/ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station

Leddit edition

Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

Other urls found in this thread:

game.ss13.moe/logs/2017/04-April/01-Saturday admin only.log

Vox cloaca

first for honk


>There are people who actually support and want attack animations to stay

>completely optional
Kill yourself.

>wanting attack animations at all
Unironically kill yourself.

i want to be big

I've compiled a list of some servers that might be more up your alley.


I'm sure these can accommodate your play style, you fucking faggot.

>play style
It's purely graphical, continue to be brain damaged though.

>purely graphical
Wow, you really are retarded.
You do realize that attack animations are part of the ongoing casualization of combat, right? You don't have to pay attention to anything anymore when you can just see who's humping who.
Fuck off to TG. Nobody wants you here.

>casualization of combat

>le qol means casual meme
why are you playing a video game?
go play d20 rpgs

Its just shitty bait from worthless assholes that want us to have a server stuck in 2013 forever.

>visual feedback
It literally does not change how many points you get when you click on their sprite, stop being a whiny baby

pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft hahahahaha

aprils fools is over kiddo

Combat is pretty fucking casualized right now with it consisting of just whoever stuns the other person first.

>a gigantic update to how combat works
>quality of life
>when you can alreaady tell who's attacking who if you bother to glance to the right for a second instead of just 'lmao humping animation TIME FOR TOOLBOX HAHA'
Fuck off, faggots. Quality of life does not apply to spessmens anyways. Stop wanting everything to be easy, stop wanting shit spoonfed to you. All you want is for Veeky Forums to follow the leader and become yet another shit tier TTT server like everything else on the market these days.
Fuck you. Go back to TG or whatever other shithole you got banned from.

hehe xd

I actually DO want to go get banned on a shitserv.
I was thinking maybe smashing lights, tearing up piping and ruining local atmos.
Little things that will take a while to notice.

Go play on old Veeky Forumscode with the RPD having no favourites menu or layers, the chem master being a janky piece of shit and poop being a thing you crybaby

And people wonder why we don't have coders making good updates.

When it's obvious its because even if you make optional content that doesn't even affect them autists will come out of the woodwork to attack it.

go back to before we added the RPD and sit on your throne of skillful pipe dispensing

>doesn't affect them
Unless, you know, I have to get into a fight around faggots who do have attack animations on.

>any of that except poop
There was literally nothing wrong with the RPD, and there was DEFINITELY nothing wrong with the chemmaster. If anything, there's even more wrong with the chemmaster nowadays since it's built for autistic orange-striped faggots who think that their SUPER EBIN MEME MIX/PILL will save medbay even when literally no sane doctor will bother using it.

breaking news: anal shitposter is furious that we're playing a video game and not a board game

>lmao its JUST A GAME i play it FOR FUN why are you mad??? *bombs the station with new and improved casual meme mix*

Go play on TG faggot

Is it just me or the lag got worse in the last few days?

>the added "challenge" of needing to equate context in the text box with context in the game world just a little bit more is VITAL to Veeky Forumsstation's existence, and I will not have anything that reduces it!

ick ock ban he

please write an essay on why having animations is bad but having sound is good

Yes, it is in fact vital retard.
It's one of the few aspects of Veeky Forums combat that wasn't casualized until today because it required you to take your eyes off the fight and think for a second.
Now that's gone, and Veeky Forums is literally one disabler beam from being nothing more than another TGcode clone.
>two completely different things are somehow related because you have no argument aside from 'muh funzies' to continue casualizing Veeky Forums combat
One is a complete and total change to combat as a whole. The other is literally completely irrelevant to anything.

>sound is irrelevant
just get out

There is literally nothing about sound that will increase your awareness or knowledge of the round that other aspects won't alert you to first.

How is it a "complete and total" change to combat? It's basically the same as making all combat-related text bold and in red: a minor but significant change intended to make it easier to recognize that combat has begun, and who has instigated it.

>you can't hear lasers, toolbox thwacks, explosions, and gunshots from offscreen



Fuck, this round was great too.





Broken version its shit

What do you do when nothing is fun anymore and your only reason to get up in the morning is gone

get swole

Server jump every so often.

Find another thing to sperg out on. I hear HellMOO is fun this time of year.

