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>A soldier with a grappling hook
The horror.

On my last placement match on my way to bronze, choose the hero I play for it


Reaper but you can't use Shift or E and you have to push Q the very instant it's ready.

Jamison Fawkes!

You got it, I'll even talk in voice chat with a reaper voice for the extra autism points

Oh, and you can never let go of Left click.

Who's blackmailing who in this situation?

>playing comp
>team isnt winning fights
>blame the dps

If you are playing dps:
>team isnt winning fights
>blame everyone else

have orisa on team:
>team isnt winning fights
>blame orisa

How valid are these accusations? I dont believe one person can be playing so badly that they are the sole reason for your loss. Especially if theyre the same rank as you are. Like winning, losing is a team effort.

Why is everyone such a cunt?

Is orisa really that bad?

Orisa isn't terrible, it's just that the people who play her are flank mains and HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA HOW TO PLAY TANKS. Everyone thinks you can just turtle with her, not push, and win somehow.

And Ana Amari!

>do a good push
>get to first point
>suddenly everyone wants to push ahead, no one on cart
>thus ensues the game of "who deserves to push out and who must stay behind"
if you're ana and you're CQ healing, you really need to stop

I want there to be some kind of interaction between Symmetra and Sombra. They're both covert agents that fight for their own motives despite the intentions of their superiors and work with glowy hand tech, except Symmetra uses hers to create things and Sombra uses hers to destroy things, so they've got common ground.
Also Sombra could easily confirm all of Symm's doubts about Vishkar.

Are you the user who drew that? I just wanted to say that I love it, your style is so cute!

She needs a lot of really smart positioning. Being able to project a barrier from a distance instead of having to hold it up at 1 area is actually really powerful for making openings. Halt is also a really really powerful ability if you can coordinate with your team.

So as you can see, she's actually pretty powerful. But only in a team that communicates. She's basically like Winston, you just aren't gonna carry games by yourself if your team doesn't follow up on you.

The procedure is probably too graphic for them to expand upon it.

Its ridiculous how many people troll in ranked games just because i pick widowmaker, diamond players are pussies

After a long night of duoqueue abusing PharMercy to get friend out of gold straight from placement matches we both hit plat and lost two games already. Guess we hit hell

'Fraid not, I can't draw for shit. Hopefully they turn up again some day; this place could use some more content creators besides the guy that makes Pharah lewds in SFM.

>I have to push the cart as Pharah
>Monkey on the other side of the map complains about lack of follow-up damage

This community is the worst I've been in, I insta lock hanzo and acquire wins.

>enemy team has bad picks, leavers or throwers

that's the only good kind of content

Pretty accurate.

DPS mains are the worst imo.

I throw every game with a shit instalock Hanzo because he doesn't deserve elo.

How do I play Reaper?
I do no damage, every time I teleport to get behind the enemies I get seen and die instantly.


explain this

the best way to play Reaper is to play Roadhog instead.

Is he just bad?
I suck with Tracer and Sombra as well, maybe I'm just terrible at fragile sneaky characters.

Still somehow placed Silver despite me intentionally doing badly. Guess you really do have to be retarded to get placed bronze

Entirely map dependant. But the big thing is, don't teleport where the enemy can see you. If you can't find a spot to close in from, pray your team has a Winston.

If not, just play Hog.

haha u are a fag, u dont even realize u ruin ur own game and waste ur own time because u care more about some noob instalocking something u dont like


Tracer is great but hard to play, Sombra is hard to play and mediocre at best and Reaper is easy to play and basically useless.

Make it your mission to get to Bronze.

Jesus christ user, I played like a fucktard and I placed in Plat.

What does Winston do that makes Reaper good? I'm pretty new to the game in general.

He lets Reaper actually come close to things.

My friend was already silver the season before. I only won two games and was placed 100 sr below his old SR.

If you think about it, her back story is pretty dark.

>famous Parisian ballerina, now wife of top OW agent
>kidnapped, tortured, brainwashed for who knows how long
>could have been days, weeks or even months
>reprogramming is intense enough to turn a noncombatant housewife into a self-made widow
>further reprogramming/brainwashing/genetic modification to give her anhedonia
>only barely feels like a real person when he's killing people

Shit is fucking grim.

Winston jumping into a crowd with his feather duster and giant condom is the worlds biggest distraction. Basically use him to create chaos and disrupt the enemy, while you go in and shoot them up.
Reaper does lots of damage but can rarely get an opportunity anymore to get in there and do any.

Not to mention she was forced to kill her hubby, is unable to breathe properly, exists in a state of constant pain if she were actually able to feel anything, and is now stuck with two edgy Mexicans for company, one of which is dead and the other an annoying shit.

Being Widow is suffering.

>jump in
>drop my bounce house
>start tickling people
>enemy team just turns around and focus fires me in seconds before going back to murdering my team at the chokepoint they're dancing in

Alright thanks.
Is soldier 76 good? I seem to always do well with him but he looks like the kind of "perfect" character with all good stats and damage.

i think it would be okay if earth shatter hits high grounds, here
you can even see visually how it got up

it just bugs me how inconsistent it is, or how you think you are safe as pharah and you still get shattered

Unless you're already in at least diamond or something, Winston's distraction ability is useless. Winston's job is to do exactly that, pop a bubble, tickle, die, and hope everyone else did good work during that moment while you were being focused down.

You're better off playing D.Va at lower ELOs.

You can't really go wrong with 76. He's good at everything, best at nothing, but that's more than enough.

