>Never thought I'd have to contact HR about anything
>Manager has been harassing me non-stop
>Is openly harassing me over the fact that I'm a "nerd"
>He played football in high school
>Even my coworkers have all noticed it and remarked on it
>He's transparently planning to try to get me fired
>I'm about to get him fired first

Why are adults in a business environment actually stupid enough to create this situation?

Just claim you are gay a he is harassing you for being feminine and nerdy.

Nah, my magic bullet is that he harassed me over a diagnosed medical condition already and was even told by a coworker that he had gone too far.

What's the medical condition? Autism?

Grow the fuck up

A severe skin infection.

>Grow the fuck up

That sounds like something that a juvenile would say. I am an adult, I come to work with a professional demeanor and do my job. The one who needs to grow up is this dude.

God speed user, get that piece of shit fired. If I won the lotto I'd hire a hitman to take down every manager I've ever worked with, they're all fucking scum. I work twice as hard as the lazy fucktards at my jobs and I never get the respect I deserve, I fucking hate shitty managers so god damn much.

what do exactly?

He isn't an adult. He's old enough to be one but he chooses not to grow up in a sad attempt to prolong his "high school glory days."

I work at an office doing business :^)

Probably from obesity? Just guessing.

Most managers that I've ever had suck. I think low-level management draws in the worst personalities.

That's what it certainly seems like.

>tfw your manager is a nice older lady


Nope. Skin infection is on my head and caused a patch of hair loss. It was caused by an infection that I got visiting the home of a dying loved one, same infection that killed them.

i'm almost confident you'll get fired and he won't


>hurr durr I'm being bullied :'(

What makes you think that?

You know HR isn't there to help you, right? They're there to make sure the company doesn't get sued when they fire you.

If they fire me I may lawyer up. If they fire him citing harassment and workplace bullying nothing happens. From a game theory perspective it's pretty simple, and probably what will happen in the real world.

This. He's a manager so it's his word against yours. Imagine how the conversation would go with HR...

>You: he bullies me a calls me a nerd!
>Manager: that sounds ridiculous, are you listening to yourself?
>You: he harasses me and is trying to get me fired!
>Manager: yet you're the one who contacted HR about an issue you made up to try and get ME fired.
>You: but but but but
>HR: user, you're fired.

Lawyer up and do what exactly? You think you can be fired for something you cannot prove happened? Why don't you record it happening on your phone before you make an ass out of yourself, get fired, and waste money on a lawyer (if one will even see your case haha).

user giving good advice.

your word is shit. bring evidence.

Also gonna throw in this one. Advice will go a lot farther than you think. Next time you think it's gonna get unpleasant, start recording audio with your smartphone (covertly of course. Practice this shit). Video is more solid but harder to do inconspicuously

>start recording audio with your smartphone
This will get you fired. It's illegal in many places

so are you dying?

wrong. Small claims courts love evidence and they don't care where it came from

I side with OP but in many states it is illegal. In California it's a felony.

Isnt a felony a federal crime? How can it be a felony in only one state?

Matters if they have a reasonable expectation of privacy

>Isnt a felony a federal crime?
No but many felonies are Federal crimes and most Federal crimes are felonies.

>How can it be a felony in only one state?
I'll take "What are state laws?" for $200, Alex.

You have an infection on your head that kills people and you are worried about getting fired?
Nigga you should be quarantened.