/ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station

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Lewd Birbs

First for probe is a fag.

Hi-jacking this thread.

That guy writes nothing like me. You people haven't been exposed to me for so long (possibly never were) that you call anyone who disagrees with you
that uses big words "Sarca". The guy you are responding to sounds like he is taking the piss out of you and not at all being serious. I'm actually serious
most of the time. Here is something I wrote recently for SS13, that shows how I actually write. Well, when I'm not sleep deprived, dehydrated, and hungry as
I am now. Notice the differences. CTRL F "In terms of"


It's time for you to let go of the past.

Nth for mommis


And here is an excerpt:

>While it is true the average IQ of Hippiestation is probably around 90-95, and you are probably smarter than that, in order to be superior, you have to be smarter than everyone. As a matter of fact, I would say you are not smart at all. Intelligent people don't make the kinds of arguments that you make in this thread, especially with the goal of defending themselves. You use reasoning that is predicated on false premises, as well as occasionally just using outright false reasoning. You are not using the best possible arguments to defend yourself, you're not even using decent arguments. A smart person would realize that the best mechanism for getting goals accomplished is the truth, not lies and misrepresentation. Anyone with an IQ above 115 is able to immediately recognize what you are doing, once they have, your end goal of making yourself look better falls flat on its face. You don't present yourself the way a smart person would, your thoughts and expressions lack the sense of organization, thoughtfulness, and clarity that smart people's thoughts have.

Note the differences.

>scans things the normal one can't
>stores more designs maybe
There's also supposedly a syndie device scanner which is even more unrestricted.

sarca has an odd fetish for IQ huh?
sounds like someone who got told they were 'gifted' early on in school and then went on to do nothing, still desperately clinging on to their 'specialness'

>get told I was gifted early on
>everyone always told me how smart I was
>turn into a slacker neet dropout


How else am I supposed to rank people in terms of intelligence? Adding a number to it makes it easier to understand. I don't even think I'm that smart, I am just smart enough to be considered smart. 130+ but nowhere near the 145 range which is where the real interesting people come in. In the same thread I go on to say that there's a player who could potentially be much smarter than me too.

xth for remove peacekeeper borg tazer

a prime example of why the bunker should stay up the next time hippie falls to chaos as to keep their refugees out

probably best just not to rank other people, makes your childhood designation of 'gifted' the double-edged sword that is early diagnosis anti-social disorder and autism before the spectrum became as ... lenient as it is today.

>Peacekeeper borg

Wow, this server really has become a joke. There's nothing wrong with Security Cyborgs actually arresting people. Behavior is not dictated by laws in the sense that you think it is. Asimov acts as a set of restrictions, not as a set of guidelines. That means that a Security Cyborg can go around arresting people so long as it doesn't violate the restrictions. This doesn't preclude using the laws as justification for action, but not every cyborg action needs to have a law-based justification. Once you understand that, you understand that cyborgs should have a tendency to function the way the module they selected allows them to function. Nobody complains about Engineerborgs or Janitorborgs when they fix holes and clean floors, only Secborgs. Why? It's not hard to understand. Unrobust children mad they got wrecked by a borg.

Protip: Use a laser pointer.

It's not the secborg function, it's the shitters who ignore Asimov and think they answer to security over other players

it's all well and good to say you can ahelp the secborg who arrests you for telling them to unbolt the vault but it still fucks you for that round

>ahelp the secborg who arrests you for telling them to unbolt the vault
there is literally nothing wrong with that though.
What you need to do is add "Don't tell anyone about this or arrest me for it"
so hard. And I never even play borg

>probably best just not to rank other people
I understood this part.
>makes your childhood designation of 'gifted' the double-edged sword that is early diagnosis anti-social disorder and autism before the spectrum became as ... lenient as it is today.
I didn't understand this part. It's a pretty bad run on sentence. I don't have autism or anti-social disorder, I am psychologically healthy. Abnormal, but not suffering from any disorder.

