Give me a summary about Greek mythology.
You can write an entire essay or just a short meme sentence. I don't really care.
Give me a summary about Greek mythology.
You can write an entire essay or just a short meme sentence. I don't really care.
The gods are pretty much a bunch of dicks
The end
"Forces of nature and abstract concepts are all magic people. They're also all cunts."
prometheus is based, all the gods are dicks
I actually would rather have a bunch of dick gods rule me than a god who has a love-hate relationship with humanity and whose followers are fanatical illiterate divine-cocksuckers (islam and christianity)
Zeus can't stop thinking with his dick
Pay denbts
Hey guys...guys
What if...
What if all those Greek scumbags you meet downtown had superpowers?
That would be fucking awesome
Gods didn't really actively rule humanity like the christian god who presents himself as king of the world. Humans are more often than not pets and/or tools for their petty conflicts between deities.
Also Zeus actively disliked men and wished they never existed. He also disliked women and created it exclusively and specifically to punish men for existing. At least the christian god is supposed to love mankind.
Fuck off Demetrius
all greek tragedies follow the same set formula
1: le grechen is poor and shit sucks
2: they find a kindly person who offers them wealth or some other boon like divine powers in exchange for a small task
3: they use it to go on crazy adventures, often getting sidetracked from said task
4: the wealth runs out and they are unable to repay the debt to their benefactor
5: they fall from grace as a tragic hero, playing the victim
The Greek economy follows this pattern as well
Less cool than norse mythology
shut the fuck up
What? You're telling me you haven't turned into a female animal, only to be raped by the male of the species? Pleb
You're telling me you haven't swallowed dead guy semen? You're just wierd man.
Gods can be human just as humans can be godly.
Zeus fucked someone
Hera got mad
The end
Prometheus did nothing wrong.
Also polytheism does a better job describing the universe than monotheism.
Irish a best
underrated post
you realize that humanity was basically their equivalent to Jersey Shore
Cronus gets a prophesy that his son would overthrow him so he decides to eat his sons. His wife did not like this so decides to switch her son with a rock that son becomes Zeus he overthrows Cronus.
Later on Zeus gets a prophesy that his kid will overthrow him so he decides to eat his children. One of those children Athena gets out by bursting from Zeus skull and saying "meh we're cool"
basically Athena is the best girl
The world is tragically beautiful, complex, and divine.
you sound like a faggot
Well there was a lot of homosex in ancient Greece so.
The gods are archetypes.
Not much more to it.
u fight and when u die u go to heaven you fight all day
Teogony by hesiod os only 12 pages long faggot.
There you will find anything
Theogonia/genesis of gods: Gaia, or mother Earth, mates with Uranus, the Sky, and they breed Cronos, Rhea and the rest of the Titans. They have other groups of children too, like the Oceanides. Sky is a bad fatehr, so Cronos cuts off his dick with a sickle, constructed with the iron born from Earth's bowels. Dick falls in the sea, off the coasts of Cyprus and out of the foam Aphrodite emerges (that's what the name Aphrodyte means). Cronos bangs his sister Rhea, they birth Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Estia Hephaestus, the mk1 of the greek pantheon. Later, the other gods "migrate", like Appolo/Phoebus, Dionysus, Zeus is pregnant with Athena and needs his scull axed to bring her to life.
Titanomahia/clash of the Titans: Gods, representing human values, clash with the forces of nature, represented by Titans, they fuck them up good and forever bind them to Tartara, the inner depths of Earth where no man will ever go. One of them is named Egkelados, the ancient symbolic word for earthquake.
Humans: gods didn't give a rat's ass about humans, who were initally a 4-legged, 4-armed and two-headed spieces. They cut them in half and so we are since looking for our other half. Prometheus (name meaning either Provider or Before Word), a Titan, pities their poor condition, predicts Marx and steals the means of production from the bourgeois gods right from the suburb of Olympus and gives them to humans. Gods can't have that so they tie Prometheus to a mountain and sponsor a paramilitary eagle to eat his liver every day.
Hades is the only god that is not a cunt among his siblings. Not cheating on his wife, dutiful, polite.
"I did not have sex with that woman"
Basically they are dickass nobility
Both Odin and Loki are relatively ambiguous in the moral sense. Loki is of course a pretty bad guy because of that killing of Baldr and causing Ragnarok, but Odin basically only cares about knowledge and such is quite a dick to the anyone he meets along the way.