Muh boi edition
Warhammer II
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Muh boi edition
Warhammer II
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Orcs > Gobs
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*overcasts you and kills 5 dudes*
First for power of humankind
*The hundred others get back up*
I'm early today, better make a joke
*overcasts you and kills 463 dudes*
no mods were used in the making of this screengrab
You are hanging out with your bros when this fucker rolls in and slaps your infantry lines. What do?!
I am curious as to what gameplay changes have been made in the next game
They have been constantly tweaking and improving stuff in the base game so I expect the legendary lords will be strong, at least.
Just come back to Warhammer, haven't played Empire since release, did they buff Gelt?
>be oldfag user, hosue car, kids etc
>reading twg on a lazy sunday
>fags are talking about AOS
>Do some research
Holy shit. This has to be what getting old feels like. I don't get AOS at all. What's the appeal? It's like he-man I guess? With lots of Warcraft?
>Beastmen will never not be a Chaoshit race
>*annihilates enemy army*
>"pshh, nothin personel, chaoscuck"
Can I win this?
Gelt's new campaign effect is giving +10 armour to everything on the campaign map
Lore of metal got buffed and vortexes have been made a bit more effective
W-What are my autoresolve chances looking like?
Yeah and they also buffed lore of metal & vortex spells in general.
They can now do insane amounts of damage if you can get their dudes to clump up.
Nobody knows why it happened. It's like when you're on a ship and a rogue wave slams into the bow.
Is there anything to expand on with Norse factions or Kislev?
What units could you add?
well, this is scary.
Why does Empire get so many Wizzardos?
Kislev yeah, boyars and shit
Norsca, not so much. The further north you go into the chaos wastes, the more rapey the tribes become, Hung and Kurgan are literal mongols if I remember correctly.
you're shitting me right user?
>SETTRA DOES NOT SERVE" he shouted, trembling with rage, "SETTRA RULES
>tfw will never get to play this mad lad of a skelly
I tried
I failed
DeI is not for me
They have like 600 chaos knights (cavalry) reinforcing
whats the mod ?
Kossars - mobile frontline infantry with bows/two handed axes
Ungol Horse archers - self explanatory
Winged Lancers - charge cav with a spiffy wing on the back
Streltsi - handgunners with halberds
Ice Witches - damage dealers
Hag Witches - spirit based debuff stuff
Bear mounts for lords
Cheka - Witch Hunter replacement
Boyar - Captain replacement
Priest of Ursun - battle priest replacement, also with a bear mount
Well, Kislev used to be an army in WHFB.
Unit types present in the army book:
>Winged Lancers
>Ungol Horse Archers
>Gryphon Legion
*Blocks your way*
What do?
They just have colleges of magic n shit.
They'll probably need to think of a new system for wizards in the next expansion because High elves get all the lores of magic as well but having to pick between 8 different wizard heroes would be kind of tedious.
Wood Elves are actually meant to have just as many wizard choices as empire but they left it out for some reason.
Why didn't you like it?
start a glam rock band
you know what
*unzips dick*
*shoots you from a mile away*
Well, do I turn this place into a city or leave it as a comfy yurt camp?
Smite druchii harlot.
you got halberds & that.
How about just one Wizard, and that Wizard has 8 skill trees, going down one excludes others, etc. Sort of like Wood Elf lords can specialise in either Bows or Swords, and Gorebulls can specialise in Defence or Attack auras.
Turtle up in a corner with several units occupying the same ground making it easy to trap the chariots. Assuming they attack me, of course.
Too slow paced in battles and campaign.
How should I rank up the Armchair General?
Read her some poetry. Chicks love poetry.
christ that thing looks heavy
I want to cuddle that so hard
>further north than Scandinavians
What the fuck do the horses graze?
Lightning strike, and then down the red tree.
Also get the high king unique trait. In combat he's not that good in 1v1 fights though, so avoid enemy heroes/lords with him.
Here's the cream of the Hellenic, Persian and Steppe nobility, patrolling in Oxania making sure that there are no rebels to bother me.
I wanna smite her with my Kontos if you catch my drift
Makes sense, I guess.
So i take it that Norsca is pretty bland then?
No other units?