If it's not the Secborg function that is the problem then why was it removed? It was removed right? Or is this just a rename?

>It's not the secborg function, it's the shitters who ignore Asimov and think they answer to security over other players

I could make a pretty good case that they DO answer to Security over other players but like I said, I'm not at peak capacity and am feeling retarded right now, so I won't. I guess I'll give you a sentence or so and you can take the argument and run with it.

Cyborgs don't have access to all information on station. In order to successfully identify harmful elements, they need to co-operate with people on the station who have that knowledge. The group who has that knowledge is Security, and so in determining whether or not a person is, is likely, or has a strong potential to be harmful, it's beneficial to listen to Security over some random Assistant. This is also why they listen to the AI, who has much more information than the average player. Cyborgs just co-operate with those who have the most amount of relevant information regarding human harm, which they must not allow.

Yeah I just misspelled cooperate a ton of times so..yeah I'm going to bed.

This is why we changed the name. Because bozos say "Well I know it says in big red text dont follow space law but really that doesn't apply to me"

It makes it all the easier to remove shitters

>Well I know it says in big red text dont follow space law but really that doesn't apply to me
Remove them, easy done
Doesn't matter what their job title is, that's a retarded excuse. It's literally "im blind irl" tier

>removing something because 1% of players are shitters
they'll just be shitters with something else no need to make the rest pay because of them

Right but that's a stupid change, as it only introduces further misinterpretations from those on the opposite side of the camp who claim that cyborgs shouldn't EVER arrest people. Most of the time cyborgs who arrest people are doing so validly.

>Security gives a vague order to arrest suspicious people at the start of the round.
>There is no "expiration" on this order, it is always a valid order
>Some guy hacking into a secure area
>You arrest him and he orders you to let him go
>Now you have two conflicting orders
>There is no way to actually resolve a conflict of orders in Asimov
>Logic says to side with Security, not the sketchy Assistant breaking into places
>Take him to the brig

Would not surprise me if some actual innocent borg players were banned or had admin intervention for this kind of shit. I don't think I have ever been abused by a Secborg in the manner the whiny anti-borgers complaing about, and I play on fucking Hippiestation.

man I remember that one round the borgs started hiding insulated gloves at roundstart and lied about it when asked, but other than that I haven't had problems with them

>logic says
no I'm pretty sure this is exactly why we did it. you don't do conflicting orders. you do sequential orders.

that's it.

stop trying so hard to loophole.

That's exactly what I'm saying. There's no need to remove secborgs because 1% of them are "the rules don't apply to me" shitters.

>Brings back flavor text, two hours ago

>no I'm pretty sure this is exactly why we did it. you don't do conflicting orders. you do sequential orders.
There is no actual way to resolve this in Asimov. Please point out where it says in the Asimov law set that the last order given has more validity than all other orders. It doesn't say that, there is no way to resolve a conflict in orders using your laws. You have to use another means of figuring it out, judgment and logic.

>There is no way to actually resolve a conflict of orders in Asimov
yes there is.
>Borg, arrest suspicious people
>See assistant
>He is acting suspicious
>arrest him by stunning and placing the cuffs on him
You have now arrested him.
>Assistant then tells you to let him go
You have completed your previous order. Now complete the next one.

we didn't.

That's detaining, not arresting. Arresting would require that the person actually be brought to the brig.

arrest could also mean detain and put into custody for the record
>seize (someone) by legal authority and take into custody.

Who are you to define what arrest is?

oh god

We did.

And even then, if what you are saying was true (it's not), then it wouldn't be a conflict, and my point still stands, you can't resolve.
Do you need help idiot? Google arrest definition.

>seize (someone) by legal authority and take into custody.

Note the take into custody part.

No because detaining means that while you are not allowed to go, you are simply there for questioning about a crime or event. Arresting means that your rights are suspended and you are taken to jail for charging.