I read the edgy far right blogosphere

All my hard work
Secured valids

>no ultra clean station

>observe game
>diona with meme name hopped up on hyperzine
>he's warden and has gun(s), a hardsuit/riot armor, and is outside of the brig when there's no threat to the station or really anything wrong at all
>seen this same shit at least 4 times now
clearly he's playing the job and race for an enriched role playing experience :)


At least I got to finish my bar.

Thank you to whoever collected all those bobbleheads and the people that stopped by.

Albert, were you antag or just shitter?

Drink a lot


Go outside and exercise.


Ahelp if you feel he needs a jobban.

fuck lol



Of course not, I was leaving bodies in maint lockers

is up

You heard wrong.


"Fun" is the wrong word to use, you're right. "Capable of devouring your attention" works better.

me in bottom left

I might do that if I see him keep pulling that shit on code green. I honestly can't think of a more powergamey thing in this game.

birds go home

yeah, he asked for hyperzine since minute zero but he was a warden sitting in brig almost whole shift before hulk valids happened so it didn't matter that much anyways

>Last years april fools was skeletons
>This year we get invisible plasma and the game running bad


I wanna fuck that cargo tech

>it was invisible whole time
fucking medbay shitters didn't even rightclick

Same, did you give her a heart?
I did.
i have dibs.

So, the typical static player?

I just wanna read previous round ahelps

I was afraid to approach her because she was doting on a man the size of the entire cargo bay
I am ashamed that I will never be that huge


> running around in space as suited sec trying to catch some rogue atmos nigger who stole the spare
> he has a jetpack and I don't so I don't really have a chance
> some trader flies past me with their shiny nitrogen jetpack
> tell them I need to "give" them "something"
> pass 'em an electrode and strip them of their jetpack then fly away
> they then actually go all the way to the brig to complain
Traders will never learn.

game.ss13.moe/logs/2017/04-April/01-Saturday admin only.log
they are up, get em while they're fresh

>c*ders port a ton of april fools shit
>it breaks the server
>they port more
>server breaks more
>probe, the self proclaimed headmin and coder master, ignores it all and fucks off.

Me on the right!



[23:25:27]ADMIN: Zealotron/(Test Dummy) has toggled Soose's HULK block off!
[23:25:48]ADMIN: Zealotron/(Test Dummy) has created a command report: Good thing we have nanobots in all of you.

The HULK gene is now OUTLAWED.

[23:25:55]ADMIN: Zealotron/(Test Dummy) has toggled VonZippenstein's HULK block off!
[23:27:05]ADMIN: Zealotron/(Test Dummy) has toggled Buxus's HULK block off!
[23:27:12]ADMIN: Zealotron/(Test Dummy) has toggled IAGFPRMF's HULK block off!
[23:28:01]ADMIN: Zealotron/(Test Dummy) has toggled Hobo Robo's HULK block off!
[23:28:24]ADMIN: Zealotron/(Test Dummy) has toggled Saganprime's HULK block off!
[23:28:27]ADMIN: Zealotron/(Test Dummy) has toggled Elon Musk's HULK block off!

Zealotron confirmed for no fun

fuck off kolith

it ran its course, please, my brain couldn't handle it anymore

I'm not Kolith.

Have you seen the server today? Everythings broke but the C*ders are worried about their joke prs.

I had to see it to the end, I hope your eyes are better now pal.

>im not kolith
>but im going to keep writing c*der and hes the only one thats constantly shitposting about coders like that in the thread
either you are or youre a dumbass that listens to him and thinks anyone cares

>mfw geneticsist is relevant again thanks to some random bug that was randomly discovered few rounds after adding big hulks


was relevant again

Bunnygirl outfit and waiter/waitress bartender alt when?

Fuck off strawberrytan
Go get impregnated on vore again


When you sprite it.
Preferably before the sixth so I can turn nuke ops into bunny ops.

Nuclear Easter Bunny. Do something with the pop-out cake code so that the nuke bunny can lay an Easter nuke.

Maybe later

>cluster makes a pr to add attack animations
>calls it a pr to add trains


I've been gone for a few hours, how were people stacking the size increase from hulk?

Did clicking the button make you bigger even when it was on cooldown?

I really wish I had gotten to see that.