Where's all the blood? The first Welf should pretty much explode?
but yes I'd cuddle those weird hair metal elves all night long and then hold hands
They don't show any blood in advertisements trailers so they can pass off the trailer at a lower rating.
How have you guys leveled up Skarsnik? i have gone on the blue line to get lighting strike reinfocsments and then to red line to get gobbo buffs, which in total give like +40 to all gobbbbbos
Any good mods for playing as Norsca? I just want to raid and fight, not spread Chaos and usher in the end times. I mean sure, the Greenskins are basically that, but I'm bored to death of playing Greenskins by now.
God I hope the lizards are gud.
feels edition when?
>crutching with lightning strike
don't worry user one day you'll get good
whatcha feelin
Well, unlike you, he atleast still has a chance, right?
I just ignore the blue line with Skarsnik, since he gets lightning strike by default anyway. I take Route Marcher and invest the rest into the GOBBOS and put leftovers into combat.
>mfw silly ratmen try to invade and get slaughtered by the millions
>tfw want to play a TW game but dunno which
i really dont know what this meme is about lighting strike
Thaggoraki? More like FAGgoraki!
Queek Headtaker? More like QUEER HeadGIVER!
Never tried playing as Norsca, maybe try it through Crynsos' Faction Unlocker stuff?
Oi I haven't played Empire since before the update
Is Franz still the best LL to pick?
I understand Gelt finally got some decent campaign buffs
So I finally stepped up from normal to hard. I noticed that the enemy armies in battles are too stationary, it would be ok when they use dworfs but even with fucking Vampire Counts they just stand there until I get quite close. A lot of times I can snipe the shit out of them without any form of punishment
Hell I even remember a match against Greenskins, I was like 30 meters from their army yet all they did was sending few troops to slaughter while the others remained in formation
rattle ratte mr bones
Good god, its so fucking annoying to rely on your Trebuchet and archers to do all the work ...
Trivializes the entire game after you unlock it
They're not Welves, they're Delves.
Play the one with the period you like the most.
All gobbo upgrade skills, getting weapon strength and waaagh in the yellow tree and route marcher.
Though I do see the confusion, maybe I'm using the wrong term. Aren't the others called
tree African Americans
or faggots
Pike and shot doesn't exist outside of mods that haven't aged very well.
>more elfs
I think you may have cofused Veeky Forums with /v/.
Yeah, I suppose that's about the only option. Damn the shitty Norsca unit selection.
Why does cinematic for Warhammer 2
is so much worse than that for Warhammer 1?
Is this because of lack of goat narrator and how short it is?
Play Americas for Medieval 2
>Warhammer 2 instead of new historical game
I expected it but am still disappoint
History is boring
You are boring
Please, let's not do this again
It would be great if Teclis narrated it.
>not formally announcing Skaven despite giving every possible indication of Skaven
For what purpose?
Don't listen to only cowards take lightening strike, it makes the game awful.
Take red tree up to rally and then take yellow tree & get all the % buffs.
The health buff is great for Thorgrim cos he's already got an insane amount of hp.
Which skill trees should I specialize in for Karl, Thorgrim, Grombrindal and Vlad, respectively?
Should I bother getting at least enough points in the blue skills to get Lightning Strike? Should I even bother putting any points into Vlad's spells other than the Invocation/Healing spell? Should I max out the blue skill tree for Grombrindal?
Are the Glory unit mods any good?
>I expected it
You should have known it since they announced they were doing this ages ago.
So what happened to all the 'muh engine' fags shitposting about Warscape for years and how it could never have good cavalry charges and unit collision?
It's like it was the number one shitposting topic for years then just disappeared after Warhammer?
Will they be back for something else?
This doesn't disprove my previous statement
It just feels haphazard with the way it suddenly and somewhat awkwardly shifts to Lizardmen.
Warhammer 2 teaser looks like almost pre-vis level, maybe they just grabbed some stuff they had lying around and cooked it up. Definitely just a taste. The main trailer will be at E3, with full narration and such. Trust me, my dog works at The SEGA Workshop
are legitimately saying this game is too hard to play without lightening strike?
>d how it could never have good cavalry charges and unit collision?
uhm fucking kek did you ever fire up M2 and charge cav into something?
Those people were always retards and everyone knew it
Yes you will.
Skaven Pre-Order exclusive DLC