/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

Lolis 5ever edition

> Play Demo Day 13!

> /agdg/ Short Jam #2

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

> Previous Thread
> Previous Demo Days

> Previous Jams

> Engines
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> webm recording
OBS: obsproject.com
Webm for retards: gitgud.io/nixx/WebMConverter

Other urls found in this thread:


meme drive to full power, deploy meme gear

I appreciate the attempt, but this behaves the way version 1 did (with atan2). I divided the deltas by the magnitude, and multiplied that by the speed, but like I said, the problem still persisted. This webm does a decent job illustrating what I mean. For the first angle it's accurate, then less so in the second, then it doesn't even move on the x plane in the third.
Yep. One of them led me to version 2, but again, I couldn't make it perfect.
Yeah I know, being dumb and self aware sucks.

post progress

Who needs art? Tell me about your game and be sure to mention the engine you use, thanks

Anybody else find it hard to work on art things that aren't game assets after getting into gamedev?

Feels like guilt at times.

Push The Brand

cant wait to have some comfy pre-alpha test sessions


>text position computed when new letters are added
It's the engine default isn't it? I don't see people doing this by a conscious decision.

hope youre polishing up that gunplay.

I need a coder.

its easy.

You kinda jumped the gun by hitting greenlight with no gameplay. What engine are you making this in, anyway?


Almost there senpai, i can feel it.
really need a nichijou break

tfw taking a break from game progress to learn how shaders work

Never stop learning, user

as long as youre learning something related to gamedev, its gamedev

is learning how to draw related to gamedev?

Why are you using HUD in the first place you freaking lunatic? HUD is a relic from the past. Just use UMG widgets and enjoy the best engine on the market. You don't even need to set values being displayed on the UI by hand - just add binding functions to grab what you need from the widget itself.

>Doing thing that works towards actually making a game

>Doing a thing that's very related to gamedev but no clear plan ever made to bring it into making a game

secondary gamedev so yes

Yes, but most people can't find a useful application for it.
Meanwhile the other end of the scale has things like Hollow Knight and Hyper Light Drifter, where drawing is used to speed up art creation massivly.

Does it look like a shield?

First post here. Been lurking for a while.

Do you like my 8k mud texture soil?

Why is everyone only doing fucking floating enemy healthbars?
Why is not a single fucking person able to do a universal enemy healthbar?

My main problem is that while I feel things like are progress, I feel like I'm just wasting time while doing stuff like .

floating healthbars are fashionable and nudevs are all sheep that do the same juice and general design

what is a universal enemy healthbar?

A healthbar like in Ikaruga


Not a single person does this, although it is way better than fucking ugly floating bars above each enemy..

it depends on the game really.
If its more static like shmups sure. But a game like souls Id just turn them off

Literally shit. Do not post as a 'i know what's good for your game' ever again.

So here is my homemade Custom 8k leaf texture.

I hope you have a good graphic card and 32gb ram to handle my game

You most likely make a shit game anyway, so shitty bars above each of your ugly enemies fits

Grass on rock.

Do you like my creation? It's an UE4 game

typical retarded nodev. Stay in your shithole called engine and cry about why people make games you dont enjoy.

Souls games do not even need a bar. I am talking about games which actually need a bar of course.
Most people just throw their healthbars in as stupid eye candy anyway.

As if I gave a shit about others making games. 99% of video games are complete trash anyway.

I need health bars in DS because I want to know what's happening around me as much as I can to prioritize and make immediate calls on what to do next. Realism != fun.


So guys no one replied to Would you buy a game with pic related as assets? Photorealism, 8k texture etc.

I would buy a game with paint scribbles if I knew the gameplay was good.

You can just tank your way through these games. It's unecessary.

We already have enough walking simulators, so no.

At this point it's purly a hunting game, but I also think survival mecanics would be a huge arguments.

I know that survival or zombie became a big word here.

A lack of replies is feedback in itself. People still read your post, they just deemed it not interesting enough to respond to
That's a good sign that you need to rethink something because if you can't get attention here you're sure as fuck not going to get attention when you have to start promoting your game

Yeah, if it's fun to play. If it's boring, then no.

