kids by comparison.
>/twg/ and reddit are happy that game they like getting huge amount of content
>Youtube, TWC and half of Steam are super assblasted and act like cry babies
Really makes you think
Aerobic exercise shrinks breasts, and sports bras squish breasts.
The slann are the most Op overall but Teclis and Malekith are also legendary immortals, Teclis is like the *super duper wizard* of the high elves so he can probably handle it, he's basically on the same tier as Nagash
Fantasy bro on hearing about a new historical total war game: Wow, this looks really cool! I think I might get it, good thing CA made a warhammer game or I never would have learned about this awesome franchise! History is fun!
History 'Bro' on hearing about the 2nd planned warhammer game was actually happening: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FUCKING FANTASY KEKS RUINING MY GAME SERIES FUCK YOU CA HISTORY IS DEAD REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *flings shit everywhere and has an autistic meltdown*
really makes you think
>they're not supposed to be sexy
Wrong. Their only reason for existence is to be hot so their figures sell.
>caring about practicality in Warhammer of all things
You serious?
>Third army is supposed to be reinforcing my main
>Fighting to take the last fangbanger province and raze it
>Instead all of empire has some savage orkz running around
>Didn't yet get Gorssels walls up
/twg/ confirmed for reddit
That's... really accurate, actually. I can't dispute it, huh.
Maybe this is CA's strategy, get the hisfags so autistically angry with the fantasy setting that they'll all accept any period of history even if normally it would cause exactly what that user said.
That's not true, every single depiction of Dark Elves has them hot as fuck, from the comics, to the models to every other shit like this Even the armors is totally different from the "usual" appearance
Only insofar as it promotes fat loss. Actual breast tissue doesn't change. Also, fatty-tits don't count.
Why are we here if not to autistically discuss minute details of realism that ultimately don't matter?
Who do you suppose is the minority and majority out of those two
The only minis resembling anything sexy was kruellag, and maybe lelith, but that wasn't really the point of the characters anyway
I'd still fug them 2bh famlan
How do I deal with household politics bullshit in attila?
They keep whining they have more influence than high king but I dont even want to take king to battlefield
and then I need to neuter my general to make them loyal
Today history faggots showed there true colors.
>only 4 playable factions for what will be a $70 game
>additional factions will assuredly be sold back to you in the form of overpriced and lazy DLC
>totalwarfags on Veeky Forums will defend this kikery and buy this shitshow en masse
Being sexy is literally a central part of their lore.
They're the brides of Khaine, and Khaine does love himself some crazy hot bitches.
Yeah, but Mazdamundi turns out to be one of those second gen and can literally move mountains/tectonic plates over a continent away with his magic (which he did to fuck over Dwarves by ruining their inter-hold tunnels to ensure they never regained any noteworthy standing).
Usually Slaan ride around on big floating chairs - the ground around the whole world is faintly Chaos-tainted, which is dangerous to them, so they have to avoid touching it at all costs.
Not to mention, they're big sleepy fucks. Most of the time they're just meditating and don't do much beyond trying to interpret the will of the Old Ones by looking at their old blueprints. Even the youngest of them are as old as some dragons - a Stegadon would probably be too bumpy for them and risk throwing them off.
am i the only one that really like the design choice of giving malekith a golden mask like that ? i really like it
>Yfw historyfags eternally BTFO
implying the amount of work they do to create all of this isnt worth every penny, are there a lot of companies who are pumping out so much content as CA lately?
The king should govern an important province if you don't want him to fight. You often get more influence that way anyway.
Typical warhammer retard. I don't recall CA announcing Rome 2 a year after Rome 1, Medieval 2 after Medieval, or Shogun II after Shogun.
redpill me on bretonnia
Is Man O War fun?
Is this like Black Flag but in warhammer fantasy world?
Should i bother with it as we won't have naval combat in Total War?
Are there discounts sometimes?
>/twg/ is a hivemind
Speak for yourself, i give zero fucks about Warhammer.
