/acg/ Animal Crossing General

#1221 - Choose THE waifu edition

Previous thread: >The Basics
ACNL Basics Guide - thonky.com/animal-crossing-new-leaf/
AC Wiki - animalcrossing.wikia.com
Nookipedia - nookipedia.com
The "pthhhpth" pastebin (FAQ) - pastebin.com/jU4CeWhu
Brand New Catch - animalcrossing.us/animal-crossing-new-leaf-brand-new-catch-april/

>Furniture & Collectibles
Item database - moridb.com/
Museum Checklist - mediafire.com/download/0p18zy41jkxsy8a/ACNL_Fossil_&_Art_Checklist_RC2.xlsx

>Customization Guide
Image/Pattern Converter - thulinma.com/acnl/
All Furniture Customizations - customnewleaf.tumblr.com/ imgur.com/a/mfGqi
Image2QR code - mediafire.com/download/d0g3vj88g0gk1pf/Version 0.4.zip
Pro Designs Android App - play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.nefastudio.android.dmoridesigner
QR Paths - pathmagic.tumblr.com acnlpaths.tumblr.com/ acpath.tumblr.com

>Happy Home Designer
All villagers & items - happyhomedesigner.wikia.com
FAQ - pastebin.com/f8pnU0wr
Amiibo Cards - nintendo.co.jp/3ds/edhj/amiibocard/index.html

>How to play ACNL online with /acg/
People need to add each other's FCs in order to visit faraway towns.
Put your name and FC in the name field to save time.

>Current DLC
JP - Holden's RV
JP - Narrow clock

>Upcoming Birthdays
1st - Tammi
2nd - Cashmere
3rd - Eunice
4th - Buck
5th - Beau
6th - Hopper

>Holidays & Events
1st - April Fool's Day
1st - Cherry Blossoms season

Neighbor move in/Camper Reset trick - i.imgur.com/meQutqI.png
What is the void? - pastebin.com/9KPbdnSY
Preventing moveouts - pastebin.com/avaKnPPc
Welcome Amiibo FAQ - pastebin.com/aAbMZwmM
ACNL OST - pastebin.com/bPyY03LK
Upload to Imgur via 3DS browser - webrender.net/imgur/
Dream codes - pastebin.com/PCmJZ5WA

Other urls found in this thread:


First for sick burns for sick buns.

I have a tall buzzoid, tall bovoid, mini harmonoid, and three unassessed fossils to give away.

I've scanned Piper into my RV campsite. Would anyone like to visit her?



When are we getting the dream town copier?


Reminder that Fuchsia will be moving out tomorrow.

>Blanca and villager give stats on what number of kids they are
>Can't find that info anywhere
If anyone has Victoria, she is the 5th of 6 kids.


literally on the animal crossing wiki


Can I visit someone pleaseee? I need to buy tools. Mine haven't changed for the past 3 days so all I have is a net and spade..

Sable is best waifu

You can come to my town.

Right now? I'll add you

Gate's open

Are you coming?

Ugh, sorry, I'm coming, I just had to take an Id pic and now have to update

Damn I'm really sorry. There's some kind of problem and it wont update. I'm just gonna leave it and go to bed. Thank you for trying.


>have to guess which Octavian is the real Octavian because I can't tell which one is talking

I've only done this event twice, never really bothered since I got my animals pictures multiple times long before the event rolls around.

>find villager walking around frowning but they're not doing the sulking emote or angry emote
>talking to them makes their face return to normal

Is this a bug or something villagers do? I haven't seen it before

I have a silver net and silver shovel to give away.


Could I get 2 cherries from someone? Fushcia wants one, but I'd also like one to plant. I can give any other fruit in return.

I have one more villager to do for AF, then you can come over.

Sweet, just let me know when you're ready. Need any fruit?

Added and gates open. If you have a pear I could plant that would be nice, only fruit I don't have. If not don't worry about it.

>fucking kicks got an amiibo for amiibo festival
>sable still doesn't have an amiibo but mabel does
fucking nintendo

Sable has am Amiibo card

If you're still around I'd like to visit on a mule.

Thanks Yuno! Also, your flag fucking rules.

lmao thank you, and no problem!

Gate's open

It's kinda weird the sisters didn't get one, yeah.

Weekly reminder to go to KK Slider's show

Yeah, I actually pulled one from a pack because I saw they had them on clearance at a local store. I'm guessing Nintendo will never make more AC amiibos because all the ones they made were shitty characters nobody cares about and are still shelfwarming hardcore.

>population croissant

>because all the ones they made were shitty characters nobody cares about
Excuse you.

It would have been nice if they did Amiibos of actual villagers instead of the persistent NPCs

Who the fuck gives a shit about Kicks?


