/svg/ - Shadowverse General

This is Luna's thread!

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concede pls

where do japanese find so many walls to stick into

Discard dragon is the secret tier 0 this expansion.

What's the best Ramp Dragon list?


>still didnt fix the mega link

Ignore all discordfags and their defending of mentally ill trannies and faggots.

post dick

Post Frog meme deck

>The Earth is my flesh!
>The land will hold you tight
What did she mean by this

>early thread
>didn't fixed the OP


Which leader is the strongest lore wise? Urias is so pathetic he got beat up by Erika.

Anyone mind sharing an ambush sword/protag frog deck?

why do you have two amulets on the board?


I love Luna-chan

>Images for ants

Dragon Rowen>Urias>Eris(has done anything but manipulate people, maybe not)>Luna>Isaboob>Erika>Arisa

Die hagposter

>retards playing frogsword when csword is still king
Just because you're having fun doesn't mean it's the best.

>tfw i want to breed Luna

I love her more than you.

Luna and Cerb and Orthrus, and so on.
Shadow has the best girls.

>pedotumors are also twitchfags
No surprise

Have these radio things ever got subbed?
are they worth watching?

Where can you find a girl with Isabelle's personality?


A what now?


my list 2 baha and 1 olivia off

luna is the most cute!

>Daria-Hulking Giant

What the fuck am I looking at

I don't know

>are they worth watching?
Depends. Does this look like fun to you?


I really want to enjoy this thread but then I see shit like this. At least /hsg/ doesn't have cringey waifufuckery.

I love this game though

>Nips baiting people into crafting Dragonslayers Price
My goodness look at the date.


No, japs are not entertaining people

>Ignore all discordfags and their defending of mentally ill trannies and faggots.
Is it really the discord that's coming and being all tumblr or are you assuming?


I thought that was a shirt, not her skin. Lewd as HELL.

Did you ever seem the discord prints?

let me be free

>not a single TotG card

Cygames bastards. Must be full of shadowfags still crying over Haven being the third best craft for one expansion.

Why not join us?

I like the waifus in this game and all but I wish the Luna and Vampy posters would just chill the fuck out some times

>Not even that is subbed
lol normies pls go

Who else?

>Luna will forever be associated with cancerous unga bunga instead of fun cards like Mordecai

Fuck you aggrofags.

Pedos are mentally unstable and just like disgusting trannies, they feel they must broadcast their disease to the entire world.

Just ignore them.

I want to violently defile Eris so hard she loses her holiness

Capitalism Sword still going strong.

>tfw atomemes ain't working anymore

I don't know if people started teching against it or I'm just having so much bad draws, but a day couldn't have made that much of a difference.. right?

remove disgusting turtle girls

>People get mad about unga bunga
>People get mad about Nep

We can never win

You have to sit back and realize it's still a meme.

How does this budget aggro shadow look?
Any cheap changes I should make?
I used it to climb to D0.
would it be worth it to craft more cerberi and eachtar?

>eachtar to eachtar for lethal
>aegis still in my hand

Fuck this overpowered shit.

>Did you ever see the discord prints?
Nope. What did I miss?

nobody complains when you breeders post normie shit

live and let live

>Telling people to ignore something that hasnt even been brought up.

Have you ever tried to just talk about the game user?

We have a new expansion.

>Roping against Rune

Feels so good


don't you have some pony porn to fap to /pol/?

envybae pls suicide already with bag on head so the medical examiners do not have to look at your ugly face after you die

I need a concession. Please, help a fellow user out!


So is there a mod to roll back some of the english VO?
Tsubaki and Arisa sounded much better before.


Best blood dick?

I want to do disgusting things with this turtle girl.

Is Rage of Bahamut fun?

Eww, real kids are disgusting.

>ran out of lion and themis
>that lunafag still vomit a new boardto my chagrin



not envy

but I plan to

Yeah, I'm very fond of "Vanish like the Jew" as well.


Storm was basically ignored. Dark Jeanne was supposed to be for Storm builds I suspect, but she's too conditional.

Have you praised best boy today?

just aegis test of strength it bro

What leggos and how many do I need to make the new ramp dragon?

sasuga tranny-kun

You need to play capitalism sword and take the fight where the commie lives.

Just Forbidden Ritual bro

When's Gawain up? In 3 hours or tomorrow?

So there'll be SFV flairs as well.

I saw that as well. 2 Chimeras too, because why not brick even harder?

>Haven mirror match
>23 turns of "who can top deck their win condition first?"
That was pretty fun.
I was sunhaven and they were elena.
I won by the skin of my teeth


One user was trying to, but no news for months.
It's pretty fun.



Yeah, but it was working quite well yesterday. I guess memes are just a dream after all.

>got 3 gawains
>update tomorrow

I'm ready to cuck all you dragon and pedofags.

Nice now I know when to rope even if they're not using them

Prolly later this month. Assets are already in the game.

What is this meme

Please, help!

I thought rune, sword, and forest were supposed to be top tier forever? What the fuck happened?