>That's a good sign that you need to rethink something
fuck off, its just textures
call us when theyre in game

they're clearly not interesting enough textures to get any feedback

It looks good but I generally play games for gameplay, not graphics.

mundane prop textures arent interesting.
The only feedback is when therye in game. And whether they look good or not.

Like you said, not everything warrants feedback, but that doesnt mean hes doing anything wrong.

Kinda pointless / inexpressive.

Visibility is important yeah.
I consider shilling it to some small youtubers/twitch streamers, because they like those kind of games.

Well for now 90% of gameplay is identical to theHunter game.
I want to make something close to The Forest perhaps.

>he makes universal health bars

>he has health bars

>Kinda pointless
you need to timekill enemies

>I consider shilling it to some small youtubers/twitch streamers, because they like those kind of games.
don't those people ask for money thought? Giving them a free game isn't enough

What did he mean by this?

>he has health

>he exists



Don't reply to me with your """2d""" game ever again.

I assume really small one like sub-50k will do it for free?

fight me

I'm taking notes on ut2k4's Invasion RPG mode to recreate in UT4, have some.


Did you schlep it or use an engine?

You actually have to pay lets players? What the fuck.

Money is lubricant for when your game isn't undeniable.

Might as well do it now before it costs 600$ to get your game on steam.

>You actually have to pay lets players?
as far as I'm aware, none of them take payments
none of the ones that matter, I mean

>my character being used as OP pic
The project is on hold right now, not sure if I will continue making it. Or I might take it in a complete different direction. But for now I'm working on some other stuff.

Whats the new project m8?

Fixed a bunch of dumb things yesterday and added some minor things with GUI and level select.

No progress today because family things and real work.

This is one of them.

oh, had no idea you were ladder dev.
looking forward to seeing if you take it anywhere.

Do you have a long credits crawl that looks like this?





>Level Design



so on

>~Special Thanks~
>Autistic programming guru from some forum
>Yet another autistic programming guru

Holy shit, I didn't know. Godspeed, user! Your sprites are good as always, and make me mad jelly.

>Thanks for playing my game, you're here so i hope you atleast liked it. Enjoy the post-game t. dev

Also, it's epic if you append some vindictive message at the end saying "No thanks to those who wronged me" or something. Like, if you hate your parents or your school counselors and you're proving them you made valuable use of your time making this game.

make sure to include pets and babies born during production

There will be no credits on my game unless required by law

>~Special Thanks~
Wow, I'm stealing this idea.

credits where you can shoot/interact with the names

It's pretty much what I will do.
Music might have my friend dude who does music.
Also gonna put Mom and Dad, and You

Still taking ideas for what to call this thing.

So how do I get on those kickstarter/patreon buxs fellas

>~Special Thanks~
fukken lol

to be honest if anyone deserves a shout out for my game it's them

Tell me your secrets user-dude.

Indian Crossroads

Porn/Furry stuff

The "big" ones all the kids watch like markiplier only do sponsored videos (ie they were paid), not just random indies who email a code of their game

What said, but I would include anime and non-porn fetishbait as well


Do they mention how much it costs?

I sincerely doubt it

Then how are you supposed to find out how much they need to get paid. Just offer a random amount of money through an email and hope they accept?

This is just a meme if anyone is concerned, you don't need to pay anyone.

>~Special Thanks~
This is the correct answer

Right guys,

Let's play ideas guy for a bit. Been thinking of making an SRPG for a while now, kinda akin to FE and Advance Wars. (Floating isometric land in a lucid LSD dream world does nothing for me, nor am I a fan "height" advantages. Do like tile terrain advantages though)

But what to make a fairly unique setting, so I'm after some ideas of what to include. From setting to systems. What kind of ideas have you guys had for SRPGs?

Probably going to try and make it in Love, because pic related is the system I'm using, so I'm fairly limited to what I can run.

>didn't call it "Idea guy general" for April Fools
Why do pedophiles have no creativity?

>not being a twine dev

>not a fan of 3d terrain

Let's assume you have enough talent and money to take care of everything. A setting is quite important in a story based game, you should give more details or think about what mechanics you want to implement first so that the setting complements the gameplay.