Too intelligent edition. Happy April Fools you degenerates!



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Xth for Katarina
best girl

ribbon is a bunny

So, did anyone get fooled by the bots thing?

Pic related is the best!
So cool!
I re-read Invisible Monsters this week!

>tfw hardstuck in bronze 1 with a 5/6 WL after 11 games
I'm NEVER going to get out of here.

What do you think weighs more?

Sonas combined Tits+Ass
Jinxs entire body

ADC is a really boring role. Why do people obsess over getting this role?

>april fools
how does it feel being a literal prank?

>start playing jungle
>now i can't adc

what happened?

Poll winner

>tfw no DoT item/Laundry's equivalent for AD champs

>its a your bot are duo so the support refuses to leave the ADC even if he's farming 1v0 episode
hehe xD

i doubt anyone read my little story last night about the guy offering to buy me a skin if i managed to untilt myself and help win the game.

either way, the mad lad actually fucking did it. he actually bought me aether wing kayle. first good person ive ever met in league.

feels great man.

>turn thornmail into a true counterplay item against LOL I BURST YOU

Just don't load it up with tank stats just cause. Literally counterplay: the item

you should play more games

>11 games

have you
perhaps um

actually playing the game

Stuck in gold V afer reaching gold 3 - it's either my team wins early 20 - 30 min dominating enemy team or my team gets a troll or afk and we lose.

Every time I go close to 100 lp I lose..


My dick weighs the most

xth for Syndra

how long after galio ult symbol does he land? Im veigar and I want free combos

>tell friends about the new "bots"
>they believe me
>get them to play a normal
>jg goes into enemy blue and tries to invade
>gets memed hard
>tilts and afks because he thinks its just bots
>rest of the game is a fucking clown fiesta
>everyone feeds
>games over and everyone realizes
>everyones fucking tilted
Haha april fools guys!!
at least i still have this spider

Honest opinion of Riven the Exile?

my first "bot" game was amazing

>in a trio with friends
>see nametags in loadscreen, immediately all give host shit for accidentally picking a bots game
>realized it wasn't an accident when we get in game, half the team loved the thought of being the special tester, other three hate riot for wasting their time with bots
>we crush them at first, enemies were really selling the bot act
>top laner friend keeps going on about how these bots are bullshit and can see through fog of war and shit and feeds teemo bot, proceeded to give him a lot of shit
>game turns around after baron was stolen, more mockery was had of my second friend who missed the smite
>we struggle afterwards, only surviving because I constantly backdoored their top and bot inhibs
>game goes on for 60 mins, looks like a definite loss as we've lost every time we've fought past 30 minutes
>by some miracle we win a fight for elder and push to win

I should but I get so angry I have to stop, and then I play the few games I do play so far apart from one another that I can't build any lasting skill and fall prey to decay. Plus I'm so bad that I get super frustrated with where I am currently and just avoid playing altogether to spare myself the anxiety and anger.

I ended last season silver 3 after being placed in bronze 2 and climbing pretty steadily (even had a 13 game win streak on Morde and skipped silver 4 entirely), but then I lost a few games and just decided fuck this I'm out, played maybe 60 ranked games the entire season. I was doing okay in my placements (last season I went 3/7) but then I blew my 5/2 WL with 3 losses back to back on Illaoi and then a 4th Illaoi game I got so mad at I DC'd, so I probably demoted to B2 since it starts you at 0 LP.

Stop shitpicking, and control your emotions

xth for udyr

oh wait

Does /all work on the april fool's mode? Every game I played the enemy only said the preselected message like a bot and didn't banter back with me.

i sure as fuck did.

The enemy team was super SUPER bad.
Like so bad that i honestly thought they WERE bots.

It was PATHETIC how bad they were.

