Warhammer II
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Warhammer II
Steam page:
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I want this dude to voice as Skaven
>mfw patiently waiting to genocide Skaven
reminds me of this
First for power of Humankind
Malekith was right.
i love this image
Duel's between generals when? I just want to post this webm
They said they are adding naval combat but it's auto-resolve only.
How can they make auto-resolve naval combat interesting? I'm not whining, genuinely asking. Any ideas?
>stick some shit in it
>pretend it's piercing hole
give them longer fingers if you have got to touch the 3d models
that's a nice webm.
How do you feel that Total Warhammer has been doing so far, in terms of accurately replicating the setting and the wargame?
Personally, my biggest concern is that it's too stagnant - there's little to no excuse for you to fight factions not on your immediate borders, or for them to attack you. You aren't getting the large variety of enemies one would hope for.
You're a nice user
Ok, I love siege in all the other TW games, but Warham siege is totally trash. Why is this game so siege-centric late game???
How does it have to be interesting? Medieval 2 had auto-resolve naval combat, even if this was for its own reasons. I never really focused much on having a naval force, but it only took a little effort to get something meaningful, and the game was never boring because of it.
They can't.
Just play as Empire. You're surrounded by all races all the time.
>Announce Warhammer 2
>Still no news about Old Friend
What did CA mean by this?
you won't be able to until a month after the release of the 2nd game
bravo ca
All I want is fancy sword fight animations
>You will never fuck your mom after a long day of warfare
If you play best race you can do it on launch day.
what's that from?
Who is ready for Rats!
I mean is there any way to introduce some kind of naval mini-game without actually having to make maps and naval units like you do for land battles?
Might be cool as some sort of screen that pops up and you position you're naval ships on a drawn sea map and then auto-resolve it.
Fantasy and History living in harmony.
holy fucking KEK, Malekith is a fucking NEET LOL
>implying they have sex
>implying he isnt just NEET lvl 9000
Is-is there a way to download pdf of Warhammer army books?
One thing that I miss from previous Total Wars in Warhammer:
The ability to trade territory back and forth. I can vaguely understand why that is, but it's still frustrating that if my ally is having trouble, I can't just take a few settlements and give them to them.
You mean like Battleship?
The wargame understandably has a much bigger emphasis on customization and some funky rules which don't really translate well into total war games, but as far as the setting goes it's great. It only makes me want a really detailed RPG set in the warhammer world since you only really see the military side of it in total war games.
As far as fighting other factions goes, it's a consequence of how the objectives for each faction works at the moment, and I wouldn't be too surprised to see missions that try to encourage you to do more exploring in the new game, like going to Estalia as the Lizardmen and burning down a few of their cities because they took some of your artifacts, or something. HElves are world police so they'll likely get tasked with beating back chaos back in the old world as well as whatever comes out of the portal, if anything. DElves need raiding to sustain themselves and raiding random fucks in the old world will probably be safer than trying to raid Ulthuan. Skaven are pretty much everywhere and everyone hates them, so I doubt they will be able to sit back that much.
have you tried looking in the related general in the related board about those kinds of traditional games?
Yea, why not? Could be cool and adds some depth to naval auto-resolve only.
It might be cool to loosely take the Man O' War rules and have turn-based battles, if you don't want to just straight autoresolve.
>literally lives with his mother for thousands of years
I doubt they are goint to introduce anything more than a rock-paper-scissor system of ships and at best resolution bonus depending on the presence of winds/currents in your favor or the facing of the fleet you're engaging
RIP the boat...
His mom's hawt tho.
Even auto-resolve could get somewhat involved if units on the ships are counted. Could be all kinds of phases like boarding or casting spells and such, which are still auto-resolved.
Cancelled :(
What did you mean by this
According to steam "coming soon"
Warhammer 2 might comes out on september 1
It's probably not true, but who knows
Been away from /twg/ a few months lads but I came back once I Saw the trailer.
Is AE and 1212 for Attila still a thing? What happened to that stuff?
>Old Friend is a TW:W2 tie-in flc
>it's muh boi
At this point since they're not adding real naval battles for Game 2, I just want them to add a naval DLC after pretty much everything else is done.
Which we probably still won't get, but a man can dream.
I've never understood the people who disliked naval combat. Autoresolve is shitty.
>no tomb keks
They already have navy ship files there.
Real total wars are dead. Leave now. Warhammer controls these lands.
a mothercon hagfucker neet. dude probably posts on /jp/
Tomb Kings are gonna be a pre-order bonus. Naggy boi will replace vampire counts with his new faction- assembly of the necrodancers.
>tfw elves genocide
I can see how people can dislike Naval Combat in Rome 2 and Attila, that was boring. But Empire did it much better.
Anyway, if they can add some kind of strategical minigame to naval battles right before you auto-resolve, I'd be happy.
I found it clunky in Empire, especially for large battles.
Don't be a shitposter, user.
