/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #455

/ssg/ - Soccer Spirits General #455

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FAQ: pastebin.com/wNX2ME3E

Friend list: ofo.jp/j/OgjO

The following players will have a boosted rate during the following weekend(s):

Apr. 7th - Apr. 9th
>Tyler (Ardor), ZU01 Chrono (Thunder), Irru (Whirlwind), Kei (Light), Lilith (Dark), Valkyrja Beth (Light, Legendary), Aiolos (Whirlwind, Legendary)

Apr. 14th - Apr. 16th
>Elaine (Ardor), ZUXX Robin (Thunder), Xing (Whirlwind), Silla (Light), Lucid (Dark), Metatron (Dark, Legendary), Jiho (Ardor, Legendary)

Current events:

April Fool's Match ends Apr. 3rd
Serestia's Picnic: Mar. 30th - Apr. 14th
Karuru: Apr. 2nd - Apr. 16th
Jay: Mar. 26th - Apr. 9th
Grandeur: Mar. 26th - Apr. 9th
More info can be found in-game

Previous Thread:


Reminder that Prestyfags are literal cucks.

>tied with dark for most males
>no female attackers
sure thing bud

>3k reflex Elaine vs WW backline
>15% CAR from their stones
>still no counterattack

>Kevin still not nerfed
>Jeunese still not buffed

Guys I am going to change my gk from loosian to angilo, my current backline is Kevin, Gayfeels, and DQ. Do I need to change my backline or is this good enough for not getting OHKO?

Presty or die
Angela, Isillia, BT and Glayde are the next best thing, not in that order though

Just like Asskeladdfags

Is Balth/Meta parents of the year?
>adopted stinky NEET so she wouldn't die
>made a sister for ravian called lavian
>will do anything for their kids even cast aside revenge

>unironically suggesting to use cancer
Fuck off

>rng always shits on me
>only time it doesn't shit on me is when after that action there's another thing that will screw me worse

>die against a cancerous team
>same fucking team

Adapt to the meta or get lost with your poorfag attitude.

SS isn't for shitters who unironically use trash units like Hercules, Sage, or Luri and still expect to get into Galaxy. For fucks' sake, learn to follow the meta.

If you don't have Presty/Duran/Aiolos with Jibril and Metatron, you don't have any rights to complain, just accept that you'll be forever stuck in gold with your shit team and shit attitude.


How to build Evylin so she can survive at least a couple of hits? or is it impossible and she's damned to be Nari tier when Elchitusa becomes classic?

>midline has lynia speed totem
>she has 89
>enemy Victoria has 76
>both of them reach max AB
>Victoria acts first and steals with ease
Literally what's the point of using lynia if the entire line gets fucked over by AB bullshit?

I'll refer o this wise man and then you'll have your questions answered


But that doesn't answer my question because my frontline still gets fucked by AB prioritization even with BI debuff being in effect

Dark hp + PoME w/ ace that provides hp
She can survive 2, maybe 3 steal attempts so long as they don't crit. Not much of a reason to build her this way however.

Welcome to how ww feels every game.

I got my first galaxy without any legends. And 2 times after that with a single legend only, Dark\ww power, bruh.

Post team

How is this piece of shit still alive?

> At least 3 seasons ago
> Before Presty and Jibril existed
> When Dark/WW IS meta.

Even right now a single legend is enough for getting galaxy.


>lvl 60 bt
Jin buffs when?
Is she using PoME or ElRape?


Thanks, I'm thinking on bandwagoning her as my new WW goalie and dump Jin when I get Presty, Release him and feeding him to her majestic loli breasts

Uriel a cutie.

>winning with global debuffs
>being impressive
Although I do like your saramir/linmay choices

but at least Vann is basically dead and his brain overwritten or something

should he return as he was however...

Everyone got those globals in their teams nowadays. Plus 3-4 legends, so fucking what?
Also i saw few times another galaxy teams without any legends, but rainbows. So its not actually that impressive.

Just saying that legends don't mean shit when there are 5*'s that work just as well if not better

He good ?

>Selena just gave me 10 crystals

Sam is getting cucked


what's bond of silence good for?

Great on Milky/silla.
It recovers action bar on pass so those 2 units can use very effectively.

don't use either...
what about nera?

>used a Bell/Nera/Meiran mid lane since forever
>had things set up so Nera would pass to Meiran
>ever since the last passer 'AI upgrade' she always passes to Bell instead, despite Bell having less dribble and rec pass

Welp. Goodbye Bell, it's been a blast but I can no longer find any home for you on my team. You're just a liability.


>putting superior stones on a fox whore instead of a legendary princess
Sell her faggot so I can see you cry when she gets her buffs

Even if she gets buffed that only makes my problem worse instead of better. Unless she gains an on action teamwide buff.

>added some apocalypse guy for his milky ace
>its now Pinol when I really need the Milky Ace for CoT

her buff will come with the 80% nerf to teamwide effects
vertical and positional line buff/debuffs will remain intact in that patch

one of bell's passive will be as good as her active and her active spirit cost be half a spirit bar

You still need one?
Will a smug shaman be good enough?

Who should I +160/7* next?

