Invested a few thousand dollars in doge coin a couple of years ago when it was actually worth something...

>invested a few thousand dollars in doge coin a couple of years ago when it was actually worth something, before the creator cucked everyone by removing the cap
>been biding my time, praying to god it goes back up and I can at least break even
tell it to me straight, Veeky Forums, will doge ever recover or should I just fucking kill myself?


Coiner got BTFO

Dogecoin, could you find a coin that was more of a meme?

Trumpcoin is close

At least he got more credibility than a cute shiba =)

it was like the 2nd best coin at the time, and it looked like it was on the rise. I thought it was my surefire shot to living big. I took my wagecuck burger-flipper savings and threw it all into dogecoin hoping it'd be the next big thing. Ignoring bitcoin was the biggest mistake I ever made, so I didn't want to miss the train a second time.

Seriously, will doge ever get back up to $1 per 1000 coins? I mean surely in 5 or 10 years, right? I don't wanna be a fucking wagecuck forever god damnit

I'd honestly trust the dog more. I could at least hope the shiba wouldn't fuck me over for personal gain without hesitation. Dogs are relatively loyal creatures.

I can't hurt to keep it if you are at loss now. E-coins is the next currency and it is still very early. They are talking about removing bills, then it might rise.

No. It'll never be worth anything close to that. Your best bet is waiting for the next doge pump which should be sooner or later and exiting.

How much in USD do you have of it?

>How much in USD do you have of it?

OP here, switched to mobile, busing it too work. To answer your question, almost 200USD. If I lose this money I'm screwed. What do I do?

if you lose $200 you'll be screwed? first rule, don't spend what you don't have. i don't know how losing $200 could do much damage to you besides rent, food, or car expenses, but you really dropped the ball on this one. i surely cannot foresee you at least breaking even.

>investing money you can't afford to lose in literal memes
nigga do you not know what an "emergency fund" is

>few thousand dollars in doge coin

So you thought you found some short cut to becoming a millionaire and got burned.

are e-coins the future ? Maybe.
The blockchain idea is much more useful than bitcoin itself is, I think that is the take away here.
These coins will come and go but industries will implement their own blockchains and build products on top of that.

200$? what are you, fucking 5 years old? i'm serious

Not sure why you all are getting mad at me, but here's the deal: I'm on a very strict budget and CANNOT afford to lose this money. If I contact the Doge people, can I get them to buy them back at what I paid, with no fees?? Can you guys help me in dealing with them? We need to fix this asap

You're a literal fucking retard if you think that would work.

listen man, its just banter. you need to call the business, company, whoever the hell sells doge meme moneyz and tell them your situation. i don't think you'll have much luck though. you shouldn't have done something this risky considering this is supposedly important money. if not, hopefully you learn your lesson.

Are you 12?

You are an idiot.

Dogecoin was never worth anything and to anyone with half a brain it was clear it would stay that way.

now its pretty obvious it is a troll.

>can't afford to lose the money, gambled with it anyways

Tbh you deserve to lose the money to teach you a lesson to be more responsible with your funds.

Why wouldn't it?? Its only 200, to them that's nothing! I get around 800 per month, pay 300 rent, 200 food, 200 in weed for my anxiety, and 100 for vidya/fun. What the fuck do I have left?!? Nothing and it isn't fair!! Can some give me their email so I can email them mine (don't want mine on Veeky Forums) and I'll give you my info and you can contact the Doge people and get my money back. PLEASE

>Are you 12?

No. Now are you gonna step up and do something to help me or are you a coward? What's your email?

is time cutting so close on you that you can't wait until you get home and you contact them yourself? dude i think you need to really calm down and just either accept your loss or get into contact with them and most likely just get told "no refunds."

I'm just busy dude, I've got no time for myself even.

Leave your email in your response so we can talk more. Thanks

BRRRAAAAPPPPPP. Sike, FOO. I'm not gonna get nigerian prince'd just because of your screw-up. best of luck though.

Then make a throwaway and leave that you piece of shit! I NEED HELP WITH THIS. What don't you get??

There is only one trumpcoin

Ok serious question to anybody in this thread: Can you really just call places you invest into and get your money back?

Fuck no. OP is either:

>A blantant Troll
>Autistic. But not just normal autistic. Like if r9k was normal he would be autisic

You suck.

I'm clearly not OP even though I claimed I moved to mobile. How gullible are you people?

OP bought dodgecoin, theres no reason to doubt his stupidity

And I switch between desktop and mobile myself

Buy ICNB OWCP DBMM or NTCXF and have 500% gains. Thank me later. All very real very undervalued or growing businesses

Bernie sammers

Stop using the term "invest" when you mean "gamble".


go make your own thread if you want to roleplay, faggot

I have about 3.3 million doge which is worth $988.21 right now (I paid around $3k for it originally). I'm not screwed or anything, in fact I have enough savings that if I quit my job I'd be okay for awhile. That's not the point, I just wanted to get rich quick off of meme money.

I'm still hoping that within a few years from now doge will suddenly take off again and I'll be able to break even or maybe even profit. Is this a real possibility or am I just completely fucked and sitting on a pile of monopoly money? Should I cash out now and count my losses?

>3k invested into a literal memecoin
You deserve this

Roleplaying is fun when you're bored

Everything but BTC and ETH is a meme

You "invested" in meme-money, you should have anticipated a 100% loss.

Sit on it and hope Reddit gets popular again or something.

jesus fucking christ - think of it this way:
you could start a business right now and if u work hard/smart enough you will see the day in your life where you make 3k in less then 1 day
never give up

3k really isn't that much money. If you're financially secure I would forget about it and check back in 5-10 years.