Havenfags are really slacking. You are the only hope to purge the cancer.
Christian Brooks
>always bounce back to 0 points as dragon >switch to haven, open deck creator and throw in all banish cards >6 winstreak
My deck loses pretty much to everything except Lunaaggro and it still climbs faster than my 50k vial dragon deck.
Ayden Bennett
Post your dragon deck.
Angel Young
nice varied meta it's fine because skeletons xD
Jackson Morris
Haven is cancer too though. Aegis is one of the stupidest cards in the game.
Julian Kelly
Hudson Turner
So what exactly is wrong with phoenix roost?
Samuel Brown
it messes up gawain
Jose Williams
>Walfrid is like Eachtar but gives Ward instead of Rush Uh, shadowbabs?
Evan Jackson
>5pp Aegis
Jackson Reed
>dragonfags whining when the answer to their problem is in their class
Fucking babies.
Adam Ross
Haven is one of my main classes. I'm just tired of the class, and wanted to play some Blood for a chance. Aegis just plays too similar to previous Haven decks to feel new. I'd love to test out my vengeance midrange decks, but the ladder is bursting at the seams with skeleton cancer.
Dominic Scott
>5pp spawn 5 skeletons on the enemy side
Brandon Taylor
>play drake clear board >instantly refilled with skeletons Good counter
Joseph Hernandez
Make a deck that can fit that into the regular p2w deck with 3xsaha 3xlucifer Go on. I'm waiting
James Clark
Eachtar makes his own board when you don't have any. It balances out.
Brandon Ortiz
>5PP do nothing but flood opponent's board Nice.
Ayden Ross
aegis is literally not a problem
if you played an actual good deck you would know this
Logan Nguyen
>fall for the skeleton meme >never draw catacomb >get my 1 and 2 drop removed >get banished >get Unica/Grimnir'd
I fucking hate aggro shadow yet I keep falling for it every single time, thinking that something will be different. I'm winning much more with a shitty midrange because at least I don't run out of options turn 5 that way.
Ethan Bailey
t. Hag kys
William Morgan
>cannot clear their board to roast their skeletons
>hurdur make the deck for me
Why should I spoonfeed you lot?
Luke Kelly
>don't draw Prince Catacummies >win with Reaper and Cerb+Howl I used to dislike Aggro Shadow but now I love it.
Luke Myers
His videos are actually pretty shit desu.
Jackson Garcia
Strickly speaking Eachtar beats Walfrid in a head to head because unlike Walfrid, Eachtar can use shadows to flood the board with tokens.
However, unlike Eachtar, Walfrid puts up a massive trump wall that totally cockblocks aggro and storm cards.
Gonna get real interesting when Gawain drops.
Aaron Peterson
If you're retarded enough to drop one against haven, you deserve it.
Jeremiah Jenkins
No this is not a bait post and no i dont want (You)s. I just want to voice out my frustrations with this game and why im on the verge of quitting. Pic is so i have SOME credibility to my statements.
I started the game when ROB first hit and i fucking loved it, yes there was cancer in ROB and i dont know if its because I'm used to ROB or something but I feel like this meta is much much worse. I seriously dont have any fucking fun playing.
Shadow wins the game 99% of the time if they drop catacombs with followers on the field,
Aegis is fucking amazing despite what c rank shitters will tell you, and if test of strength is dropped before or during aegis you literally lost the game, its over, youre done. Just like that.
Dragon now consistently gets to 10pp by turn 7 or even 6. Whats even worse is that they have not only some of the best boardclear, they now have more healing then fucking elena, dont even get me started on zell.
Pepe in sword is fucking retarded, its not even that strong its just terrible unfun game design.
Blood autowinning the game if you dont have a bahamut or themis is also fucking retarded.
D shift is still d shift
They have given a 2/3 3pp ward that clears the board on turn 10 and does 4 burn damage to every single class in the game. This being dropped on turn 3 or turn 10 (even less if ramp dragon) pretty much ends the game if youre playing a tempo or aggro deck.
It seriously feels like the game is decided in one turn now. It doesnt matter how well you played it just matters now who can get their broken shit off faster.
