Veeky Forums, tell me about Rhodesia.
Veeky Forums, tell me about Rhodesia
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It was the super duper richest and bestest country in the world before mugabe ruined it!!!1111
>people still think GDP per capita is an accurate measure of economic progress and not just a number the west strokes themselves to.
China has a high GDP but i sure as hell wouldn't want to live there.
Meme country
>GDP per capita doesn't matter.
>unless it supports my point.
Working with a completely uneducated and 80% rural black population, Rhodesia did the best they could to include educated blacks/Africans within their society as well as try to survive the horrid sanctions and bloody bush/border wars that were raging on.
The man has managed to stay in power for a ridiculously long time so he's probably doing something right.
Here is some recommended reading
If you don't understand why a horribly sanctioned country has problems producing a high GDP you might be fucking retarded.
And here come the Mugabe apologists.
Mugabe please go.
>pants on head retarded posts gdp per capita in an african nation where 5-10% of the population is white and owns 90-95% of everything whilst the rest are straight up deadweight slaves, subclass & sub human "citizens"
fucking retard
its a good metric for measuring relative points of internal progress against the rest of the world but comparing it raw to externalities is pants on head
I'm not here to apologize for Mugabe. What I am trying to point out is that to be the dictator of a country since 1980 takes a lot of politicking and alliance building. Was all of this done of the greater good of the country, obviously no. Did it benefit him and allow him to enrich himself and retain power for decades, yes. If he was an idiot, he would have been overthrown already.
someone tell me what mugabi-bangladesh relations are
>mugabe apologist tries to defend himself once again
In a country where basically everyone has zero education, zero access to food, and zero motivation; all he has to do is throw a breadcrumb for power.
He isn't smart at all. He has completely and totally failed as a statesman, your position is indefensible.
>zero education
>country has 90% literacy rate.
>Mugabe apologist
Are you illiterate? Mugabe is a "good dictator" in the sense that he has the political acumen to retain power for decades but as a result, means he only needs to keep a small powerbase happy at the expense of everyone else.
Just because he's good at staying in power doesn't mean he's good for the country.
Ah yes, high GDP is an indicator of many great 1st world nations such as Brazil, Saudi Arabia, India and China.
>implying that is accurate at all
>countries that are objectively better off than they were before.
>no they suck because they are icky.
wait I actually want to know this
It was good once but then bolshevist niggers lead by kikes ruined it
A state run by idiots and the child is also run by idiots.
>90% literacy rate
>can't learn how to farm
Has this become a meme?
Lost a war in 5 years, it was like they looked at Vietnam and asked how they could fuck themselves up harder.
I fought on the side of the Guerrilas, AMA.
I don't believe you
zomg when we was in Rhodesia...
I'm South African. We hate these cunts.
but do you like Die Antwoord
I do but most of you idiots don't realise it's actually just a fat piss take.
Only Rhodesians will get this. God tier meme.
What was it like?