Is Sydney Smith /ourgirl/?
Is Sydney Smith /ourgirl/?
Is she the one who washes it in her underwear?
Link to video?
No. Most car girls even if they know their shit are in to attention whore.
Good car girls are like good car guys they know their shit and don't need to make a living on youjewb for the world to know it.
/ourgirl/ isn't in it for the money, she's here to school you on the rules of the road.
Footkino ft. /ourgirl/ Sydney Smith.
No because autistic perma virgin beta losers use muh car enthusiasm to escape from real life where girls think they are creepy and won't give them time of day
Muh sekrit boiz klub no stinky girlz allowed
Ironically, it is a fact that women are better drivers than men which is why insurance premiums for women are much lower than men. The extent of the average car guy's knowledge about cars is swapping out the rims and doing an oil change.
vacuum your car you filthy whore
Men wreck less but are more likely to get in bigger wrecks, while women wreck more but are more likely to get in smaller wrecks.
Man with van here. I have been in four accidents in just the last 10 months and countless unreported incidents involving scraping bumpers in the porking lot.
tits or gtfo
nice fake lap times. literally photoshopped. keep spamming that image. maybe you'll get back at soviet for beating you at the toc.
Why the fuck would I ask that if I had the video dumb saucefag
Can I get a quick rundown on her porn video?
>this gay
cool projection
Is that u OP???
Will u b my gf?
Pls rspnd
cool dick
why are you so autistic?
>no car in the video. Not even a photo
>me, my ,I in every sentence
>spouting memes
>i'm a girl! Did you notice. I don't know if you did. I AM GIRL!!!!
Just beat bait attention whore
>ridiculing faggots somehow equates to autism
libtards lel
Take that back! Sydney is the real deal. She double clutches all day long.
>t. drumpfkin
Only true legitimately funny girl car video
>ywn have a qt gf
Shit tier girl.
Roastie please leave
>prezo still spamming his selfies with captions
holy shit my sides
So why is it that men can be funny without using gendered comedy, but every fucking female who tries to have a sense of humor it's always about gender roles, patriarchy, and the female experience and all that shit? It is somehow the only thing they find to be funny. I started out laughing, but by the 7th straight "WIMIN R DUM RITE LADYS?!?" joke I was fuckin out. Get a new bit.
You wrong. She needs new schtick but she's definitely cute.
Kill self
Where is the porn vid?
Yeah, but she nose her stuff.
Great foot fetish video.
She knows it's all old guys asking her for these videos right? She can't be that autistic.
sperg more
aaaaand dropped
Put your trip back on you stupid nigger
I too am waiting on her porn vid.
>related channels
I'd argue she doesn't care.