WANDERER PLZ draw fem pyeo but like sexy and shit thanks - engineer
Jaxon Hill
Wanderer is a qt.
Isaiah Sanchez
Samuel Johnson
I would piss on this wall.
Mason Allen
You're all a bunch of entry level steel feeding garbage and you don't deserve - v3nny
Wyatt Smith
Ayden Robinson
Nursery won't blow me and I'm sexually frustrated so I take it out on my team mates - Grant "b4nny" Vincent
Eli Harris
I saw your air shot and it was indeed nice, you deserve - fragg daddy
Landon Edwards
Brayden Jones
Plz don't kill me - demo
Elijah Rivera
I'll let you live if you can answer my question - engineer
Julian Morris
I love eating shit - spy
Gavin Wright
Gunslinger or funslinger? - engibeer
William Kelly
(Kills spy cause he's a rude cunt that likes to drip in in other people's convos, making sure he didn't have a dead ringer) what? - travish deboot
Xavier Edwards
Gunslinger or funslinger - bee cave , tx
Eli Stewart
Easton Edwards
Gunsli- (gets cut off by a later round going through his dense head) - now deceased demidude
Chase Harris
poor little white pyro
Landon Kelly
Ryan Gomez
Hey wanderer, engu here hope you didn't forget about that lewd fem pyro I asked you to draw, ice been a good boy and I'm waiting patiently - engi
Logan Hernandez
tfw the payload train eats you
Daniel Hall
Tfw wanderer still hasn't drawn lewd fem pyro, I'm just sitting here with my dick in my hand ,':^( - upset engi
Gavin Anderson
> Waiting the Pyro Update > No real update since ToughBreak/Gun Mettle > Heavy Update is coming in 2019-2020
Hunter Watson
Im doing it, chill.
Ill have it done in a bit.
Luis Edwards
Ok I have your that I'll use a a legally binding agreement, if you do not comply then you'll have my full frontal attention directed right at your posterior pardner. - reluctant blueprint
Andrew Reyes
I break nigger necks.
Parker Cox
This world needs more wonderful people like you.
Austin Barnes
Here, now shut up, nerd.
Wyatt Williams
eh, could be better
Christian Russell
Fuck off cunt
Dylan Gonzalez
rel wandurdr here. I tri.
Jonathan Johnson
Michael Rivera
>it's another demo main that can't function without a medic up his ass on casual mode episode
Joshua Gomez
>it's another soldier main that can't function without a medic up his ass on casual mode episode
Nathaniel Lee
Make way for the Elite BULLDOZER!
Isaiah Thompson
>it's another matchmaking that can't function episode 4v6, seriously?
Connor Cook
>its another 'scout main cannot function without a med-
oh hahaha sorry i forgot scout mains arent retarded faggots that need to be babysitted LEHMO
Nathaniel Gomez
>it's another medic main that can't function without a soldier on his dick on casual mode episode
Wyatt Taylor
>want the pass time hat so i can pretend to be a noob (gibus doesn't cut it anymore) >get cancer after 1 round honestly it's the worst piece of shit gamemode in this stupid game. i genuinely think that only people with some sort of intellectual disability play this.
Gavin Harris
>It's another soldier main bitches and whines autistically because there aren't any medics to keep him alive for more than 15 seconds at a time
Grayson Russell
reminder soldier is statistically subpar in every way but maps are always designed to play into his strongpoints (corners, open areas, medkit placement, highground)
name 1 map that fucks soldier over
Isaac Anderson
turbine frontier
Ayden Sullivan
Is vibri going to deliver to a shitposter
Adam Ortiz
not in my experience >its a "scout is literally yelling at the med for an overheal while med is healing the roamer" episode >doesn't even call medic ingame so makes the medic have to search for him which pisses the scout off even more >im playing demoman and this scunt keeps halting my overheal and frustrating the one class that needs to keep his head more than anyone it isn't all scout fags but when they are bad they are the worst
Jacob Edwards
what did he mean by this
Zachary Perez
fucking what? soldier will consistently win a 1v1 engagement with every single class, if every map is designed around soldier maybe that isn't really the case, maybe he is just such a versatile class that you literally cannot make him unviable
i disagree
Levi Diaz
The demo suffices in some situations
Adrian Sanders
Easton Ortiz
scout can kill him faster demo can kill him faster heavy can kill him faster if he's revved up pyro can arguably kill him faster if he can aim
Jeremiah Taylor
Literally who
Nathaniel Lopez
one that fucks him over not one that helps him in most areas of the map
Levi Gutierrez
>1v1 matchups matter what makes soldier so strong is that he delivers in every situation he can spam, make ground, protect weaker classes, does well in teamfights, pick key threats, do area denial, kill sentries, guard the flank, move far fast, ..
Brandon Davis
How does this look
Jacob Perry
Joshua Hill
>soldier is statistically subpar in every way Being a jack of all trades and having a really high damage burst at long ranges don't make him "subpar" at anything.