His mom lives in a different city:
>Morathi lives in Ghrond
>Malekith lives in Naggrond
CA mentioned more conquerable territory than ever before. Could this mean the Empire being able to take Dwarven holds? That would be cool.
what game could you do this in?
Are those Necrons?
>download a map-pack that makes all settlement battles take place in towns
>magic is now amazing because most of the fighting happens in slightly cramped streets
Also, ceding territory to someone in order to repel them from further invading you could be a cool option too. For example, as a VC player I give Franz The Moot for free, to make him stop attacking me.
If he breaks our agreement, he incurs a massive diplomatic penalty.
You could offer to trade territory in Medieval 2 and in Empire, if nothing else. The AI was usually reluctant to sell, but if you had good relations and money it was feasible. They'd love you if you gave them land.
In a scenery the Empire once were, there was a modest tranquility, and there was a small hope.
And when the Empire was trampled upon
An Emperor rose against it
Which is the best Battle Wizard?
So the new campaign will be about the vortex and either fixing it, fucking it up, or using it for your own gain right?
Elves, Skaven, Lizards, I can see why they'd care about it, but what DLC races that they could put in would give a shit about it?
ALSO: WHATS OLD FRIEND? strawpoll.com
CA won't do the combination thing until a bit after release, mostly because it's not vital for the expansion/squeal for itself so they're doing it so the game is out earlier.
If I was born a dwarf, I'd definately grow a beard and effect an outrageous scottish accent.
Got to enjoy the little things in life.
>total war warhammer steam reviews are mixed
So is this game secretly shit? I thought it was good?
Seen those before. All they show is at one point they considered adding them, probably early in development. Probably with the same autoresolve system.
Empire was great. Napoleon improved it a bit, but you really had to think how you fought in it.
The thing is though CA has to work with what they're given. Rome 2's naval combat could have been a bit better, but really it was pretty accurate for the time period barring the glaring lack of corvus.
Warhammer naval combat is nothing like historical naval battles though. You have fliers, magic, sea monsters, and dwarves even have goddamn submarines. It would be as much of an improvement on sea battles as WH was to land ones.
I mean, I really just want to watch a Dark Elf sea monster rip apart a High Elf ship. This would be nothing like Roman galley combat, and the fact so many people can't see that is just distressing for me.
The game is good, most negative reviews are for the jewey dlc.
most of the bad reviews come from launch when the peoples raged at the warrior of chaos being a dlc
Butt-hurt Chinese people who don't have a translation, butt-hurt historical fans, and people who have a more legit dispute with the faction DLC stuff.
>Every new race will have 2 unique starting positions to allow co-op
>Empire and Chaos still stuck with 1 starting position
Boris pls
>Saurus Warriors
My body is ready.
You mean patiently waiting for Skaven to murder your bitch ass while Skarsnik lives on?
I cant way for you Veeky Forums guys to get your first taste of this fucker.
>finally get to play as muh nigga Malekith
>go and genocide those cunt elves
>Malekith gets the "Likes High Elves" and "Farmer" traits
>listening to steam reviews
Serious question.
If you were lost and alone in the wastes of Chaos, your only hope being pledging yourself to a God of Chaos, which would you serve?
If the DLC race is tomb kangs, it depends on what their legendary lords are.
If one of them is Arkhan, he could have an excuse to try and use the vortex to ressurect Nagash, or something.
As for Settra, who will definitely be one of the LL's, it's hard to say why he would be interested unless it would just be to stop Arkhan or he figures he can conquer the world by controlling the vortex for whatever reason.
>Shills their videos on Veeky Forums
Are you okay
Sigmar, I guess.
nah, hes clearly a pathetic NEET. she probably teases him all the time because he can't get a GF, shes obviously banging Slaanesh.
yfw someone actually get "Likes Skaven" trait
If there's a unit I expect to be missing from the game it's that thing
Could be saved for a DLC
So have the people who bitched about the way Damsels/Spellsingers ride horses go berserk over the Dark Elves yet?
I need some more things to laugh at since most of the misinformed retardation died down.
Khorne's the safest bet. Just murder people and if he mutates you, it's purely to do that better.
Nurgle is also pretty safe, if you don't mind becoming a fly and rot infested terminator.
Slaanesh is dangerous as fuck. It might turn you into a glorious golden god-like figure, or it might turn your tongue into a masturbating snake.
Worshipping Tzeentch is like rolling dice. There's no way to know what his plans for you are.
So basically, probably kill myself and hope that Morr takes my soul.
Tzeentch i suppose
>no combat capabilities so khorne wont take me
>Nurgle will wreak incredible physical pain upon you and leave you a rotting carcass that may or may not be animate
>tzeentch basically wont give a fuck about you, likely send you to your death as part of of his plan but you cant be sure of that
>slaanesh will do horrible, horrible things to you mentally, emotionally and physically until you crave it, and once you crave it, it just wont be enough until the numbness is agony all of its own
>tfw all budget went into the lizardmemes and the other races get shared animations and cut units