Dis dick


it can be done but they call it cancer bc they are scrubby faglords

>implying you can climb without Legends or cancer
This is why there are very few who really dedicate themselves to whatever team they are building.

ive been playing this game for a couple months now and i still cant figure out the reason, pros, cons of 4 front/mid/back, can someone give me a tldr?

and no i dont mean 4 front to keep the ball in front, 4 mid to prevet the ball from getting past mid and 4 back for more totems for GK, i mean like actual reasons/goals for each comp

depends on your team tbqh desu fampai
four man back for is for survivability and to help break out and four man front is usually to ohko setups or for their utility striker like kirin

i guess what i really want to know is lets say i have 12 good players that can make up good 4 front, 4 mid or 4 back comps.. how do i decide whats going to be better in what situation?

Its pretty obvious.
You go 4 front to boost your strikers damage by having either 2 passers or leaders that focus on your striker and usually stealing the ball back so your striker can get another pass, this is usually the case with utility strikers, or OHKO however your backline ends up being weak depending on gk and more susceptible to more damage

4mid is just to stack reflex or have a whole wall of defense so that the other player can't get pass whatsoever unless he long passes or forces his way through this is mostly seen on monothunder teams/a couple rainbow teams

4back just focuses on the suitability of the GK by stacking HP/CritResistance/DamageReductions sometimes slows (maybe a healer but most of them got nerfed) this is usually seen on rainbow teams and any light or ardor

That's pretty much the gist of it.

What about th7s mid fags
Is it meme enough

unless you have MotB for WG don't bother using her in that mid until you get it.

I see 7 legends there. Fuck off.

noa buffs when?
ardor girls buffs when?

>bt instead of jin
Jin buffs when?

>tfw jibril has shit tier pass
I though she was broken you guys.

W-where is the ball?

No it's just wwfags falseflagging kek lol t-b-h
Inside Noa's slutty pussy

If my midline can't get more reflex than the enemy ever due to lack of meta/serestia, should I just stack steal instead?

reflex buffs are stronger then reflex debuffs, victoria is the one you should be complaining about which I assume means you use her. And no, CAR if anything

I don't use her either, but no one else does where I am and still they beat me at reflex.
Also, how to stack CAR if only worthy stones are dark and only dark slot in my mid is occupied with battalion?

Dark pen if youre able to act first, dark speed if not

How to make Zibroi work. What backline do you guys recommend for him.

Why would anyone use zibroi lol

Because I failed to pull Presty and I want to use Patricia.

best 5 star mono teams?

ww > ardor > light > thunder > dark ?

>How to make Zibroi work

Nice falseflag

>dense magma and Duran shave off 50% penetration
Nerfs when?

>dark pen on midline
So I'll still be a free pen then?

>only 2 ways to resist penetration

>what is defense

i just did club match into a team of SSS whales named poo69. it's you fuckers isn't it

real men stack dribble

I could put up a MSPU level 60 milky, was it stealer stones or what?

>waaa choi is unstoppable
>easy to bug his AI and even more after latest patch
>Jiho will steal either way anyway
>has enough reflex to not get counter attacked
>has enough DR and AP to win 1HP against all thing everything
Jin buffs when?

Pen is supposed to be the counter to DR, cutting it down to half at most
Pen resistance/reduction and the addition of DI is just fucking stupid, it's a counter to a counter resulting in 0 gain/loss on either side
we can expect Pen to go above 100% soon

I won't be surprised if noautist self inserts as the fat guy with the noashirt then be the coach or something then becomes the team's dildo or something then he gets noa pregnant and they live happily ever after or something. You know what I'm saying?


you know?
like joshi lacu! or something
you know what i'm saying?

alice + patty + duran/lindberg/orses/verister ? something along those lines.

dark > thunder > ww >= light = ardor

How is dark good without its legendaries.

oh i'm a fuckhead, i didn't notice the 5* qualifier, in that case, who knows who cares but i'd say....

thunder > ardor >= light >= ww > dark how can thunder which is the 2nd strongest mono w/ legendaries and has the shittiest legendaries be bad @ 5*? that makes no sense.

thunder strikers seem pretty bad but maybe i just havent seen enough of them in action because leventor is part of the thundercuck starter kit

>We can expect Pen to go above 100% soon

You can already go above 100%, it's just not visible. If Duran takes pen away, and you have over 100%, that overshot of pen takes the place of the pen you lost.

>Lucifer shaves off 20% penetration
Nerfs when?

I'm not sure anyone wants to imagine an overweight user's saggy, greasy blubber smothering a pregnant and mindbroken Noa.

>CoT Bora no longer drains all of my spirit with every shot

Is this the greatest patch in the history of Soccer Spirits?

I mean applicable beyond 100%
you can go over right now but still only shave off 50% of a units DR
new pen will make a 150% cap for 75% DR pen in an attempt to balance pen resist/reduction instead of just removing it and DI

If pen could go over 100% it would make every gk but Presty complete shit

Pen is Presty's weakness.

>the stat only 2 gks excel at and only one of them is good because it reaches 80DR
Sure thing
>pvp bora still destroys backlines that aren't unable to move ever and shooting endlessly

>what is DM+Duran