>stop shitpicking
Why should I even play the game if I can't play the games as the champions I like to play though? I also don't have very many champions to pick from, they're mostly cheap ones.

couldn't be prouder

>dat nose

No, they don't go through

comfy bfs~

feeling real good today boys hope you all had a good day too

Holy shit man, the enemy team was fucking geniuses or something because they all got together and rushed in jungle and we were all freaking out like "Nooo fucking way, they got cocky? Did Vayne just taunt me?" It got believable when my friend thought "This bot can jungle? They can fucking team up?"

I actually had a fucking great day

Does anyone feel like a big problem with the game currently is that there isn't a big ENOUGH discrepancy between the base stats of ranged champions and melee champions? Like the melee champs of course have a higher base MS, HP and armour than ranged champions to compensate for the fact they can be kited since they have no range, but now that lots of ranged champions have mobility, hard CC, and/or large %MS steroids of their own having 200 extra hp or 20 extra armour at level 18 doesn't feel like enough.

I don't know, what do you guys think?

Best girl

I wish they'd fix her animation canceling and maybe tone down her shield a little bit.

Happy April Tricks Day, pls no bully

fuckers on the enemy team would almost suicide to kill any zz'rot placed, and we thought buying more would confuse their AI we had fucking three zz'rots on the trynd, yi, and tali

I'm new to this board, anything I should know? Also anyone looking for some flex players??

So what prank are you guys gonna pull on this fine April Fools?

Turn back
Turn back right fucking now

>have yasuo vayne and lee on my team
>they're all shit and we lose
>2 of them are vietnamese
hm really makes you think

okay guys let's design the next jungler
>355 movespeed
>damaging blink

Spammable AoE DoT ala Morgs Soil with Built in live steal and gives vision, lets you blink to it.
Super long range skillshot that when it connects does %max HP damage over 5 seconds and slows for 80%.

>3 hit passive that scales based on how many large jungle camps this champ has killed

>there is an item that costs 800gold that cuts ALL healing by 40%
>we don't have a mana burn/steal item

I agree!

>On a lose streak with Shen.
>Contemplating going back to maining Yasuo.
Someone talk me out of this.

I agree with you agreeing :3

can't have mana interactions because some champs have no mana. Which means either manaless champs get even strong or- god forbid- an aspect of manaless champs like Zed become a liability in some specific situations.

>can't have mana interactions because some champs have no mana
Cuts down on CDR then

Locks the energy bar at the number it's currently at for 1 second, after that energy gain is lowered to 80% of it's original value

>spells that cost life
No idea, increase the cost?

welcome to the comfiest community on Veeky Forums

if youre a cuteboy or girl keep it quiet

lulu, janna, vladmir, and lissandra are champions who are associated with the worst posters in this general

mods are really shitty here and will ban you for nothing but let erping and shit slide

the place is pretty gay tho so if youre not into that then ya might be teased by the resident faggots

>there is a 700 gold item that negates 25% magic damage
>nobody buys it because "muh dmg"

should Death's Dance deal more up front damage and in turn deal more delayed DoT damage over a longer period of time?

>only armor i have is ninja tabi
>dont even have health items
>fiora still does more true damage than physical damage

lmao balanced as fuck

disregard that. If you're a cuteboy let me know so I can add you and we can play. If you are a girl nobody cares so don't mention/post tits if you do.

How do we fix Mundo? He's been in the toilet for literally seasons now, I can't even remember the last time he was relevant. He's worse than ever with Mortal Reminder available to every adc. How do we save the big lug?

>bots in twisted treeline

so do these things actually get banned or

t. king gay

fuck off faggot no one likes you

Death's dance should deal the delayed damage using the same type that originally dealt it so it increases the efficiency of the rest of your resistances.

Isn't Olaf's partial rework what Mundo should be? That or Garen

Just kill Mundo, skin him, and then throw that skin on a new champ Gangplank style

king gay is a fucking queer and NOT cute. I'm a short skinny whiteboy though, I'm v cute.

tfw haven't wont a single game against mundo since S3.