Should the borg at least ask them to come peacefully? sec should use hailers so should borgs have them too?

that's a good idea
i don't play borgos so i didn't even know they dont have them

So you agree with me then?
No, because asking people to come peacefully does not result in a 100% success rate, tasing does. You have a risk of failing to fulfill your order and breaking Law 2 by asking them peacefully.

>take into custody.
Yes, you have taken the person into your custody and are now bringing him to the brig. You have arrested him. If he tells you to let him go, and he is a human, and he hasn't done anything to make you believe PROBABLE harm may occur, you should let him go.

I coded maple syrup
I have no fucking clue if the check is necessary, I tried every permutation of code that exists for healing and none of them made any difference, all of them healed (albeit at different rates?)

>different rates
Are you sure that's not just the prob checks working?

Okay, he's in the brig, and now the Warden has him. You try to take him away and the Warden orders you to stop. What have you accomplished by purposefully acting like an autist and siding with a griefing greytider for no reason? If you want to play stupid little word games, I can do that too. Why not come back in thirty years and release him then? After all, he never specified a time frame. Orders are interpreted the way that humans interpret them, that is how things go 99% of the time. Why should we make a special exception for some griefing fucktard?

>No, because asking people to come peacefully does not result in a 100% success rate, tasing does. You have a risk of failing to fulfill your order and breaking Law 2 by asking them peacefully.
But asking them peacefully results in the least amount of human harm, which is more important.

Oh no, I'm pretty sure I know why probability checks exist, they make tricord and DD fucking awful for healing (and I believe they mean you only heal one thing at a time but which type is random)
Maple syrup actually heals a bunch because it heals them all at once, with no chance of failing.

If we're going by the wiki, two conflicting law 2 orders cancel each other out. Maybe this should be on the rules page if silicons are expected to follow that though.

>siding with a griefing greytider for no reason?
Well, it appears that you have a mindset re. silicons that has earned a great many jobbans in the past.

>siding with a griefing greytider for no reason?
I'm not whoever you're arguing with and I haven't read more than halfway back the conversation, but you don't side with anyone. Your job isn't to help sec or the antag or the greytider. There is only the law(s). If you're going to start being a shitcan with "well he didn't say WHEN I SHOULD DO IT" (which also goes directly against "orders are interpreted the way that humans interpret them" because people are expected to have some measure of common sense), you're going to have a short silicon career.
Don't make special exceptions for anyone, just follow your laws.

Stunning causes no harm so... don't miss.
Wiki is not an authoritative source on jack shit. And that doesn't even make sense. How can those two orders cancel each other out? They are binary states. To be arrested, or not arrested. There doesn't exist a third option.
>Well, it appears that you have a mindset re. silicons that has earned a great many jobbans in the past.
Not an argument.
>I haven't read more than halfway back the conversation..
Wow, it shows, because you completely misunderstand what it is we are talking about. Don't try to lecture me on how things work, I know much more than you do. Read or shut up.

I said

>Security gives a vague order to arrest suspicious people at the start of the round.
>There is no "expiration" on this order, it is always a valid order
>Some guy hacking into a secure area
>You arrest him and he orders you to let him go
>Now you have two conflicting orders

There is no way to resolve two conflicting orders by Asimov. Telling people to "just follow your laws" in this situation is useless advice. You HAVE to side with someone, because you have no mechanism by which to resolve the situation using. Logically you pick Security, because you are a Security cyborg and this person is committing a crime. It's not hard to understand

>If you're going to start being a shitcan with "well he didn't say WHEN I SHOULD DO IT"
No, this is in response to the other person saying that arresting someone is just cuffing them and standing still doing nothing. They argue that if given an order to arrest someone, that is an appropriate thing to do. This is exactly why I say:

>orders are interpreted the way that humans interpret them

Any such order can be purposefully misinterpreted that way, which is why the above holds true. Why don't you read you idiot? Do you enjoy getting shit on and making a fool of yourself?