>Wanting to be on the same side as fucking Reddit
>tfw the next fantasy title will be an expandalone to whatever the next historical title may be
>featuring all the magical, mytholical beasts from all sorts of pantheons
>it will be to TW as Age of Mythology was to Age of Empires
A man can dream
>When riled, the Lord of the Solar-City will levitate his palanquin-throne atop the largest Stegadon that can be found. The current beast, a colossal specimen named Zlaaq, has served Mazdamundi for almost five hundred years.
The Stegadon might be unlockable but it's probably just CA cutting corners.
I think Malekith is the best hes ever looked.
What the hell are you talking about? Mazdamundi rides a stegadon named Slaaq that he controls with willforce alone
Have you looked at the Witch Elf miniatures lately? Do you want to bang that, user? They're skinny and in non-seductive, weird poses, and probably hyped up on battle herbs and blood sacrifices as bad as any Slaanesh cultist.
Most of the original /twg/ posters are gone senpai. The majority of posters now are shitters from Veeky Forums
Theres actually much more warhammer fantasy discussion here than there is in Veeky Forums
Me too. He looks like imposing witch-king he supposed to be.
Please respond.
its already nice in the state it is right now , but its missing still factions etc , but the updates add nicely each time so its one of the rare early acess to actually finish their product and not scam peoples
Veeky Forums has embraced aos much more, seems most of the stubborn WHFB people have fled here.
they are pretty much communist.
Select few living in comfort with the rest toiling in the fields and eating mud.
Considering how many copies Warhammer has sold and how many people play it daily, I think it's pretty obvious
old one for comparison
I like how they kept the watercolor-ish style
Me too user
why is the wood elf campaign mostly spent fighting wood elf rebels, what the fuck CA?
I don't personally like it, but I can understand why you'd like it more than 'shadowy blankness.'
It's the expression that bothers me - I know he's supposed to look angry, but who would want to look like they were taking a shit or in the middle of a sneeze for the next couple thousand years?
hello CAshill. Could you be any more conspicuous?
Yours is an exaggeration but mine isn't.
I don't even give a shit about the context, historical vs unhistorical; whatever. I just can't believe there's so much slavering praise for CA's blatant kikery
Benedict Cucumberpatch?
>the guy who modeled Malekith really poured all his love into it
>the guy who modeled Witch Elves said "Fuck it, nobody will notice if I half-ass the job"
Really fires up your remaining neurons.
What's his name again?
>June 2018
>Next Total War Livestream countdown
>50k in chat
>Its gonna be a history for sure!
>No way there going to make another fantasy TW before history!
>Countdown ends
>Its Warhammer 3
Did the carnosaur roar live up to your expectations.
End times art depicts him like this
I'd hit that in a heartbeat, even if it was my last.
This artists stuff is so crisp
since dark elves were announced, can I post my Dark Elf team here? I feel that 13 players is a bit much for D elfs, but my league has lots of bashy-killy teams so I'm worried about my witch elf and assassin who I took because there are also a good amount of AV7 stars in my league as well.
It's clearly early access and plays like it, but they definitely got the setting down with the sea monsters, ship design, and weapons which I think is the most important. Naval Combat is fairly fun with wizards and stuff like cannons, claws, or flamethrowers, but boarding combat is fucking weird and janky.
>Blessed Son of Bretonnia only activates at 50% leadership
>You always get the unbreakable trait from winning battles in campaign
Useless desu
>select a unit of deepwood scouts
>ready to FIRE
fire what you retard
Thats because Veeky Forums posters are okay with paying thousands of dollars for a bunch of plastic models
60$ for whatever CA shits out is probably nothing for them
>no cheeky rat cameo
You had one job, CA.
>the countdown screen show big steppes
>historyfags are like : MONGOLS !
>trailer begin
>camera goes down
>see ogres on their beast fighting chaos dwarfs
>then chaos demons arrive