>GP's Q is the same
>GP's W is the same (but better)
>GP's ult is the same (but better)
>GP's passive is the same (but better)
>GP's barrels replaced an ability that gave him bonus AD for a few seconds

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

>Support bitches that we didn't ban Warwick
>tell her that Warwick isn't worth a ban and that I'm more worried about Graves, who we also didn't ban
>support tells me I've got brain damage

Okay then. They picked Graves, too.

>passive is the same
>doesnt slow


>doesn't slow
>speeds you up by 30% instead
>now you can escape from multiple attackers instead of getting dicked by the rest after slowing only the one you struck

anyone on EUNE wanna play some normals with me ?

grog-soaked blade becoming a stacking debuff that makes (no armor pen) barrels do increasing true damage per stack when

>even more shit tacked on the already best skill in the game
ok la

>decide to check leddit for lol news

I thank God every day that I'm not a redditor. I cannot imagine how life would be if I was that big of a faggot.

>GP doesn't have room in his kit for armor penetration since he has to build full crit AND triforce
>just bake the armour pen into his kit so he doesn't have to think critically about his build

My 5 stack and I did. We took the whole bait.

>thought it was five actually advanced bots
>I picked nasus and the enemy picked panth after
>loading screen
>dude you got counterpicked by a bot
>I got my shit pushed in
>the panth did shit that would put god to shame
>end up like 1/5/3 with 79 stacks at 10 minutes
>"you're only like 30"
>meanwhile out jungler is going fucking ballistic
>panth goes to deal with other people doing things
>I farm it out
>bots eventually pick a fight with me
>crash through the gates and clobber every structure in sight
>ended the game 6/7/9 with like 5 hundo stacks and became useful
What really sold it was us finding the enemy level 4 Kindred while everyone else was at LEAST 9
it was the most fun we'd had as a group and probably will have for a while. The magic was wonderful but short-lived

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on NA

Guys im new to league

i want a champion where i can press R-win the game

Fuck Lucian. No champion should have THAT much mobility.

>be gp
>be fight riven
>my lane is over
>go grasp so i can out sustain and tank her bullshit
>lucian is 15/0 against tahm and trist by like 10 mins
>support is retarded
>goes in 1v5 all the time
>he afks after doing it the fifth time
>we still win because ribbon a shit

what elo are most people
i'd have to play with a trackpad

>he can't grasp the concept of a NEW ERA OF MECHANICS

In most circumstances that is Rengar

doesnt matter

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
pw is vidya get the fuck in here

>tfw april fools
>tfw im fucking infuriated already by shitty jokes
>it's only 830am

>tfw people are praising riot because of "champ diversity"
>all I ever fucking see is Lucian, Ez or KogLulu comp

>nobody actually play any jokes or pranks, they're just lies
>"hey I made pancakes for breakfast April fool's it's heated up leftovers!"

Like, that's not a joke.

it really is horrible some years
>every website is changing there layouts and styles to be wacky aka shit
>every video on youtube is ebin trolling
>"hey guys important news LOL NOT REALLY XD"

Not when you live in shared housing.

The lack of Dota's Blink Dagger, Orchid, Smoke of Deceit, and Boots of Travel are to blame

>laning against Camille for the first time

>team doesn't wanna win
>carrying their asses
>make one tiny fucking mistake late game and lose the game


also why does riven have 2 forms of fucking cc

i've also lost 170 LP today

New mode for April's Fools revealed!

Can someone explain how Red smite works? I read it and still don't get it.

So, you cast red smite, and it reduces a champ's damage by 20%. Then your auto attacks cause enemies to take true damage over time from your auto attacks. Is it like, auto attacking causes the DoT and that's it? Or does the DoT duration refresh with each auto? The wiki makes it sound like there's a hard cap to the damage based on level regardless of how many autos you use.

Draft pick can be selected for one of those bots game thingies, right?

>amerilards waking up
>gold shitters ruining the thread
How surprising

red smite does 0 damage if you don't hit them

that looks so much fun honestlyyyyyyyyy