/lolg/ League of Legends General


Prev When does tsm play edition

Ahri has a really fuckable ass.

Post lewds!

Of anyone except Lulu, fucking shit-tier waifu and all lulufags need to end


>tfw no gf

>tfw trolled by dunkey
>tfw trolled by riot
pls no more

xth for Syndra

let's agree to use this one

Does Herald's buff need to be stronger or does herald need to be weaker?


That fucker takes too long for an effect that's not even permanent

>You will never transform into Caitlyn

The buff should be changed entirely. It incentivizes splitpushing but when you have it is the most important time to be grouping with your team and pushing objectives.

Q or E max on Akali top?

Both ideally. 5% damage reduction and a, let's be realistic here, fairly low amount of bonus damage to towers is nothing for how much you have to invest into fighting Herald.

What if it still incentivized split pushing but wasn't totally worthless if you weren't doing that? Like it gives you a baseline buff and that is augmented further when alone.

>tfw you'll never cuddle with Maria
why even live

They need to just remove it outright.

If they ever made it desirable enough a team would invest time in taking it over Dragon they'd just flip the botside topside

>tfw I'll never cuddle with Janna or Syndra

I need floaty girls user

>that yasuo april fools

4th division dropped in 3 weeks. What's happening? I don't understand.

it needs to be weaker and the buff stronger but shorter.
Its way too time consuming, and the buff is only good on melee AA champs.

>Veeky Forums didn't merge with /a/ or /v/
I wish I could see the salt

From last thread:
How the fuck is Fiora legal, this piece of no skill shit has no counterplay.

>play tank
>she just melts you because of her passive that has no cooldown and no counterplay
>play ad
>she just melts you because she wins trade or runs away with Q when she is about to die

Explain this, why is it not NERFED yet

>hahahah just git gud bro just be yourself

I'd like to but what can I do where she can proc vitals all the time and with vampiric she never gets below 50% hp

surprised by the lack of champions that can ward jump though, a few more could use it

what boards merged? I don't really use other boards

/cock/ - Comics and cartoons and cooking
/can/ - Cute/Animals
/mlpol/ - My Little Politics
/fitlit/ - Fitness and Literature
/fap/ - Fashion and photography
those are the ones i know about

/r/gaming and /v/
/pol/ and /po/
porn boards
/int/ and /out/
Veeky Forums and /tv/
Veeky Forums and /mu/

morning friends have a good day

comfy bfs~

you got me on mlpol

Get in line faggot.

Herald, both the monster AND the buff itself, should be significant enough that it can influence which champions are played in top lane. I'm fucking sick of tanky mages like top Vlad and Swain, I'm sick of ranged cancer like Jayce and Quinn. Give me a buff designed for tanky melee, and give me a monster designed to fuck up ranged champs specifically.

>enemy gets herald
>lose because suddenly the tank has insane burst and can oneshot towers

why do we even need herald in the first place

Imagine if you could literally combine runes, and every time you combined them you would have a new rune

like hear me out

take a crit strike and crit damage rune, fuse them into a crit strike damage rune. repeat up to 3 times.

youd now have up to tier 6 runes, where you can place them in your quint slots

Would you like this or is it too retarded and open to being too broken

>probably have some limit on tiers
>only 1 tier 6 allowed per page
>only 2 tier 5 allow per page
>only 3 tier 4 allowed per page
>rest is as is
>can only fuse tier 3 with 4+, cannot fuse tier 4 with tier 4+

>insane burst and can oneshot towers
You're overexaggerating bud. 7-135 bonus damage based on level to towers every approximately 5-10 seconds is not a lot especially with how little other damage tanks are doing to towers, building neither attack speed, AD or AP, not even sheen.

>jungler locks in ww in ranked
>"lol ive never played the new ww is he good?"
>try to tell him to build tanky
>team tells him to build bloodrazer, botrk, wits end, berserkers greaves
>he ganks my lane level 3
>tower dives fiora
>she first bloods him but he gets the kill
>comes back 2 minutes later
>flashes under tower to kill her again
>misclicks and auto attacks the tower instead of her
>dies without killing her
>never comes back to my lane
>fiora snowballs off the 2 free kills and solo carries the game
always a great feel.

Herald is perfect you're just all too shit to understand a game can be won with somebody that always splitpushes

Pic related, I soloed herald in almost all those games, and I would've won more of them without my usual 400 ping

Congrats you play a champ who even can solo herald.

runes should be removed

Shaco or Galio?

>Enforcing the meta even harder

Yeah nah, get cucked meleebab. Herald just needs to be removed

I love Ashe!

Shaco is freelo and many people find him also enjoyable

Riot stated that they will make runes more like masteries (basically making them more powerful and fun)

Like keystone runes instead of quintessence runes or something like that.

Apples or potatoes?
That's the kind of question you asked.

