Let's talk about Gallipoli Veeky Forums
What went wrong?
What could have been done to prevent the disastrous invasion?
Was Churchill entirely to blame?
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Let's talk about Gallipoli Veeky Forums
What went wrong?
What could have been done to prevent the disastrous invasion?
Was Churchill entirely to blame?
Feel free to add more questions or answer.
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April 25 1915
Landed on Turkish soil under a terrific fire from enemy entrenchments. Battalion lost about 17 killed and 200 wounded. I lay in the open from 7am till 5pm and did not get a scratch. Dug ourselves in that night; snipers going all night but we did not return their fire. Food for 24hrs: two biscuits and some water.
April 26
9am: Dubliners and Munsters ordered to attack and take village held by enemy snipers. Village taken about 11am - casualties on our side slight. 11.30am: Same regiments ordered to take a strongly held redoubt about 500 yards south of the village, which was completed about 3pm - the trenches being taken at the point of the bayonet. The Dubs were first to charge from about 200 yards from the trenches. The Turks did not wait, and when the Munsters got to the trenches we found a German officer and six Turks who gave in. Sergeant Major Bennet was killed leading his Coy [company]. He was buried where he fell by a party of X Coy, and I put a rough cross on his grave with a small inscription.
April 28
General advance ordered, we were detailed for Supports. About 11am, word came back for us. Started to join firing line but Coy Officer, myself and five men got cut off from remainder of Coy. Met a Coy of Lancs Fus and joined them. Advanced over fire-swept ground, bullets hopping all around, my luck must have been in. Got within 600 yards of enemy trench, could not see any of them, but blazed away into their trenches. Hope I accounted for some of them. Dug in that night but were not attacked. Did not have a wash since 24/4/15 but managed to change my socks tonight.
May 1
About 5pm enemy started a heavy shrapnel fire on our trenches. Three of us were having some tea in rear of our trench when one of them burst overhead and a splinter struck the ground about a foot away from me. 9pm they started an attack: I am sure I will never forget that night as long as I live. They crept right up to our trenches (they were in thousands) and they made the night hideous with yells and shouting Allah, Allah. We could not help mowing them down. Some of them broke through in a part of our line but they never again got back as they were caught between the two lines of trenches. Some of the best men in the Regiment killed. When the Turks got to close quarters the devils used hand grenades and you could only recognise our dead by their identity discs.
May 2
Half of a stereoscopic image depicting British troops advancing at Gallipoli. Photo: Hulton Archive
A week in the firing line today and thank God I am still alive. My God, what a sight met us when day broke this morning. The whole ground in front was littered with dead Turks. To my left where the attack was strongest, I think there are at least 500 - and there is no chance of burying them, as anybody who shows themselves outside is bound to be brought down by one of their snipers, who are concealed all over the country.
>The Dubs were first to charge
> Australians in charge of executing perfectly planned operations
May 7
I was still in the reserve trenches. About 9am our artillery commenced the bombardment of the enemy trenches - and didn't they give the Turks something. From where I was I could see the whole ground in front, nothing but a mass of flying debris. Our aeroplanes are overhead giving our people the range, and all the time the enemy shrapnel is bursting around them (and falling on us too) but they don't seem to care: they keep on soaring over the enemy position. Mrs Ahern's brother-in-law sighted a sniper this morning, and he was getting in a good position to have a shot at him when the sniper got him clean through the left wrist. One of the chaps in the trench bound it up for him and he went back to the base hospital.
May 8
Still holding the line we took up yesterday. About 10am the French, Australians and New Zealanders made a feint attack to draw the enemy's fire, and didn't the Turks waste some ammunition. The attacking force rested in the rear of our trenches during the day. While coming up it was only natural that they had some casualties. There was a New Zealander lying wounded about 100 yards in rear of our trenches, and we could hear him moaning quite plainly. Suddenly one of his own officers called for two volunteers to fetch him into our trenches. The officer and two men dashed out and picked up the wounded man. On they came towards us, and I was just thinking they were safe when the Turks let fly and brought down the officer and one of the men (wounded only). You should have heard what our men said about the Turks and what they would have liked to do to them.
Brits panicked due to Turkish sea mines
Brits stalled on the beaches for days due to indecision
Brits allowed the Turks to set up a defense
Australians and co. paid the price
>Australians and co. paid the price
>There were no British soldiers at gallipoli
This is the second thread I've seen here today that should be on /k/, fuck off
May 23
Four weeks today we landed here and it does not appear so long after all. Heard mass this morning ... and also that Italy had joined the Allies.
June 4
At V beach. About 10.30am the French batteries on our right opened fire. That seemed to be a signal for the rest of the artillery. Immediately the whole line took it up and after a while the ships on either side of the peninsula joined in, and such a din I never heard before. I left my dugout and went out to see what was happening, and what a sight I saw. The whole of "Achi Baba" was nothing but a mass of flying earth and smoke. The bombardment was kept up about four hours, and if any Turks lived under it, it must be a miracle. During this time our infantry were advancing and some of the wounded who came back told us that they had taken two lines of Turkish trenches. At 3pm we went up to the reserve trenches where we remained all night. I saw at least 1,000 Turkish prisoners being marched back to our base, and one of them who was spoken to by an interpreter said he was the only one left alive in his trench as the result of our artillery fire.
>Veeky Forums - History & Humanities
>discussion about a historical campaign
What is this from? Interesting stuff
Your sons will rest a million years
If the Middle East post WWI is proof of anything it's that the British and French didn't know shit about geography. I mean Sykes Picot had to be changed due to the fact that the British holdings had no access to water under the original lines.
That's what happened with Gallipoli, a bunch of people trying to take an area with steep impassible hills while snipers were on top of the hills.
Extracted from the diary of Sergeant D Moriarty, No 8308, 1st Royal Munster Fusiliers, 86th Brigade, 29th Division, Expeditionary Force.
June 16
Australian troops at Gallipoli circa 1918. Photo: Hulton Archive
About 5pm our 12-inch guns opened fire on the Turkish trenches about 200 yards in front of us. What an awful sight it is when one of these shells explode. The gunners had the range to a T and you could plainly hear the Turks howling for mercy and see white flags being pushed over the top of the trenches, but we know a little too much now to take any notice of white flags. Some prisoners who were brought in stated that but for their German officers they would give in long ago. If they are seen making a movement to surrender they are shot down by German machine gunners.
June 20
At Gully Beach. We had Mass this morning at which I attended. We were told that a German chemist had arrived in Constantinople for the purpose of making poisonous gas. We were issued with respirators in case the Turks would use it against us. The Turks have sent us the third and final warning to get off the Peninsula before they make it too hot for us. We are going tomorrow (I don't think).
probably a humanities-fag mad that there's a thread that isn't about islam, christianity or atheism for once
>Thread theme:
No, this is thread theme.
Seemed overly complicated for little relative gain...
Simply mining the aegean sea and establishing a blockage would have crippled Turkey for for less costs.
July 13
Still on the front trenches. Should have been relieved today but all movements have been cancelled indefinitely. Things were fairly quiet till about 4pm when the whole of the artillery (French and British) started another fierce bombardment of the Turkish positions. I went out this morning and put two crosses over the graves of the men of W and Y companies who were killed on the night of 1-2 May (13 of Y, 19 W and 8 of the machine gun) ...
Here the diary ends. Sergeant Moriarty was subsequently killed in action in France on September 1 1918, and is buried in the Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwick, grave reference III D9.