How much would I need to move to Dubai?

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A stable job, but fuck off, we don't want you here

Is it even a possibly? I've heard that they're intolerant of outsiders so I assume their immigration program is nearly non-existent

You heard wrong, out cock sucking government hand out jobs to Americans and Bitrish faggots all day long, because they think they're superior.
They are not at all, an indian could work 100x harder than any pill popping, party hard faggot american.

>think they're superior

We are

Prove it you smelly american.
S-syria, p-palestine. Fuck off whitey, we are neither of those shit holes.
S-sharia law... yet you americans always seem to enjoy it here. Funny.
Fuck off back to a black hood where you will be shot simply for being white you worthless piece of poor cum stained shit.
Good thing sharia law exists, for faggots like you to be ridden from this earth.

If it's any consolation I'm a North American that hates the gulf states and wish we would both keep to ourselves

We do like it there, fuck your women raw dog without a bag. We can treat that place like the shit hole it is.

There is a reason why your government likes us, we are better looking, smarter, stronger, taller. We are just better people than you.

It's fun being in the best country in the world.

Oh how I laugh at how confused you are.
Fuck our women, our women spit on white, tiny dick scum like you, that is the reason our precious women cover, from devils like you. Go fuck some white trash hoe who has her tits out on the beach for every man too see, cuck.
>we can tread that place like the shit hole it is
Pffffffft, listen american, I know you dont have many brain cells, but america is the shit hole, not Dubai, you are led by a man who has billions of dollars in investments here, and he cares more for us than for you white trash.
>better looking
Are you familiar with metrics, cuck?
Well considering that many of your top university students are foreign, you can go fuck yourself on that one
Come bomb us like you did with afgan then? Oh wait, no, your leader likes us too much
average american is 5'10"
average Emirati is 5'11"
Once again, I don't blame you for your stupidity.

Its fun being in Dubai while my family are worth millions while you cucks struggle with a shitty paying job to fund your nigger and spic problem, oh, and lets not forget those trashy whites (aka 90% of em).

Reminder that dubai is only nice due to the British Empire and Indian slave labor.

The Exclusive Agreement of 1882 cucked the Emiratis from independence.

APOC birthed the oil industry for the samdniggers.

Rashid Al Maktoum was only able to create a modern UAE because the white man wanted oil.

Had Brits not cucked the popoulace and found oil tgey would still be a tribal people.

You could have left them isolated for hundreds of years and not much would change.

>Oh how I laugh at how confused you are.
>Fuck our women, our women spit on white, tiny dick scum like you, that is the reason our precious women cover, from devils like you. Go fuck some white trash hoe who has her tits out on the beach for every man too see, cuck.
>>we can tread that place like the shit hole it is
>Pffffffft, listen american, I know you dont have many brain cells, but america is the shit hole, not Dubai, you are led by a man who has billions of dollars in investments here, and he cares more for us than for you white trash.

>tfw dirty UAE brat roasts the fuck out of Amerilard

>white, tiny dick scum like you

>4.9 inches

Thats middle school tier

That wasn't much of a roast. More like an angry rant lol. You can tell this dune coon is pretty butthurt.

well i can tell you that dubai is much like Singapore only its hotter and the whores are mostly russian. its a fake city for fake people, it gets tired fast, there is no culture other than spending culture if you do not work there there is no point living there longer than 3 months.

quality shitposter, guys.

really, though.
as long as you have a job that earns you $1370 US, you can live a pretty decent life, in Dubai.

if you work with an international company, they (the company you work with) are entitled to:

pay your bills...

pay your housing (most are given a budget, for this. solely depends on the district, in Dubai. houses and apartments come at different prices)...

oh please sand nigger, all your fucking oil is worth shit if america or china doesnt want it go hijbab a kebab

Does Dubai require europoors to have visa, or anything like that?

yeah. but it's paid for, if you work with an international company. the only job you do, is going to the appropriate place to renew the visa.


>h-h-he's just butthurt... he didn't roast him at all... he mad

>mfw annihilated amerifats are denying the fact that they just got BTFO


but i'm self employed :(

sorry to say. you might have a bit of trouble getting around with self-employment, here.


Dubai has Sharia Law if you're non-muslim and the fact Trump is pretty anti Muslim and pro Israel I really wouldn't go there anytime soon.