/wowg/ - World of Warcraft general - Ghostcrawlers biggest fan edition


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My nameplates are missing? They broke or what? No addons, I just tap V and when it says that they are enabled the enemy name just disappears.

Larger fem belf weapons they said

First for Shebulls being Superior. Now: Suck!



nth for thicc

>Enemies around the Broken Shore will no longer drop Nethershard by default.

>Enemies in the shadow of the Sentinax will drop Nethershards.

>Nethershard rewards from Rare Elites on the Broken Shore have been increased.

>Nethershard rewards associated with Sentinax portals and beacons have been greatly increased in a hotfix that just went live.

>Legion Assaults, coming on Tuesday, will also be a lucrative source of Nethershards.

Fuck them

>Horde population will be only saved with pretty races

I'm making wild bet that next expansion will give Horde a race that will make Alliance go absolutely mad over it and deal with whatever they got.

We're literally two alliance on the broken shore on my server against 150 horde lel

Don't forget to cuddle a thicc Blood Elf today!


Is it just me or are the bosses on Broken Shore spawning REALLY fast right now? I've killed like 10 in 10 minutes. First time I've even had an opportunity to get shards.

>Thisalee Crow's voice
That is NOT how I imagined my waifu to sound like

Legendary cloak + stealth buffs (Master of Subtlety for +10% damage, Shuriken Storm dealing 300% damage in stealth).

>new race
>next expansion
Not enough resources and blizzard said not guaranteed a new race or class anymore :^)

Keep doing world quests.

What's the problem with this?

>frost dk attacks you wpvp
>just pops everything
>you're stunned repeatedly, perma-rooted and he's immune to magic damage & effects for like 10s

I'm about one day away from saying fuck it and paying for a transfer

this game is interminable in wpvp right now. not a single melee class that doesn't have retarded fucking burst and a plethora of super strong cds on short timers

>fury becomes one of the best dps
>see nothing but fury warriors
Absolutely disgusting

I really like WoW and I'm having fun with the new patch
Who's with me?

all i see is boomkins, frost dk and fury warriors

fire mage meme is calming down so I don't see as many of them any more.

>[Release Spirit]
friendly reminder that pvp servers are a meme


anyone need normal NH?

my guild's about to run it on their alts and we take literally anyone

pst me

To be fair arms has the worst rng based gameplay out of any spec making it unenjoyablee
Having no colossus smash procs for 10 seconds and slamming the boss for 130k or whatever just incurs depression

Alliance or horde?

I think I'm in love desu lads

NA or EU ?

sent :)

I'd at least try out Arms if FR wasn't a thing. I liked it back in... well, every expansion that didn't involve FR. I just got a trinket for it, too.

Top or Bottom?

>really like owls
>druids can turn into big owls
>tier set is owl themed
>new flight form that's a sentinel owl
>their mount is going to be big owl
>absolutely hate druids and playing a druid
>hate all the races they can be

>you're on my realm



>guild's alt run was cancelled because no tanks showed up

do you do cuckold erp?

Link. My dwarf needs a fucktoy.

tank here.

>imgurs of worgen nude mods
>talking about tmorph on the blizzard forum
What is happening to the normies


>worgen players
At best, user, they're furries.

too late, we've had bad experience pugging tanks

could've been us, if we werent fucking dead

Where's the guilds in the OP ;)

There is nothing abnormal about being a furry. It is completely acceptable nowadays.

Rogues, what do we think of this post?


any south africans playing wow?

>you will never join a boer guild

did they make murlocs not drop shards anymore?

Its hard to read

better be fem/shemdorf desu

>Blizz marks opposing faction with orange names
>suddenly realize how alone I am in the world
>Alliance players stop and watch me fight now
There is a plus side to all of it i guess, I've noticed more fellow horde players waving at me and helping out here and there.

>bitch about death knight's lack of mobility
>someone tells me it's class fantasy because they're dead

It is literally class fantasy, they're meant to be the unstoppable Terminator-esque robot. Coming for you slowly but surely, and when he gets there you're going to die.

Obviously in actual gameplay this just means being kited around like a bitch.

>removing the teleporting shadowstrike spam because its not "not useful in pve"
thanks for gutting the already gutted spec further
without burst of speed or teleport spamming i cast see how sub will be viable in pvp cause everyone will just outrun you when sprint isnt up

Dark Iron She-Bull once the commission finishes.


>Blizz marks opposing faction with orange names


Ill PM you on f-list once its done. dont wanna show off a half done profile without a pic!

>be 892 DH alt
>gemmed and enchanted
>easily pull 550-600k dps single target
>declined to every heroic NH pug except for pugs from azralon or ragnaros and they just wipe endlessly on skorp

Murlocks got nerfed?

well fug bruh at least pm me some shit about what you wanna do/'re into

hello yes where are the female tauren nude skins

different user here, please post it in /wowg/ for us all to enjoy

>DBM disables itself because it got updated 14 min ago

>death knights ride horses in every incarnation
>haha sorry mobility isn't class fantasy
really makes you think

>bitch about a major change to core mechanics of the game I've enjoyed playing for over a decade
>"Well then quit. The developers design the game for themselves, not you."


>those sub changes

I fucking give up. Cucked yet again fuck you Blizzard

I like my DK but Rogue is so fast and has so much more utility :(

>not online

>Gorefiend's Grasp removed from DPS DKs
literally indefensible

2.0 - 3.1 was the pinnacle of WoW class design, it all went to shit afterwards when they started that nofun mentality.

I'm really depressed thinking about TBC and early WotLK resto and balance druid or early WotLK unholy DK.

FemTauren Frost DK named Chilledmilk y/n?

just took that name on every major server

try again

I like Frozenbutter better


At this point, I'm just using it for the cool sound effects desu

did they already patch the murlocs for nethershard farming?

Literally (figuratively) tell me what is wrong with dbm


that's exactly why they need horses retard

what server


Warrior, Druid or Hunter

I love being on a care bear server.

Fury Warrior if you want to be FOTM DPS, Resto Druid if you want to be FOTM healer, Beast Hunter if you want the easiest rotation in the game and middling DPS even with BiS gear.

oh... I'm on MG US, you're killing me

Can someone post the list of AK scaling again? I want to know if it's worth doing these AP quests right now or if I should just wait a couple days for a 500,000% modifier or some shit.

You haven't noticed?

Heard you talking shit like I wouldn't find out

>over 1 million damage in one hit
I haven't played in two years, is this a common thing now?

Be careful not to singe the buds as you BURN


>every time i log in my camera is facing up and zoomed into my characters ass
does this happen to anyone else?



> no cut cocks
I don't get it does anybody really bring it up aside from foreskin fetishists?

>mfw getting a 2.5M crit with Storm Bolt back in MoP as a fury warrior

Just suck me off in the middle of the thread. Easy.

I'm playing my 880 blood DK alt. Can anyone tell me when to taunt on Skorpyron, Chromatic, Krosus, and Botanist?