Sivir is an empress edition
Sivir is an empress edition
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vg results.
This thread has been claimed in the name of metal.
>be a jungle main
>friend tells me to pick up rengo
>don't even get fed, but get unique kills across the
>kill squishes by simply mashing my keyboard
is there any better feeling than this? when does rengo stop being viable cause hes the most fun I've had with a jungler since shyvana
>3 people on redside are 6/41
I think I learnt today to never play in weekends.
>ahri loves so much filthy enemy cock with smegma that she just dies every single minute
>another match
>amumu focuses on vayne who's like 6/11 while the enemy carries are way above that in kills
Were you the sion that fed a kennen last game?
>is there any better feeling than this?
Old rengo triple Q
Current rengar doesn't exist as far as I care
comfy bfs~
I want to IMPREGNATE Illaoi!
>tentacle pushes your cum out and deems you unworthy
Xth for Katarina
best girl
>implying she cares what you want
is there a single champion that canonically just doesnt give a shit for anything around them and just casually works with whatever is happening?
What are the lolg memes associated with Volibear?
If this post gets evens I fap to Aurelion Sol.
Everything after lore rape
AC/DC - Thunderstruck (Official Video).mp3
Post yours, judge the person above you.
I never played rengo before his rework so I wouldn't know.
>post the shoveldog gif
>titled "yorick vs nasus"
>think its so funny
>think about all the (You)s Im going to get
>get banned
Join the Veeky Forums you fucks
>kill their jungler and top
>freest baron
>our nunu gets outsmited
how do you get outsmited on fucking nunu
that was the only way we were gonna win too since our mid was 2/16 and their yi was fed
i hope you go to jail fucker
i dont like you
>all that cc
10/10 would gank
>dude join this custom game to be the boxing bag of these diamond players
Sonafriends are cool
You play alot of support. Blitz is for when you're pissed off.
I think we played together before?
Are you the guy that fucking destroys the enemy jungler on sight?
pretty big guys nice i like it a lot
xth for Tobias Fate
>I think we played together before?
ign. im autistic enough to know
who here /unironically hyped for mxm/
Some diamond players actually go easy and you can learn from them.
NA: Egyptian Penguin
Maybe in a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums?
ADC is such a boring role to play and to play against.
>posting the same joke, that's been made since nasus and yorick have been in the game, again
wew lad we got ourselves a top ten budding comedian
What the fuck am I supposed to do against a Jax as Yasuo if I don't get massively ahead? I managed to win through getting a lead early (got ganked but my jungler was there to counter, double kill very very early) and then building PD into IE into Tabi/Wardens into Frozen, but killing him would take me to 10% hp anyway even though he almost always missed his stun.
wait what's mxm??
yeah, the game actually looks fun, moba generation anyway
no i do not believe so
you better stay outta here. ill take your fucking cold tendies
alright fuckers round 1 is over for the day, Ill be back tomorrow to collect more data
I really don't play anything but my top six champions, and I no longer play jhin now that I'm no longer held at gunpoint to do so.
thank you, as you can tell, being funny comes very naturally to me
my 7 day ban must just mean im ahead of my time
New hip action moba lol killer
post your save date noob
ive opened a portal to your refrigerator
you cannot stop me from taking these tendies
>EDG Mouse slays NB Swift who's on Nidalee
>Casters don't make a single cat/mouse pun
Where's Phreak when you need him?
Well user from the games I've played (5-ish?) I got the ones that treated it like their promos to masters
So i'm going to pass.
link? wtf at least post some promo art of something shit nigger you're a fucking awful shill
forgot two things
You like big men.
I assume you're gay.
Very standard /lolg/ champion mastery page.
I'll be gentle with you I promise. Just warn me beforehand and I'll be glad to tell you why I beat you.
Halt, criminal scum!
I am the Guardian of the Tendies. Surrender now, and I will spare you.
Need 1(one) for Veeky Forums
let me play you the song of my people
peace copper, and im taking the wind tendies too
>january 2016
alright you got me this one
not going to judge anybody because i don't like doing these things
however, you can roast me as much as you like fampai
www dot playmxm dot com slash en
looks fun I like the whole 2 champ dynamic
At least you created something with your incessant shitposting
trick2g memes, mainly
this song in particular: youtube.com
Only thing I'm gonna roast you for is not posting the image.
How do Morde mains feel knowing that nothing about their champion will survive because he has 4 of the most generic, nothing, vanilla abilities in the game, and the one single thing he has that's unique is unhealthy and inbalanceable and will be purged during the rework?
Hello miss Kayle
If i take your tendies would you kill me?
>forgetting image
god fucking dammit
i need some sleep
>no "*game starts* PURGE WITH SILVER"
Draven is so cool!
Does anyone here play SF5?
Should I get it if I've played a couple fighters?
>This nigga swiped the wind tendies
I'm sorry, user. He was too swift.
Not good. His model and animations will probably look fucking sick. I have zero faith in his VO or kit.
What do you drink to play league
Coke, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, Mountain Dew, Water, alcohols?
I've had about 6 pepsis today to keep me going and that crash is happening
No get Tekken
nothing gay about liking big guys and big guys only
Why do WW's go Cinderhulk over Bloodrazor?
i give up
>last 3 norms everyone on my team is playing worse than bots
The fuck
>"The Master of Metal"
>reminiscing of a time before Veeky Forums had Captcha
waterbros WW@
It's a bit gay
i dont get this mentality
if you feel like youre tired or going to crash, dont force yourself up with caffiene. have a nap or a sleep if need be and you have the time.
>Blink during esports and we're already on the next thread
>tfw people mention soda and you want to drink soda even though you've almost entirely stopped drinking it
>tfw you've basically replaced it with coffee and aren't doing yourself any favours
> Snek Eater...
>moot brings in captcha to stop the massive botnet spam
>was supposed to be temp until the bots went away
>like 5 years later and shits still here
jewed again
It also doesn't help that i'm back in Australia now, 300 ping games are not something I'm going to sit through.
I'm sure you'll find someone else.
>they initially re-titled him "the Lord of Death"
This fucking company has given me nothing to look forward to.
>feed my ass off in 3 games
>win all of them
>go 7/0/7 with 9.4 cs per minute
Always water. This shit is so good.
Water, tea and the ocasional coffee.
Also; I'd recommend you get more sleep.
Every single streamer i have time to time to watch on my free days are always drinking water, like everyone
>using reddit memes
>Mordekaiser's kit makes no sense because thematically it's split down the line between ferrokinesis and necromancy
>Yorick got reworked and he's basically a perfectly realized necromancer champion
>implying Morde won't go back to being the master of metal and have an all metal based kit instead of the wishy washy spoopy effects he has now
and this is bad becauuuuuse?
Because you don't need the damage (Q does a stupid amount of damage) and your fear is stupidly good if you have high health.
Can't get trolls on your team if you're the troll.