You can usually afford to jump back out again if the enemy is adequately preoccupied, and heal up before going back in.

S76 has a low skill floor but is still useful and reliable all around. Unless you're some kind of pro Tracer or McCree or even Pharah or Hanzo, you're better off just using Soldier.

I'm actually really enjoying Robot Horse honestly. I'm in silver so it's not like what I play matters 90% of the time, and she can still deal damage so I can pick up some of the slack for dipshit DPS on my team.

Do people still think Orisa sucks?
How can I easily exploit an enemy team running Orisa? I found Widowmaker to be really effective against her but the chance of team mates tilting just because they have a widow on the team and lost the first team fight is pretty high also in diamond

In addition she was thought to be dead, so no one was looking for her after Gerard's death only to be discovered to be alive by Ana, who seems to think that Widow was a traitor. All while being a tool for Talon. Literally no one is on her side.

Any hero that can outrange her, Pharah/Widow/Soldier, or can flank her with high damage, Tracer/Reaper can basically destroy her.

>download overwatch
>play a game
>dislike mouse sensitivity
>change it to a slower number
>mid game sensitivity jumps way too fucking high I'm spinning circles trying to god dame aim

Is this happening to anyone else and how do I fix this?

That image is a touch excessive, I think this one is more accurate. And sadder.

That one's really good too. I just like Marceline's work because it's dark, and I'm a slut for grim shit.

>Doc help I have been attacked by weebs and am bleeding mildly


Does decay reset your win streak?

Did you click your change fps button on your mouse by mistake?

give her the gorilla dick

>fps button on your mouse
What would the point of that be?

Assuming you mean the dpi changer on some mice I did not. My mouse doesn't have that setting. Also I can change the sensitivity mid game again, and it works for 2 rounds, but then it randomly changes to an insane sensitivity.

To switch to cinematic console experience

Yeah I meant dpi. I'm retarded and just woke up.

Damage numbers fucking when I'm so tired of keeping track of a small healthbar, I want to see the damage i do

They didn't do that because it makes the UI look too crowded.

back to your moba

>tfw you find it more fun watching streamers play than actually playing alone, yourself

Why don't you play with others?

I swear playing on weekends is the worst, I can't believe how many kids and retards are in diamond still

>its another top 500 player tryharding his ass of on tracer in QP
Those people should be hanged

Frogposters don't have friends.

Hey Os1, you haven't been online for a while.
Pls be ok.

- Khasar

>accidentally get play of the game
>it was a bad play
>get flamed and insulted

I have never played dotaclones, this is a tf2 thing

how many times a week do you degenerate jack off to overwatch characters

I'll dick-heal her.

I have only fapped to that doujin nothing else really

is it possible to carry in this game

I've actually seen this happen jut yesterday or the day before. Our Rein got a quad shatter with four elims but instead Orisa got PotG were she killed one stationary Torb and set supercharger down

Every day to Mercy.

All the time.
I just alternate between Pharah, Mercy and Widowmaker.

When the color theme matches just right in solo qp

no, and thats the main issue with the game

you can be v good but if your team sucks youll get stomped

this game requires very little skill,

>Enemy team has a pro Genji
>Completely fucking our backline
>Can't do shit
>Someone goes Winston
>We start winning
>Genji switches off
>Winston gets complacent like all shitters
>Switches off Winston
>Genji comes back fucks us even hard
>Get a new Winston for next round
>Only plays him frontline
>Tell him to stop leaping forward and just focus Genji
>Continues to leap forward
>While he's running around with his barrier both healers are getting completely shit on by Genji
>Lose 2-3

What the fuck is wrong with people? Why the fuck would you not deal with the one hero you solely made your pick to counter. Why the fuck aren't these shitters in silver instead of plat?

I get fap-triggered by the valentine pharah picture almost every day

fapped twice yesterday after I found some rather lewd Pharah tumblrs.

>Final round if we win
>We have the point
>It's overtime
>Enemy hog is on the point
>Rein 76 and Ana on the point for us
>Hides behind centre pillar to heal
>Our Rein just stands with his shield up
>Doesn't just go round the fucking corner to hammer the shit out of hog
>Doesn't charge him out of the zone
>Just has his shield up like a fucking tard
>By the time we run around and kill hog without him another enemy has trickled in

Passive Reins are such utter fucking trash.

>placed high hold
>sunk to high bronze

Every game has an orisa and rein at least, sometimes a winston on top of those two
I feel like so many barriers will eventually cuck ana to oblivion
Am i retarded?

>play Rein on Eichenwalde attack
>charge in to build up my ult like I always do
>people almost always complain
>I almost always solo carry the first point
when will people swallow the agressive Reinhardt pill?

I like the Orisa+Reinhardt meme. Got myself a new record for direct rocket hits lately.

>widow tries to pull of le ebin grappling hook stunt
>she misses everything and gets picked like a ripe blue berry
fuck you

When you're winning. But good luck doing that when no one wants to follow you through the choke after you land the charge kill and start swinging at their backline.

doesn't matter if you die, it's about getting twice as many earth shatters as the enemy team. people don't realise how fast Rein's ult charges when he deals damage.

>When you land the Earthshatter and have made solid progress to a second one purely by swinging at the pile of enemies at your feet.

Who's the best hero to play in low ranks where people just stand in two big 6v6 balls and shoot at each other? Junkrat?

>I'm your huckleberry

What does that even mean?

76 if you can aim. Hog if you can't.

Rein if you're good at landing charge.

it means mccree is best husbando and i love him