Did anyone feel similar right after ROB dropped? I just feel like the meta is so fucking cancer right now and games are decided in 1 turn because of I win the game cards. Thanks for the shitposts and concedes guys, I'll probably come back once the game is actually fixed.
Leo Clark
Yes because clearing aggro tempo by turn 4 is very easy, retard.
Ayden Scott
I really wanted Sword to stay tier 1.5 but Cygames absolutely will not allow it.
Thomas Long
Yup, sounds like this is your first card game. Got comfy with the meta you started out with and now that it's flipped you have no clue what do do.
Brandon Murphy
Did you just come here during ToG and have never dealt with Daria or Soccermom before? Cry some more.
Bentley Fisher
Any tips to improve this?
Matthew Ross
It is my first card game. Is it normal for this to happen? I seriously feel like killing myself everytime i play against shadow or dragon now. I can still rape everyone as d shift or dragon but i dont want to only play 2 decks i enjoy playing all crafts.
Evan Williams
Sorry for the delay user! There's more stuff you can do like adding some Imprisoned Dragons, but this is a good foundation for you I think! It's doing great work for me so far.
Gabriel Long
I'm 17/20 on no concede private game pls help 56645 go 1st win go second pass, unless you are second and need win then just spam emote to communicate this
Nolan Ross
Not him, but if you were able to clean up Daria vomit you were safe for a while unless they immediately had another. You clean up Shadow vomit and it immediately comes back and then they Catacomb again or just OTK with Eachtar.
Liam Ramirez
>Runeshitter Please quit.
Michael Phillips
Just Catacomb bro, just Cerb+Howl bro, just Eachtar bro. Oh wait, you literally did all this, and I cleared your board with lions, rituals, and healed to full with Curates.
Blake Russell
>3 1-drops
You either go 5 1-drops (midrage), or you go 7-9 1-drops (aggro)
Charles Brooks
If you werent blind youd see i play nearly all crafts dumbfuck. Lets see your profile
James Perry
Find the lethal
Dylan Parker
Jordan Roberts
get rid of ding dongs and resentment for orthus and the 2/2 that spawns ghost when evolved ally follower
Ethan Diaz
Yes we get it, Haven is cancer.
Matthew Nelson
>average rune player Whats wrong? Dshift isnt instawin anymore?
Oliver Jenkins
Just revelation bro
Liam Scott
Oh? I was so sure you guys sneezed at shadow and its numerous of board flood pre-release.
Just Lightning Blast bro
Julian Kelly
Just wait till Gawain. Otohimeme with walfrid will absolutely wreck shadow. It also stall aegis. Shadow cards only seem good because of the initial shock bit once tou learn how to deal with them, they always turn out subpar compared to other classes. Hectar has already fallen off.
Dylan Williams
where have all the haventrash gone?
yesterday I was vsing constant havens but haven't seen a single one today
Christian Harris
Are you a loyal Bloodkin, user?
Jose Bailey
Yes, card game companies love to print more powerful cards to try to keep the game fresh and collect lots of >>> $$$$$$$
Owen Wilson
>Mama papa they're banishing my skeletons!
Caleb Jones
It's better now than before desu. Just harder to play.
Brandon Thompson
there, that's proof shadow is balanced stop crying babies
Brayden Bennett
D shift is way fucking better then last expansion. I now have a chance against nearly every single meta deck instead of autolosing to a quarter of the meta.
Why dont you learn to read fucking dumbass?
Lincoln Reyes
But what about draw power? I have an empty hand a lot cause stuff is cleared so easily
Jeremiah Gomez
thanks vampy 18/20 now please help 56645
Landon Powell
I've been playing since DE. What the fuck do these cards have to do with the topic?
Julian Sanders
That's not lethal you idiot
Wyatt Harris
Put in some soul conversions
Mason Parker
I use soul conversion. That's all I really need. You don't need draw when a topdeck is a board flood.
Sebastian Jenkins
Both Dragon and Haven are dying down to the Luna horde.
Hudson Lopez
I'll play you if you want user, I need private match completions anyway
Camden Lewis
>semen stew >spoiling it
Come on now
Connor Peterson
>will never spoil vania's stew with my meat rod
Elijah Wilson
Netdecking retards realized aggro Shadow is less effort and faster. Shadow also has no auto loss match ups like Aegis vs D.Shift. Their Haven match is only bad if Haven techs Ritual, or they don't get Catacomb early enough.
