Are holocaust deniers the creationist of history?
Are holocaust deniers the creationist of history?
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saged and hidden
If anything it's the opposite.
>It doesn't matter what your research says this is sacred.
t. deniers
Pretty much.
Humanities was a mistake.
How can anyone deny the holocaust? There must be lots of evidence of bones/bodies discovered, right?
>point out victims testimony
>lol doesn't count because kikes
>point out testimony of people who liberated the camps
>doesn't count lol allied conspiracy
>point out testimony of people who conducted the killings
>nah, they were tortured lol wake up sheeple
>point out people like Rudolf Hess writing literal volumes of memoirs detailing the killings
>JIDF shill GTFO
>point out physical evidence of cyanide residue in the gas chambers and holes in the concrete where Zyklon B was poured in
>doesn't count, where's the real evidence
>point out bone fragments in the fields all around Treblinka
>surely there must be some real proof
humanity was a mistake
My favorite are the ones who backtrack when pressed to "Well it happened but it wasn't 6 million," as though all historical numbers aren't estimates and like it really matters if it was only 4 or 5 million
>and like it really matters if it was only 4 or 5 million
>lol inventing two million people is no biggie
Was it jewery or mere autism?
it show how autistic you are because you actually believe the general public thinks like that
>oh wait, only 5 million people were slaughtered on an industrial scale instead 11 million? wtf I love hitler now!
That's not the point Shlomo.
I think the holocaust was barbaric as well; but if you're just going to invent numbers why even bother with history at all?
Young earth creationism is the creationism of history
sure thing denier
>anyone that disagrees with me is a kike shill! JIDF!
>ignoring the rest of his post
The point is its literally impossible to calculate the exact fucking number of victims, so bickering about the EXACT number is kind of moot. And deniers usually do it to a fucking ridiculous degree, and just pull numbers out of their ass
>dude only 300,000 died at most!
also, their hatred of jews and/or nazi sympathizing doesnt really help their argument and is a huge confirmation bias
You do know that gypsies, faggots, russians and other slavs, jehova's whitnesses etc was also part of the holocaust murders?
>he doesnt know that a significant chunk of all history is just flat out made up based on best guesses from what little we do know
But the Holocaust is more Veeky Forums related than humanities related.
It was creationists that threw so-called "heretics" into prison for """denying""" that the earth is flat or revolved around the sun back in the middle ages.
Just like revisionists are being called """deniers""" by modern-day creationists (shoaists/adherents of the holocaust religion) for ""denying"" something for which there is no physical evidence whatsofuckingever.
So yeah you're wrong, dumb and should kill yourself
Also see pic
Yes; but they're counted separate from the Jews
Yes; because we don't have any surviving records.
Making shit up about stuff that happened mere 70 years ago when you can just settle the concrete number once and for all is ludicrous
You can't get the EXACT number but that doesn't justify inflating the numbers ( I don't even know why)
>It was creationists that threw so-called "heretics" into prison for """denying""" that the earth is flat or revolved around the sun back in the middle ages.
except creationist are modern thing and they are all about denying evolution
and posting a shitpost picture of random god awful conspiracy theories only makes you look like even more of a retard. Especially the "HURR THINK FOR YOURSELF SHEEPLE" stuff
>bohemian grove
>random god awful conspiracy theories
when the jidf hits
>Making shit up about stuff that happened mere 70 years ago when you can just settle the concrete number once and for all is ludicrous
Except it more or less has been settled. You've got the Anglo-American committee of Inquiry which came to the conclusion that somewhere between 5.7-6.4 million Jews vanished. Where the fuck do you think they all went?
>5.7-6.4 million
That's a margin of 700,000 people.
Did the brits and americans lose 700,000 people?
>talking about the holocaust
>start rambling about a random conspiracy theory that isnt even about jews, yet deniers blame on jews anyway
This is exactly why no one takes you seriously by the way. You are scatter brained retards.
Creationists are the creationists of history.
Yes, they lost track of an enormous number of people. You've had most of Europe overturned, and you're primarily relying on census data to establish how many Jews there were in the first place.
So now you've got the problem that you might not even have a precise definition of what a "Jew" is, and you certainly don't have one that's evenly applied to every country involved. Do you only count the religious Orthodox definition of converts or a Jewish mother? Do you count anyone who speaks Yiddish as a first language? Do you count people who have a Jewish father but a non-Jewish mother? Grandparents? Are you going to try to come up with different degrees of "Jewishness", half an quarter Jews and the like, or is it a binary you're Jewish or you're not?