I think it's so cute how if you let a normal villager think they tricked you they feel bad for even trying

Obviously it's not viable to do them all, but Nintendo of Japan should do a character poll and make amiibos of the top 5 villagers or something.

A trick question worthy of april fools
The only choice is lottie

>Renee tells me Isabella is a primary authority on novel reading
>say ok
>she tells me she's so sorry for pulling this horrible prank and hopes we can still be friends

Just started and things are a bit slow. Gotta wait till tomorrow morning to get my new house.

Okay yeah maybe that was overkill, but I think they could have more relevant characters than Kicks, Celeste, and Lottie to make amiibo of. Like fucking Sable and Labelle to complete the trio, or the more popular Brewster instead of Celeste.

Want a silver shovel and net? I also have these things to give away

I'm actually in need of a net. I would greatly appreciate one. What makes a silver item better than a normal one?

Silver shovels have a chance to make money rocks spit out gems and ore rather than money. Silver nets have a wider catch radius.

i know im sounding like a contrarian but i think you should avoid getting better stuff right from the start for free.
part of the charm of the game is working up and earning stuff. if you get stuff for free, it removes a part of the joy of the game.

I think this user is correct. Do you still want to visit?

That hasn't happened to me yet so far and i've had my silver shovel for a while now. Am i just really unlucky?

I do. Do you have a normal net I could buy? I'm not trying to boost, just keeping myself occupied.

it's a pretty small chance. first time it happens though it's pretty amazing though.

I don't have a regular net or shovel. My T&T has an axe and a watering can for sale.

Yes. It happens to me at least once a week.

You could do the tutorial in the town hall to get one.

I wanna visit somebodies town but I'm shy.

There's always Dream Towns. You get the fun of seeing other towns without the anxiety of having to talk to other people.

i need to get a visit for a initiative, wanna help?

I bought all the animal crossing amiibos and I'm working on finishing my card collection

Walmart has them for $1 a pack you should check out your local stores

I wanted to get some but mine has none. Thanks for the heads up though man, as someone missing series 4 and 5 it's appreciated.

K.K. Slider is scanned into my campsite if anyone needs his stuff.

Taking into account the festivity i think is my last chance to find someone interested in a bunch of npc's pics:

-Isabelle, Kapp'n, Reese, Cyrus, Rover, K.K. and a bunch more, any takers of those plus some mystery pics i don't remember atm?

I can take the pics off your hands.

Taking requests for Sanrios, Isabelle, Digby, KK Rover, Resetti, Nooklings

cool, waanna come over? opening now.

Any idea where to find series 4 packs? I can only find them on amazon for $6 each and I've never seen them locally

Sure. I'll be there in a sec.

Resetti'd. Is there anything you need to come back for?

It's all good, I was just leaving. Thanks for having me over!

It's there anything special for April fool's other than the faceless cat impersonating everyone?

Also dehli was feeling nostalgic and showed me the letter I wrote when he moved in, I sent him a honey comb and told him if he's an Indian he can buzz off. He's glad we're such good friends.

If he's Indian he might put the honey in ghee and make something really delicious for you, so no bully

That's the regular price for packs man.

Thanks again. Sorry if I left too soon, my phone was ringing and I had to answer.


thank you for reminding me, I need to request bubblegum kk

Don't hit villagers

Broffina seems pretty cool. I like her colour scheme.

Oh like threatening me with Indian food is going to make me treat him better? I ought to start leaving pitfall seeds all-over his yard.

can I come?

If you're still around, I can help you with all four of those villagers.

I want to come and visit him so badly, if only i hadnt already ordered stuff today..

Sure! Added, gates are open.

Can I tag along too?

Yep! Added you as well.

I am user, how exactly, I forgot Cole was a lazy so it will be only Punchy, O'hare and Mitzi. hope that makes it easier.

Also if there is something you could use as a trade let me know.

I can get them into boxes for you. Did you want them all at once, or over the next week?

>You have been visited by Goldie

All at once would be cool, i can get one just now, tt tomorrow in 10 mins and so on. also i just got home with some beers and a game so that would be extra comfy for me.

I won't be available for another hour, two at most. If that works for you, we can do it tonight. I don't need anything in return, thanks for offering.

I'll make sure to post in a bit over an hour then, thanks a bunch!

This looks amazing
Never had the chance to play animal crossing on the GameCube

Hoping to play this when you finish!
How good does my computer have to be to run dolphin to emulate AC:population growing?

Hoping the thread doesn't die ;-;

Thanks for having me, had to charge my DS

>AC:population growing

Not trying to be a dick. Just call it AC. The population growing bit was just a tag line. You might have a hard time searching online for guides otherwise.

Can villagers not ping today even if the April Fool's event has ended?

Is there a K.K. song in the game similar to this? The aircheck version, I mean.
