> A P O L O G I Z E
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>be Veeky Forums
>constantly shitpost hyundai is gook shit
>reaches speeds faster than most american speedy speed bus riders will ever go
> A P O L O G I Z E
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>be Veeky Forums
>constantly shitpost hyundai is gook shit
>reaches speeds faster than most american speedy speed bus riders will ever go
>flooring it in a straight line is impressive
OK Hyundai
I can't think of a car sold in the US that doesn't do 120+, it's not an achievement anymore
>have hit speeds higher than this in a 30 year old nissan shitbox
If i'm not mistaken W-bodies or at least the police spec ones can do 150mph
My Corolla does 114.......
Why of all things did you use Kiss x Sis you sick fuck? End your life now.
I've done 230 km/h in my Ford Focus
I've done 208km/h on the autobahn with a 1.2 liter 75hp twingo
>not surrendering to the cops
>racking up more charges than if you didn't resist arrest
Why are people this dumb
sonatas were always good
wow its a 1991 geo storm
I trap 141 mph in the quarter mile
99% of trucks are governed to 100ish.
>those announcers who have absolutely no idea what kind of car that is
>believe it's a ford fusion
>description says ford focus
>astounded by the acceleration of a fucking 178hp hyundai sedan
School buses go 367mph
Thats got to be a korean speed record
Speed relative to surrounding cars doesn't look right. Green readout seems about 20 mph too fast.
My Fiesta tops out at 143mph lel
Is 200 kmh really an achievement in America?
It isn't. It's an achievement to assblasted gookshills like OP.
my old Ford Probe GT would do 143 top kek
>can't even beat a 25 year old rolling penis
He got away though.
I can do above 100 in my 95 f150 but the engine doesn't like pushing against all that air resistance.
My prius did 107 once but it took FOREVER.
My ion redline gets to 120ish before I chickened out.
he literally just changed lanes at 89 lol.
god i hate normies.
wowzer, gearing+slippery c.o.d. = average top speed for a modern shitbox
Wake me up when it breaks two bills.
All these assblasted anti gook shills
>what you're missing out on
>pic related
>cake faced subhuman tier asian
wew, thank god
SHE IS BOOTYFUL, my 3D waifuuuuu
I think OP is trying to say it's an achievement for a Hyundai
Why do gooks always look like their eyes are just black dots?
>"All the way on the right hand side - I think that's the shoulder of the freeway Coline."
>"I think you're absolutely right David"
LOL do Americans really have trouble identifying the shoulder?
It varys by road.
Not all freeways have one. California is always expanding roads and sometimes bean counters decide its cheaper to repaint lines and squeeze in an extra lane instead of expanding the road surface