Then you have the problem that most countries only conduct censuses every 5-15 years or so, and thus don't have a precise count of the Jewish population the moment the Nazis took over or rolled in. You've got all the people who did their utmost best to hide any trace of Jewishness, and weren't about to come out of the rabbit hole just as the war ended. You've got people who went missing, were displaced, were not killed, and turned up later. You've got situations where the town that they used to live in isn't there anymore, and they've wound up in a completely different country, or a refugee camp somewhere where they're not interested in headcounts.
Trying to determine civilian casualties after a major upheaval is not as simple as checking boxes you twit. You get similar approximations whenever you have mass chaos, try getting an accurate fix as to how many people have died in the Second Congo war.
I understand all of that, and sincerely thank you for taking some time to write a proper reply, but why can't we revisit it one final time and put it to rest? If react kneejrkedly all you're doing is giving deniers fuel
>giving deniers fuel
Why bother talking to them they're in it for their agenda not the truth. If someone actually denies the Holocaust he's either an idiot who's not worth talking to or a politically motivated faggot who you won't convince even if you resurrect Eichmann and have Adolf Jr. tell him himself.
because if we havent figured it out by now then we probably are never going to. Unless somehow a shit ton of Nazi records show up there is no way to find out more than we already do
>except creationist are modern thing and they are all about denying evolution
And all the other earth sciences
And do what exactly? Go over the same not fully reliable census data and come up to the same conclusions? It's been 71 years since the war ended. Good luck finding people who were around back then with clear memories of how many Jews lived two villages over. At this point, you're probably not going to dig up any more primary evidence, and all that's left is processing the stuff we have.
I mean, sure, you could run it over another time, but do you really think you're going to get a different result?
> If react kneejrkedly all you're doing is giving deniers fuel
So what? Despite their presence on Veeky Forums, they're a lunatic fringe movement anywhere else. Most people aren't sympathetic to their viewpoints, and they've been trashed repeatedly at the academic level. You're not going to get enough interest to muster up god knows how many man-hours trying to painstakingly research the Jewish population of each and every shtetl in Europe and how many of its inhabitants died just to convince a few holocaust deniers, many of whom aren't going to be convinced by anything anyway. In a different holocaust thread, long ago, I tried to rebut a claim that the crematoria couldn't incinerate the bodies as fast as they did by citing to a book by one William Eassie, who was writing about contemporary cremation practices in the 1870s, and who saw engines which could burn bodies much faster than the "two to three hours that are necessary"
I was told, in all apparent seriousness, that Eassie was a Jewish plant to create fake evidence to support the "holohoax narrative". There comes a point where no amount of reasoned arguments are going to help.
lol there were a bunch in a /pol/ thread citing the """"red cross report""""" they bring up all the time and then I posted this gem and their reaction was to just ignore it. Like for how much they kept bringing up the red cross thing to prove their point, they just acted like it never existed or that they never brought up.
They just jump around from meme to meme in a very circular logic. And of course, anything that proves them wrong is just a jewish lie
also this
Came back to Veeky Forums after months, immediately went to Veeky Forums and this is one of the first posts I see.
Topkek m8
Well yeah, you can basically draw comparisons between denialists in all fields. They hold factually incorrect positions and don't actually care about academic honesty, but rather justifying their agenda.
>You can't get the EXACT number but that doesn't justify inflating the numbers ( I don't even know why)
OK, so until you know the exact number, you can't state a number? Or make comparatives?
>Well yeah, you can basically draw comparisons between denialists in all fields
>there are people who deny the Jager report
>that ignore the wannsee conference
>there are people who ignore the Holfe telegram
I think creationists are the creationists of history
There's far loonier groups as far as historical revisionism goes.
>There was no centralized plan to kill precisely 6 million Jews, instead it was the result of individual camps running out of food due to supply lines being cut and oops looks like we have to feed either the guards or the subhumans :^)
is pretty tame compared to
>Julian Jaynes
>The "Indo-Europeans came from South East Asia" thing Indian nationalists have
>Denial of the Finno-Korean Hyperwar
>Historical Materialism
you forgot actual creationists like said m8
Why do stormfags feel the need to cram all of their inforgraphic with le epic memes? Every one of these always has a shitload of images on them that are literally just shitty jokes or propaganda pictures
no they are a bunch of unemployed slobs who want to make a name for themselves. Wasting their time shoving their beliefs to peoples throats.
