How high net worth would I need to get a wife like webm related?

How high net worth would I need to get a wife like webm related?

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that webm doesn't say anything about her character, disposition or personality.
if you aren't interested in those things, why dont you just hire a hooker?

Just don't be ugly and socially retarded/autistic.

10 billion, in other words, you're never getting her because you're not like her at the gym working her ass off to get what she wants

sad truth


>get a wife
A woman will "think" she loves you
She'll "think" she wants to work after marriage
She'll "think" she doesn't want kids right away
Just like she "thought" that was how the leg press worked.
As soon as that marriage certificate is signed, she might have an epiphany about MANY things and you're FUCKED you just threw away half your lifetime financial accomplishments. And before you spout faggotry, prenups are overpriced and usually unenforced. forget about them
>pump and dump

But I just want to spend my life with someone and not be lonely.

Should I become a cuck?

learn to like yourself first before putting yourself in a position to allow a new mommy to dominate you. how about that?


>But I just want to spend my life with someone and not be lonely.
You realize you can spend your whole life without feeling lonely without having someone near you all the fucking time, like marriage assures, right ? Just make some friends, for fuck's sake. While you're young get a fuck buddy as well.

Is this the wrong way to use that machine?

I feel like I could just stick my dick in her

Don't normally agree with christfags but this is the best post in the thread

You can fuck a porn star with a better body for only $1500/hr.

>implying women have any of these qualities

If you're not atleast a 6'5" chad with a face like Brad Pitt's, you need to be a billionaire at the very minimum to get 10/10s orbit around you.

go back to tumblr.

It's not that bad. You sluthaters are too dystopic. Ask any girl and most will say they follow the rule of 6:

make at least 6 figs
be at least 6 foot
have at least a 6 inch dick

People typically face the other way in the hack squat machine, but reverse hack squats are a legit way to focus more on hamstrings.

the person in that webm can't even operate a piece of gym equipment correctly so I don't know why you'd be attracted to them. they're literally destroying their back with whatever the fuck exercise they think they're doing.

Wait, really? Cause I can't attract women and I fulfill these requirements

more than your 1 rep max

Are you disfigured? Bald?

>that webm doesn't say anything about her character, disposition or personality.

It unfortunately does.

shouldn't her face be turning towards the camera?
she's fucking her back just to call attention, slut


a stupid cunt like that? not much.

>being attracted to a woman with no ass

It's the wrong way. Its a machine designed to replace heavy barbell squats and you're supposed to face the other way, using the machine to support your back. Using it in a reverse stance is a fad that's supposedly to increase the range of motion or somesuch bullshit but in reality is purely to allow instagram fitness sluts to shove their asses in the camera.

not to mention she is doing 1 plate and on a machine like that at that inclination she should be doing 4.

i couldn't even pack enough weight on a quad machine to slow me down.

they dont arch their back to a hilariously dangerous degree going down

and to think she could be doing perfectly fine good-mornings to the same effect except not dangerous and retarded.

You don't need anything

That doesn't matter at all.

>not dangerous

yeah well correct posture is key bruce lee could tell you something about that. but compared to what the chick is doing... yeah they aren't.

>locking her legs
10 bucks after her ankles rip off.

>at least $100,000 a year, or 4 times the average income of the American man
>at least 6 feet tall, 2 inches taller than the average American man
>at least 6 inch dick, half an inch more than average

You realize this only affirms a lot of what the guy you're replying to said?

>being attracted to a woman who uses machines

>being attracted to a woman who uses machines backwards deliberately while wearing underwear in public so she can display like a lowly primate in heat

>Why can't the average guy get a 9/10 woman? Fucking sluts playing hard to get

Right place right time

Christian girls do but they are so rare now. Muslim girls kind of do but they also expect you to beat them or they turn "normal" power level.


I could live the rest of my life without family or a companion and be happy

Assets you own before a marriage will not be taken in a divorce.

This user is sorta right. Assets you own before a marriage won't be taken, although if you end up paying spousal support that support payment may be higher if the court feels she is entitled to a certain standard of living.

You, the original user, are wrong about pre-nups. Pre-nups are regularly enforced and the trend is increasing toward enforcement so long as the financial position of both parties is clearly disclosed and understood by the other party prior to the marriage.

Pre-nups won't be enforced when it comes to stuff about child custody.

Life must be so hard for you

go back to tumblr .

Why not just squat the bar?

you can work a mcdonalds and get a Veeky Forumschick

Hot girls like above average men. What a shock. An outrage!

He said "most girls" and most girls by definition are average, not hot(above average looks) and certainly not "9/10" by any means. Nobody has any problem with a hot chick wanting a hot guy for herself but the problems begin when all of them want Chad.

No sir, travel for work, so I have zero social connections in any city I end up in.

If you are not a elbow rubbing social butterfly, going to the bar and trying to meet quality people is a bit of a challenge. And it is a bar afterall.

there are plenty of women who look like that and live meme lives at McJobs with no hobbies or ambitions other than the gym. No thanks. I was 18-25 once.

about 150k in yearly income


Is there a more pathetic reason to get married than "I'm scared of being alone"?

Get married if and only if you're 100% certain that you want to spend every day for the rest of your life with that person.

holy fuck

yep, probably this

>this thread again
skip to 1:38

That's hypergamy and unfortunately it's reality.

U a bitch nigga.