Noah Long
the fuck is wrong with his head
Eli Morales
2 soul conversions are enough
Logan Ward
>plays dshift >dares to complain about 1 turn wins.
Go fuck yourself. I hope you get swarmed by skeletons.
Mason Hughes
Yes, a couple of skeletons are worse than a turn 3 5/6 ward or a board of 2/2s and 3/4s (and then they refill next turn).
Kevin Edwards
so how do you think they're gonna nerf dragon?
either they'll hit its healing, or they'll pull a roach/gobu thing again and hit grimner
the perfect ramp isn't as much of an issue as the ability to shrug off any and all damage, which is very silly
Eli Watson
HAHA Dumbass Dariashitter spammed Daria to undeservedly get to Masters and now you can't make any progress into the class because you DONT ACTUALLY BELONG THERE
Gabriel Taylor
What is a deck which autowins against luna pedonigger? I was thinking aegis.
Ian Cox
>Aza >Laura gives Aza storm evo hit Tia >claw to finish off Tia
That was not hard at all.
Jonathan Sanders
any thoughts?
David Barnes
Lightning proportions.
Jack Lee
>Hit Grimnir Fuck off aggro cancer. How about they hit DoD?
Landon Sanders
Is this the most heartbreaking picture of all time?
I started when the game itself first dropped and I fucking hated RoB so much I quit for two months. I came back to it on a whim before the new expac dropped, but I am seriously on the verge of quitting again. I think this >Pepe in sword is fucking retarded, its not even that strong its just terrible unfun game design. Is my main complaint overall. The game has just gotten so unfun. We have literally unkillable shit, two million ways to flood the board, still no real answer to DShift, a 2/3 ward that clears the board and hits face in the late game as neutral. Every loss feels so frustrating. It feels like there's no skill at all anymore, just a bunch of broken shit that's very difficult or actually impossible to deal with. My winrate has't even been bad this expansion, I've been climbing pretty steadily, it's just been some of the worst experiences I've had playing this game so far. I think things have just gotten too extreme. The game was powercreeped way too hard. Whenever I play now, all I can think of is how much of a joke this game is. I honestly think Hearthstone might actually be a better game now even though it's garbage too.
Brandon Taylor
Yes. That's how they make money. Print new stuff to completely powercreep the old stuff so you'll buy it.
Levi Russell
>I just feel like the meta is so fucking cancer right now and games are decided in 1 turn because of I win the game cards let me guess, you're a Steam player? I play exclusively on mobile and while I'm obviously not explicitly Cygames' target audience I'm fairly close to it, and I fucking love this meta for exactly that reason every game is luck anyway, in any meta, if you're playing a deck where you have actual choices to make it's still the case that those choices are just struggling to climb up to the peak performance of your hand + shuffle luck, which might be worse than your opponent's by sheer chance... that's what you're signing up for with a CCG the post-piercing meta was kind of annoying, too many decks with room for play with or against them, when really I'm just here to see the precise sequence that cards are played in this game and maybe incidentally get a win, reminded me of DE meta which I also disliked to the point I stopped playing the game if TMP continues on its current pace I'm not afraid of that happening again
Jordan Perez
You complaining about Dragon in a aggro shadow meta?
Brayden Garcia
Sword is an example of a craft that will always be good but unlike Forest or Rune it's not because of overpowered class mechanics, but simply because the individual cards are so strong.
Stuff like Floral Fencer and Alwidas Revenge just generate so much value that even in this meta it can be absolutely brutal to deal with.
Leo Kelly
i play control tho
and again, going off the daria situation, they're more likely to hit the neutral card than really address faction specific cards (but if they do, it's probably sybil)
Justin Cruz
I can see the direction that were you trying to when you posted that graph. However I think this picture is better for illustrating your ideas.
Bentley Long
>All this asshurt over Luna
Who's the bab now?
Jason Carter
Theres a difference between a combo deck and everything else you fucking dumbass kys You're seriously going to ignore my 945 wins with other crafts? End your life. Also i mostly play d shift pretty much this