I think the problem is that because it is taught in such black-and-white terms with no social acceptance for anyone who questions anything about it that the only positions for which support can be found are completely absolutist.
I believe that it certainly happened, but not to the extent commonly taught; this position is shouted down by normal people because it disagrees with what they have learned to accept, and by stormfront-types because the loudest people (and really the only ones who talk openly about their beliefs) are hardliners who almost deny that a single jew was harmed.
Many holocaust deniers are probably just very quiet in their belief that the version of history that is commonly taught is grossly exaggerated, and instead spout the same rhetoric as everyone else just so that they can feel like they are being supported. Or, at least I hope so, because honestly both sides of the argument are fucking stupid and only "discussed" by the most boorish, dim-witted, closed-minded, loud-mouthed, mouth-breathing keyboard warriors; and I would quite like to be able to confidently throw my hat in with one side without sacrificing reason.
Well both groups are retarded, so I guess so.
I thought creationists were the creationists of history.
>which came to the conclusion that somewhere between 5.7-6.4 million Jews vanished. Where the fuck do you think they all went?
That's untrue though, we saw a rise in the Jewish population worldwide from before WWII to after WWII.
t. schopenhauer
if they cram them all together than maybe we won't notice how each of those indivdualy is wrong. how do you think they spread their creed, with logic?
Worldwide, yes.
In Europe? Fuck no.
Gish Gallop. You throw a ton of bullshit points out real fast. It takes forever to explain why each is wrong and if you miss a single one or don't give an explanation they feel is adequate they can still claim victory.
It's the same technique creationists use.
Let's all be honest, the only reason anyone gives a fuck about the Holocaust is because Jews were at the recieving end, if the Nazis had "just" restricted the slaughter to homosexuals, the disabled, Freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Slavs, and enemies of the regime no-one would give half the fucks about it that they do now
Records of the Holocaust were mainly "found" by the Soviets. While the holocaust did happen. The numbers can not be trusted. As Soviets had political motivation to embellish the truth.
The holocaust is basically nothing compared to other genocides of the 20th century. The soviets and chinese easily killed at least ten times more, each, of their own peoples.
Israel was a mistake. A secular state that favored no religion should have been left by the British.
anti semitism was cool back then.
if they had found a way to kill the jews other than the camps. then it would not have been so shocking to the west.
The Holocaust happened just as the Jewish community were making momentous strides into the upper classes in the UK, US, etc.
And as usual typical Jewish narcissism and histrionics outed itself, and the Holocaust become "literally the single most horrifying event in human history, ever"
Haha, with the current election going on, you'd think more would be educated about the difference between a Jew and a Zionist. The Zionists are very real; people like Rothschilds and George Soros.
Funnily enough, both are heavily involved with the Clinton Foundation and with US affairs to this day. I don't think anyone is denying the allegations that George Soros, last year, paid protesters to wreak havoc and commit vandalism. It has been confirmed that protesters are being shipped in to Charlotte via another Soros front! So when the idea of the Holocaust comes up, don't blanket "anti-semitism" with it! There is heavy evidence that the leading commanders in the German Army were a built-to-fail campaign to exterminate millions of people. I'm not saying it was Zionism that caused this, but there is UNDISPUTED evidence that Zionist family-owned munitions manufacturing plants were PURPOSELY NOT TARGETED. In the end, a minority of German arms manufacturing plants were even destroyed. This is why we see companies around to this day that have incredibly shady histories... This isn't a "great lie" as some think, just a FINANCED DISASTER meant to destabilize the planet in order to allow for corruption to reign free (such are the globalist efforts... ASK ICELAND)
if we're being honest, the only reason anyone denies the holocaust is because they hate jews in the first place and dont like them being victims
I'm not denying it happened, I'm just saying the only reason anyone cares about it is because it happened to the most narcissistic people on Earth - whose outsized presence in academia, media, etc enabled it to become "Literally the worst event in the history of humanity, oy vey"
because they are schizo retards who dont know how to debate or engage in conversation
I think it has more to do with where it occurred. other similar mass killings in modern history occurred on the periphery of the Western world, African colonies and Anatolia. This however occurs right in the heart of civilized europe.
industrialized slaughter of millions of people is pretty horrific. You are just understating this because you hate jews.