Working her ass off to have exploding knees? It's not hard to find a slut anywhere user.

if she put any real weight on there she would snap her back.

go back to tumblr.

Cant see her face but close to a million, where you can get 2 decent dips per year, purchase your house in full cash (ps not market value but directly for bank foreclosure), rent it out to cover other costs and simply date or go to events.

Last but not least get a govt job, after ur 9-5 party as much as you want.

My girl's figure and ass are way better and I'm a brokeass student desu.

But regardless, marrying a girl who you KNOW is only after your money, might the dumbest goddamn thing I've ever heard.

Don't you want hot women?
The difference is an average girl can still get some dick from a hotter guy.
I n many cases, she just has to be around and available.

Ok Veeky Forums, it's on. What would be your best choice in this scenario.
>go for feminazi, weight issue
>betray her with her BFF and drinking problems in a threesome
>leave with stacey who only dates alphas

It's ashame the courts don't think I'm entitled to a certain standard of living.

>You will never facefuck Mayli til she pukes

Feels bad bros.

Stay single, make money fuck a milf or a teenager here and there.

Never wife a crazy moron.
If you are rich enough to attract a special needs case like this, just fuck her, nothing more, and only if you're desperate.

She's clearly fucking retarded, evidenced by her dangerously misusing the machine just to show off her mediocre butt for instagram.

lmao1pl8 and the wrong way around

If you want a stupid fuck doll i think a hooker is easier

>visit snap city they said

I can tell you havent spent much time in a gym

who gives a shit about these women?

I read that,
268.000€ per year seem to even out a wheelchair for most women.

there are studies, sorry I forgot the sources.

well how much does a very hot hooker cost per day?
1000$? 3000$ hot enough?

that would be 365.000 or 1.095.000 $ per year.

also Veeky Forums please learn the difference between arousal and attraction.

she will never feel arousal when she sees you, that's reserved for football players and rock starts.
She, however, will feel attracted to your money and then think about acting on it.

I did both and can tell you that hookers a easier.

go to Veeky Forums
>why no gf
go to Veeky Forums
>why no gf
go to Veeky Forums
>hard sciences

Veeky Forums master race

Im afraid that a prenup will make my girl friend dissappear.
Has anyone had trust issues arise when asking for one? or atleast bringing it up in a conversation

just go for it. no lengthy discussion, no explanation. It's not negotiable.

oh and if you think you can't do that because of feels, you should really really really get one or not married at all

>Im afraid that a prenup will make my girl friend dissappear.

If saying "hey, can we make sure you don't steal all my shit so you can fuck other men in the house I'm paying for?" makes her disappear, then you'll know she's a sack of shit.

But remember, prenups are never airtight and can always be declared void by a judge on a whim.

Don't get married.

I was talking to this Ethiopian-Canadian girl recently. We were sort of pen-pals for a few months when I was 21 and she was 15. We stopped talking for 6 years, mostly because after a few weeks she was literally asking me if I'd "f" her and then she'd immediately change the subject. Then she hits me up the other day out of the blue.

She's still a "virgin" and wants to wait for marriage, going to college for Biology. Very traditional parents, and seemed traditional herself.

So we catch up for a while and we started talking about marriage, kids, etc. Not seriously, but I wanted to sort of test her. She said she's waiting for "true love", so I asked her what that is. She says true love is when you never get sick of being around someone and you're "always happy" and all this other fluffy shit that translates to "I'm gonna bail and fuck other guys as soon as I'm bored and steal your stuff with the help of the State."

Then we're talking about books and she says she reads romance novels. I said "50 Shades is a romance novel?". I was just talking shit, but it turns out she really is a big, unironic fan of it. I said that I'm kind of into bondage and like to Dom (true). She says that she fantasizes about and masturbates to being dominated. She went into detail and pretty much described play-rape and being bound and fucked senseless. Not into the pain aspect of it though.

Point being, they're all whores at the end of the day. And that's fine, as long as you respond accordingly by not giving them power over your financial, emotional, and physical well-being.

if we consider her to be Veeky Forums then she at least has a good sense of intelligence to do so.

300k per year

you can train her to love the cane too just make her say she's 18 first

She's 21 now. First ""virgin"" I've met who is already apparently already a size queen. lol.

>expecting anything else from a nigress

>Dat pic
>Is all in the timin

That's some Bret Easton Ellis level psychological fucking right there. I love it.


welcome to Veeky Forums, that guy just described thiw whole website as a whole

>also Veeky Forums please learn the difference between arousal and attraction.
>she will never feel arousal when she sees you, that's reserved for football players and rock starts.

tell me more, please. how do you recognize either? what if I'm a good looking poorfag? I have no idea if I look like a poorfag, though

>I'm a good looking
Post a picture.

good looking is relative anyway
I'm also a bit taller than average

>pic related

Why don't more men see the possibilities of this? Also if you make enough money you could potentially get a concubine or mail-order bride or something.

All im doing is watching her lower back fold in half because she can't squat below parallel. No wonder he ass is tiny. Bet her spine must be thicc af though!

Is that how you use the machine? I did it facing the opposite way.


also go watch some rsd videos

if youre rich
why the fuck would you marry a realistic probably poort chick.

Your asset means net worth is growing
her asset means beaty can only fade away sooner.
seems like a bad investment

Also dude you dont know nothing about her values. maybe shes good looking but dumb. doesnt help you much.

Furthermore, just to mention, also put energy in your social skills and fitness, not only biz.