Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous: >[Bait Gacha]
From 3/29 to 4/5 Daily Class Summons.
Wednesday - Saber
Thursday Archer
Friday - Lancer
Saturday - Rider
Sunday - Assassin + EXTRA
Monday - caster
Tuesday - Berserker
Wednesday - Saber

>[Rerun: Fate/GUDAGUDA Honnoji]
From 3/15 to 3/31. Animation update for Okita and Nobunaga. No changes to their NP.
- 5* Okita Souji
- 4* Emiya
- 3* Medusa, Mephistopheles, Ushiwakamaru, Cu Chulainn
- 5* CE GUDAO (Honnoji Point +30%)
- 5* CE GUDAGUDA Poster Girl (Hiragumo +1)
- 4* CE Launch Order! (Youhen Tenmoku Chawan +1)
- 3* CE Fate GUDAGUDA Order (Tsukumogami Nasu +1)

- Latest changes fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
-GUDAGUDA Part 2 coming in mid-April
-CCC collab coming at some point much later


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: Dec.7)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:




A new popularity poll is held today for every TM work. Who places in the top twenty?

The cutest


This anonymous waifu

Puberty hit Liz like a truck.

I'm probably giving fujos and the power of recency bias far too much credit here, and I might also be overestimating how badly certain characters have fallen off in popularity in Japan due to it being so long since they got a major work released, but here are my predictions:
1. Saber
2. Rin
3. Emiya
4. Shiki (female)
5. Arcuied
6. Gilgamesh
7. Iskander
8. Shirou
9. Sakura
10. Mashu
11. Aoko
12. Kiritsugu
13. Illya
14. Waver
15. Tamamo
16. Roman
17. Kohaku
18. Nero
19. Enkidu
20. Scathach
21. This guy

That's Carmilla......


>Removed the Altier collab
>Didn't remove Honnoji

I guess blood does do wonders for the skin.


Carmilla is Liz.

I'm trying to imagine her being a singing idol.

Carmilla is Liz



That's Carmilla......


But Camilla is Best liz

I hate that Enkidu and Scat making the cut seems like the most realistic out of all the GO original servants.


Wait, is there a Pokemon Go app for servants now or something?

I've been gone the past few days.

Nobu a CUTE.

I want to look exactly like Carmilla.

Did the user making high quality screenshots of all Riyo servants finish?

That's Carmilla......

Just imagine her singing while sitting on a piano.

This is true.

Post your favorite servant without posting them.
I'll start


That's Carmilla......

Caster Gilles

>Sakura in the top five girls
Japs fucking hate her
>Shirou above Kiri
Not in this lifetime
>Iskander not in top 4 despite the Extella polls
>No Altera
>Illya not in top five due to primsa
Wrong again
>Nero above Scat
>NEron on the lis
>Waver not below Nero
wrong wrong wrong



>Nobu a SHIT

Need moar Carmilla in my life
>Post fave by not posting them

No it's not


Lion King?

Post FGOGO memepic

Mashu should probably be higher

It's an april fool's and will only be up for the next hour.




If she was still placing like that, maybe. As it is her massive spike in popularity back then didn't last and she went back to her regular level for the most part.


Got a source for that? The VR coming out with her in it would suggest she's still popular enough for the company to have faith in her

Carmilla vs Kiara vs Gorgon vs Lancer Artoria (and Alter) vs Anne. Who has the hottest body? (You may include ones I didn't mention lol)

Illya would definitely be above Aoko.


Good guess but unfortunately, no. :c

Calling dibs on the two girls on the right.



Who beat Servant?

Cannonically Kiara.
In my estimable opinion, also Kiara.

Which sucks because I've spent the last 24 hours on buses without wifi.
I even managed to download the apk but I can't download the rest in game.


Best lesbian serial killer.


Still wondering. Out of the 7, who is best waifu/husubando for Jeannu Alteru?


Check the last few NT polls, she's not even in them anymore. They're extremely fickle with regards to fotm stuff, limited in scope of who can be voted for and who votes, and have had to ban certain characters who did well too consistently for too long because it got boring. They're not that accurate.

And I'm not saying she's unpopular, I'm just saying I don't think she's quite popular enough yet to get higher than what I listed.


That's Carmilla......

Kiara > Camilla > Boudicca > Martha > Gudako > Autoria > Sanzou > Ushi > Gorgon

No, but they have a similarity.

Skin dentation gone too far in that one.

They're nearly all caucasian looking tittymonsters with big hips and similarly decent asses. The only difference in their bodies comes down to a matter of how big you like your tits and how tall you like your women - well, and if you're into monstergirls in Gorgon's case.

Now, if we can include general looks like their outfits and faces as well, then it gets ore interesting. I'd personally say Lancer Artoria or Carmilla in that case.



2017 is Boudica's time to shine!

f l o o f

Boudicca Strong

It would be cool to have Berserker Boudica as a servant

>wanting used goods
>medb will never fuck cu and be driven to despair as she realises the only allure he possessed was the chase to get him and now that she has she's back to feeling nothing for anyone again

she would have plenty reasons to be an avenger actually, her whole thing is trying to get back at rome after getting fucked over (almost literally)

Only good for her milf sex appeal, rape victim potential and nothing else.



Boudicca's Annihilation Line Noble Phantasm when?

Nuh-huh, Boudica grew outta that petty 'revenge' stuff and realises that as a Heroic Spirit she should be mature and ignore transgressions from her life and focus on the here and now instead :^)

But she can cook extremely well

Are we doing this now?

>can cook
What are you saying user ?

Getting further. The similarity is about NPs though.

Astolfo is canonically a girl in the chink version because they have strong censorship laws against transvestites and such.

Stop posting whores.

Grail mud can do anything user

Already happening.

>release event
>Berserker Boudica goes full sexy anime mom mode
>Rider Boudica ramps up her big sister game to fight back
>eventually two factions form around them
>Team MILF
Berserker Boudica
>Team Nee-chan
Rider Boudica
Medusa (joins because of Stheno and Eury bullying)
>Chaldea descends into civil war as the epic battle between Ara and Oiya goes too far

Ironically that makes them sound like trapfags in denial.

Man I hated Septem.

This is exactly why we need Avengr or Bezerker Boudica.

>girl Astolfo
What's the point?


Then let's post some pure damsels instead.