>How can those two orders cancel each other out?
You act like they both don't exist and you default to preventing harm. Doesn't sound that complex to me.

You can do that, you can also do a number of other things.
The precedent is that so long as you're consistent, it's okay. You could follow the most recent order, try and follow both, not follow either, follow the one that seems most sane, etc.

That doesn't work.

Order 1: Arrest him.
Order 2: Don't arrest me!

If they cancel each other out, then what you are doing is actually fulfilling order 2 if you start to walk away. Actually, it could be anything.

You don't have to DISOBEY order 2, just act like it doesn't mean anything.

Guys I have an ad-revenue suggestion

What if you made a twitch channel, called it "Space TV." It's just a bot that spectates the spacemen who are currently having the most action.

give botany tips pls
I already know how to get a plant mutation 100% if there is one (like tomato -> blue tomato)

You mean the channel that every metagaming shitbird is watching so they can ghost the guy having the most fun and robust him?

>caring about that
Wouldn't do much good unless you're right there as the action is happening.
Besides, think of the twitch bux that could be had.

Alternatively, it could record a match and then play it back after it's finished.

No to live rounds
yes to playing recorded rounds

That round was shit.


Live rounds is a no-no but previous rounds seems good

Ride the Tiger brah

Grand Union Leader did nothing wrong.

>kill carsh as xeno on wiz round
is this an april fools joke
am I an april fool

Why don't we have Bomberman Squads anymore?

Has no one made MOMMI sized mechs that mice can drive around?

>anarcho-suffix memester
>does the thoughtcrime gulag thing anyway

Also to clarify my position, you wouldn't have to disobey EITHER of the orders. You can arrest him or no as long as it's consistent with preventing harm. With canceling orders it actually gives you a lot of freedom.

They were National-Syndicalist which is supposed to just be Fascism before it's swing towards the right. I have no clue what they were doing.

How the fuck do you get coins? Withdrawing fractions from the ATM does nothing.

You need the coin press on the mining station

>when someone tells me that I'm very good at my job

>coin that starts out on the holodeck
>getmore cholocate vending machine
>coin that starts in the QM office
>grab a trader by their feet and shake them
>coin maker on the mining outpost



>" i need to go bye eat memes every day " is not an acceptable reason to join as the RD, make an announcement then immediately quit.

what a fucking legend.

Announcements don't seem very legendary.

>tfw you haven't been bested in the arena yet

wanna fite?

>not being a pure boy who can rely on his fists

hey, pompadoor man who shoots locker here

pussying out little cuntboi?

>when you're an atmos autist who refuses to play any sort of modern version of ss13 and are instead stuck with a version of Veeky Forumsstation from 5-6 years ago
Nu tg's atmos is shit and Veeky Forums's idea of atmos is moar pipes.
I miss gas filters having unlimited pressure outputs and gas canisters having no upwards limit on pressure.

Vague permanent standing orders on Asimov are not valid

>got bored of regular ss13
>have an antag gimmick you really want to do
>know if you try rolling for it but fail and you'll just try to find an excuse to get killed

haven't seen this one before kek

it was forced by admin, it's not default loading screen

Does nobody make grenades or is the "too complex" warning making them fucking useless and impossible intentional?

>too complex

I was blown up by a cultist that had a deadmans voice activated grenade just yesterday.

I was reading the wrong wiki we w


hello isaac

why was flavor text re-added without any discussion?

because you haven't read the code

is this a funny april fools xd meme

Did we crash or is it only me?

it is

>Caring if the shiticons are on Asimov

Security will just strip you of your headset and kill you when the cyborgs scuttle away. I've seen AIs pan away from prisoners being taken into execution without a fucking peep over the common channel or borgchat but one emagged juke and it's "ANNE TAG EMAGGED THE JUKEBOX" all over.

Watchdog Asimov AIs that act like their shitty humanoid statics are a cancer worse than any other