The same people who make it out to not be that big of a deal or the same people who throw a shit fit and act like the biggest victims ever if a soda commercial has an interracial couple in it
>Gish Gallop
we prefer to call it 'blitzkrieg'
>You are just understating this because you hate jews.
I'm not. Read the post again, fuckface.
The IMPORTANCE of the Holocaust derives almost entirely from the fact it happened to Jews, while the Jewish community was making massive strides in other Western nations.
>The same people who make it out to not be that big of a deal or the same people who throw a shit fit and act like the biggest victims ever if a soda commercial has an interracial couple in it
The Nazis wiped out far more Slavs than they did Jews, and wiped out a greater proportion of the Romani community than they did the Jewish community. Does anyone care? No.
This. They literally can't recover. We should fuck their stupid climate denial next.
>We should fuck their stupid climate denial next.
>*throws a bunch of money at well-connected con-men insisting that this time they can make renewable energy profitable, they just need $100 million in start-up capital*
>the single most horrifying event in human history
it is actually
not because 6m jews died
not because 6m ppl died
but because 6m ware murdered for no other reason than 'being jews'. (regardless if they ware actual jews, some just had the wrong grandmother). massacaring people for the sole reason of being born, just when humanity thought we ware over such barbarism.
t. Exxonmobil
"""""Climate change""""" is the biggest meme ever. You have a religious devotion to it without ever doing even a little bit of research into it,
A "civilized" country like Germany in the 1940s activly trying to massacre an entire group of people is pretty note worthy user. It would be big if they targeted gays just as much. There were 11 million victims total, with 6 million being jews. You being some complete psychopath who sees no problem with this as such a big deal because you dont like jews is irrelevant
Clearly anyone who doesn't agree with me is a complete psychopath
I always thought one of the major revisions was that the holocaust wasn't an explicit government program ordered by Hitler, but rather something that just happened on the ground level due to the circumstances.
yeah, brushing off the murder of millions in such a cavalier manner is pretty psychopathic. Dont get all pissy
>climate change is just a meme
i don't argue with other people's arguments
so im posting this juust for the sake of memes
>4 charcoal powered breadovens can burn more bodies per day then modern cremation equipment
>it's another "I'm just gonna ignore multiple census reports of about a dozen different countries, research of dozens of historians and a few committees as well as the internal reports of the german war apparatus and focus on that one jew lying" episode
So, all these threads completely focus on the jewish holocaust, whereas the slavic civilian population suffered immensely during the war as well and that often gets almost completely ignored.
So this got me thinking... Are stormfronters jewish shills?
Remember hearing about the 55+ thousand ethic Germans murdered and defaced by Poles and Czechs prior to WW2, the Betrayal of the Cossacks, slaughter of Africans by allied forces in Ethiopia, etc?
But never ever forget whatever made up number it is this year so we can keep getting that reparations money because millions of Deuschmarks can undo those horrible years of pain and suffering.
>made up number
It's not made up, stop enabling the denial discussion Shlomo.
>Remember hearing about the 55+ thousand ethic Germans murdered and defaced by Poles and Czechs prior to WW2
to paraphrase the immortal words of JC Denton
do you have a single source to back that up
>what is Danzig massacres
>what is Bloody Sunday
Nice work contributing to a thread on WW2 with no backround knowledge, guess Germany just went ahead and invaded Poland for no reason.
Is it 2,4, or 6 million today?
Or maybe its in the thousands like the Red Cross says.
>>what is Danzig massacres
committed by Germany
>>what is Bloody Sunday
legal reprisals against partisans acting against the Polish military :^)
Bloody Sunday happened AFTER the Invasion started anyways, you moron. How the fuck can it be used as a justification for the invasion then?
i see you have not provided a source to back your claims up
>Or maybe its in the thousands like the Red Cross says.
It's bad form to post shit that's been debunked in the same damn thread.
>Germans killing ethnic Germans in Danzig
1/10 bait, try harder
Maybe try reading the dates of your source, the ones in the 13th century are non relevant to current discussion, despite how cool it would be to see Ritterbrüder tanks with giant metal snakes on them.
>falling for bait, 2016
>Teutonic order in tanks
I didnt know how much I wanted this until now.
B-because Stalin was gonna invade Europe if Hitler didn't invade first, right guys?
Why, yes, yes they are! That's a good metaphor and one I'll use again.
flat earthers of history
>Himmler literally on tape saying that they're murdering Jews