>scout can kill him faster Depends on height advantage. >demo can kill him faster Soldier can Shotgun rush Demo then airshot him, Still would be a good faceoff because height advantage still apply. >heavy can kill him faster If he revved up already and standing at a low slope ramp or Soldier tries to jump on him without taking cover. >pyro can arguably kill him faster if he can aim No. Just no, stop the bait.
only demoman and heavy with a pocket can consistently do so
>1v1 doesn't matter in a comparison between 1v1 retard
Colton Harris
>showing off easy kills against pubbies with 1/100 of his playtime
this shit isn't and will never be impressive to anyone expect sub 300h shitters.
Evan Butler
it doesn't matter for the game though demo loses almost every 1v1 for example
Nolan Cruz
t. got trickstabbed by lime Charmer's Chapeau spy multiple times
Luis Mitchell
>video is compressed to hell >not even 60fps >dead nigger
top tier trash
Andrew Johnson
fuck when did that set become a meme?
Jaxson Carter
if you're a mouth-breathing retard who holds W into enemies, then you'll get killed by Soldiers all the time if you're good at the game and play to your class's strengths while avoiding situations where the class is weak, Soldier matchups will almost always be in your favor
Demo is strongest at mid-range, and Demo always beats Soldier at that range Scout is best in open areas, and Scout always beats Soldier in open areas Pyro is strong in close quarters, and Pyro always beats Soldier in close quarters Sniper is strong at long-range, and Sniper always beats Soldier at long-range
Soldier is, at his best, slightly above average he's great at capitalizing when the opponent overextends or plays like a F2P, but if you have at least a little bit of brain matter and >100 hours, Soldier won't give you any more trouble than the other 8 classes
Caleb Harris
when every le epic XxX_SpY Ma1n_XxX starts wearing it
Jaxson Butler
>reminder soldier is statistically subpar in every way >soldier will consistently win a 1v1 engagement with every single class v1 matchups matter
David Sullivan
>scout >top powerful
t. i only playing 6s for last 6 years
Robert Smith
is this for braindead retard level
Dylan Wood
If anything I can tell you that Spy kills faster than a Soldier too regarding this logic, because he's good when you turn your behind to him.
Adrian Murphy
We /autism/ now?
Benjamin Long
William Miller
i would enjoy casual a lot more if valve removed the death counter from the stats screen.
it serves no purpose in a objective based game expect discouraging new players and autists caring about k/d (like me)
Charles Phillips
But staying alive is good
Justin Anderson
it serves the purpose of telling you you're doing jack shit if you're dead 50% of the time you can unbind tab though if you don't want to see it or make your own hud that removes the number
Josiah Martin
if 7 I will raffle away a hat.
Christian Moore
what bugs me is that there's no assist counter a few rounds playing piss sniper or medic and your KDR get fucked up
long rounds look better on your stats page than shorter rounds, so winning teams are encouraged to spawncamp, which kills servers and since people become more concerned with KDR than rounds won, you'll see people hiding in corners at the end of a losing round instead of rallying together for a final push like you used to see
they want to encourage people to autobalance, but switching teams mid-match still kills you
if you sit in spawn all game, you won't die, but you still won't be doing shit TF2 is better when you go DEEP and FRAG a 40-10 KDR is better than 5-0
Daniel Hall
bullshit. i'll take any medic with 1:3 k/d over a wannabe pro 4:0 scout.
real stats that show usefulness of a player would be DPM or objective time
David Phillips
they should replace it with assist counter. it would make so much more sense.
maybe i'll email the "tf2 team" about this, but knowing valve it won't be possible because they are retarded and don't have track assist stats.
Brody Gomez
it's best to take little risks and never die, so that whenever your team needs you you can help out exceptions might be suicideing for a pick or doing a coordinated team sacc so you end up on the same respawn wave
>a 40-10 KDR is better than 5-0 you're right because the 5-0 guy did absolutely nothing assuming those happened in the same time period going deep is a lot of fun though
deathcount matters a lot for medic especially
Luis Peterson
Kevin Morgan
>he does thing differently than i do
t. bad
Kevin Morris
Please tell me you did ironically, please tell me you did ironically, please tell me you did ironically please...
Samuel Thompson
ep1c l04d0ut my f3ll0w spy m41n
Jace Allen
Grayson Morgan
I'm not picking you Nursey (c) b4nny 2017
Ryder Nguyen
Joshua Cox
Caleb King
to be fair i got it over 4 years ago and it doesnt look that bad
i haven't played spy in 2 years anyway and i don't use cosmetics anymore.
Justin Adams
>and it doesnt look that bad
Jace Sullivan
Nolan Perez
improvement over mine nice user
John Allen
Pyro is strong in close quarters, and Pyro always beats Soldier in close quarters