Galio is getting a light tap on the shoulder, Shaco and getting thrown into the fucking cuckshed in a few days

that's pretty impressive

How come you can't edit rune pages before matches but you can with masteries?

you had one job lissfag

so should masteries but you dont see me bitching

if riot has 0 issue shitting up either of these then i see no reason to just remove it, and instead allow more shit to flow

it can easily allow shit to be more creative in game
>slap on a single rune
>its a single -15% dead rune
>you can add 2 more -5%
trust me when i say this, adding this would create a huge influx of bullshit that would change the meta for the better

they should remove masteries

Rune pages ain't free.
Pay for the possibility to counter your enemy goyim.

Xth for Katarina
best grl

Merging Veeky Forums with anything would be terrible. Imagine how many generals would die because they kept getting thrown off. Specially if it was /v/, it's one of the fastest boards.

That would be good.
Daed games generals belong in the treash.

Poppy's my lovely darling wife!

She's strong and compassionate!

She's beautiful on the inside and outside!!




What the hell, why is /co/ in maintenance?

In other news, these yasuo buffs look great

>GP dies twice in lane
>"open mid this kindred ruined lane for me"
>Kindred is 2/0
>What the fuck.
>Turns out only thing she did was take the kills after he died on his own.
>"i'm going top now"
>Didn't ask for permission from me, the actual top.
>Feeds the Jax I was stomping.
>Game ends with GP 2/17/0
>Still blames Kindred.

You are already dead

April fools poppy is shit

Your wife excels at milking cocks of strangers with her ass.

>tfw getting killed by ahri with her missing every spell

Is GP becoming the new retard magnet?


>on the inside

how do you know?

did you swim in her?

She's also good for farming!

Galio or Rengar then?

>Not even playing this game anymore
>Still visiting the generals


Was the range of fizz ult increased recently?

>tfw ROC has to prove they can win EULCS just to go to playoffs
it's not fair

>go melee vs singed
>miss E by that much having vision
>throws Q out to the aether instead of hitting both passes
literally Renekton vs Darius tier of webms

I had somebody call me a Tobito wannabe yesterday.

I was playing Neace's tank-grasp gp build. Funniest shit when a Ribbon jumps on your face, you out tank and blow her ass apart with a couple of barrels and titty autos.

End these years of suffering


a tranny that plays support.

>thought I made a S I C C draven play
>watch replay
>cancelled an autoattack which makes everything look like SHIT




>adc hovers ez
>switches to vayne
Somebody end my suffering

>be shit until the end of split
>pick up your shit
or in another case
>go to relegation
>too good for CS, too bad for LCS
how the fuck does roccat do it

Not sure actually but I know the latch on mechanic doesnt exist anymore if the fish misses (it now "dies") or at least that's what the patch notes said.

Anyway, he's back to his oldself, press Q and chunk a carry by 90% of their health and a 4 sec cd on E so you can use it to get in and out.

Also, they'll bleed out to your W still.


what elo are you in

because you're probs in some mongoloid elo where picking vayne is a safe bet because you're guaranteed to reach late, kys trashcan lol

a fuckton of them can

and if your jungler isn't dumb (I've mained jungle for 4 years, it's still my secondary) it takes 10 seconds of your time to do it

Hell, you can even do it with the toplaner + support, after the botlane has taken the bot t1, and after it has moved to siege other lanes.

>EULCS website doesn't show game record


just two weeks after his rework release it was already obvious that the migratory birds known as riven mains travelled to yasuotown, then fioraville, and then stopped at gpcity

they're cut from the same cloth

how do I get into boosting in CN? I don't speak Chinese ..

> press QEW on Brand
> they die
nice champ lolbabs

You play and ignore your team

If you're boosting to gold or plat it'll be easy but if you're asked to boost somebody out of plat or higher, without being able to communicate, it'll be a bit tougher

where the heck do you live so that people in cn want you to boost them

>tfw no Syndra to step on face

What is your motivation lolg?


>just discovered creator suite because of some user
>the possibilites

Here I come Youtube sellout

>put real bonafide effort into my shitposts
>try something new every day, only pressing submit when i feel that my post has been blessed by the muses
>no one even reads them
>meanwhile these histrionic circus freaks get easy (You)s despite having the charisma of a garden vegetable
goodbye /lolg/

that just means you're shit

Alright guys, I'm gonna get sassy space dragon of many stars. Can I get some tips? His build looks pretty wierd.

Not a furry but dam son

Give me O N E reason why Graves is allowed to have jungle knockback on minions

please stay

Hes being slightly reworked in a few months.

Play a hundred or so bot games to practice farming with him, and once youve achieved decent CS then go into PvP and good luck.

GLP and Rylais into situational, but your goal is to get fed as fuck

Start corrupting potion

Nuke the wave early game. I'm serious, you're *just* bulky enough to nuke the wave with your W and not worry too much about taking that much damage. As a result you can also bully the enemy laner slightly.

Use all your corrupting potions.

Level 3/4 recall and come back with E, buy yourself boots or start work on your first item. (Rod of ages or Hextech GLP).

Lane as normal.

Because its certainlyT

there is none