>have no internet for 3 days >look at DAC results >Liquid lost to Faceless
Did they expect to ride the gh Naga train to victory?
Dominic Perry
>jew has less earnings than noTIs >the jew has less earnings WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS
Carson Brown
Charles Morales
>slacks is so shieeet no knowledge at all!!! >purge is a dota god he knows everything spends his free time making autistic hour long videos about every item or pixel of dota
>slacks 5k >purge 5.5k
really makes you think DOESNT IT HMMM
Joshua Morris
>m-muh slacks!
I forget Veeky Forums is literally liddit
Tyler King
Such a hottie and such an unbelievable player, definitely new husbando
Aaron Parker
Reminder of the obvious signs of adderall abuse in esports
Owen Roberts
both of them are shit at the game though, it just that purge pretends to be some educational dota god when he isnt
Jace Morgan
mmr is just a number.
Connor Rodriguez
That's a season's difference between c9 and coL gaming right there
Tyler Smith
I'm in love
Ian Evans
That's Arteezy.
Isaiah Roberts
>trying to hide the 24 people above you LMAO
even more hilarious EU winnigs are taxed twice as high so their actual earnings are less
Noah Robinson
Slacks has 600 ranked games of Omniknight, when the hero had a 60% winrate. He himself had a 60% winrate on that hero. When you win 3 games every 5, and lose 2, that's +25 MMR every 5 Omni games. Over 600 games (120 net wins), he's literally gained +3000 MMR from Omniknight. Without the MMR he gained from a clearly OP pub hero, his MMR is 2k. What a surprise...
Xavier Russell
>>trying to hide the 24 people above you
im just focusing on rtz here mate, you seem a little ass pained are you ok?
moni gets paid bigbucks by every special force for his commando krav maga training
Caleb Lee
>rtz has stayed at rank 30 for like a year
Aaron Parker
so whats going on with the adderall chat? did PPD mention it at the end of the 1v1s or something? I just stopped watching after empire lost
Luke Butler
Doesn't his stream print money?
Charles Taylor
lol no need to get mad brahs, chill ¦)
haha hell yeah
Hunter Moore
>Twitch memer You have to go back, reddit fucking scum.
Eli Gutierrez
this went about as well as expected, why you would ever last pick slark and nyx against first pick slardar I don't know
also sven sure does hit pretty damn hard and that's a problem when he's the only smart player on the enemy team
Kevin Taylor
Is Paparazzi the cutest china doturd since long haired Hao?
Christian Cox
>paparazo has an 8man avatar
is he /ourguy/?
Lincoln Lee
i NEED to breed celestia
Lincoln Carter
he got a punchable face
Jaxson Williams
Christian Howard
I usually play support and I am wondering... am I wasting my time with my favorite heroes? I will list them and you guys tell me if it's even worth the time in segment.
1. Shadow shaman My friends say he is shit mostly because he is frail and short range. His only saving grace is tower warding.
2. Bane I like bane because if strong single target disable. But my friends say he is crap because"stunning yourself to stun someone else is retarded". Also linkens can fuck him over. Or anti mages scepter.
3. Ancient apparition I like him but you have to get Midas because you can't farm and getting Midas is rough when you are a support. Also, he is slow and frail and very easy to jump. Invis heroes are his nemesis.
So tell me... am I wasting my time liking these heroes?
Leo James
Zachary Nguyen
rofl are you really telling me people still play this in 2k17
>brony >blademail >echo saber >typical offlaner that picks slardar and farms all game instead of initiating here's your (You)
Christopher Thompson
Why are you euro fucks so fucking gay? You love anime, you love chink cock, you love being failures, you love Muslim dick. We should have just let Russia take all of Europe over after they were done with Germany, they wouldn't have put up with your faggotry.
Sebastian Turner
Which heroes besides Clockwerk can reliably win in the offlane?
Gabriel Ward
>You love anime, you love chink cock, you love being failures, you love Muslim dick.
Jonathan Sanders
if russia gets all EU riches USA gets nuked into a wasteland the next day
Ayden Morales
>Carry mk Jesus what MMR is this
Isaiah Thomas
the blademail actually became pretty effective against the sven since he always tried to counter initiate me, so he'd blink in and stun, get shitted to half health off of blademail because of his echo sabre and daedalus and then axe blinks in on him and counter-counter initiates
also don't you shit on echo sabre it is a VALUE ITEM for when you don't don't get first hit bash and before you finish abyssal
Jaxson Gonzalez
You're wasting your time living, kill your self
Jeremiah Garcia
whats wrong with carry kang
Joshua Jenkins
any solo offlaner that sacs the lane and jungles till 3-5
cant lose lane if you dont lane
Hunter Young
>sven jugg slark invoker nyx team 1k to 2k mmr or unranked game
Thomas Anderson
i really wish /pol/ would leave you are making this place doubleplusuncomfy
Dylan Clark
what does that even mean wasting time
just play ranked since thats the easiest way of seeing your progress
if you are winning then keep playing if you are losing then think about it some, watch your replay see what kind of an impact you had, thats how you learn, by losing not much to it
Isaiah Peterson
>echo shitbre on slardar
i hate you more for this than the ponytrash
David Brooks
>quelling blade invoker >null talisman >sub 100 last hits on invoker >level 20 >fucking quelling blade invoker
Isaiah Hill
Ayden Gray
>they wouldn't have put up with your faggotry. >>>LITERALLY the biggest consumer of MLP porn Ahahahah this delusion
>I'm from /pol/ because I think anime loving euro fags are giant pieces of shit. Trump's a faggot and /pol/ is fucking morons, but everything I said was correct.
Dylan Price
>playing against carry monkey >not having a qb if you have slots
Brody Powell
Why would you assume that we're from EU? I'm American.
Jordan Bennett
You guys might just be retarded. You realize quelling blade will stun monkey king for four seconds if you destroy his tree with it, right? It is a value item but invoker could have at least had an iron talon if he was scrapping that hard for any sort of items.
Thomas Williams
What up my gigadudes, I got a question for you all. I haven't played this game since ti6 but started watching DAC cause its interesting and am feeling the groove to start playing again after this semester of uni ends. When I stopped playing I think I was about 4k level. How long would it take me to get back into it after not having played for about half a year?
Liam Torres
>Trump's a faggot
is that way
Isaac Watson
>/r/edditors from t_d are triggered THIS badly by Western Anime Reminder that /r/The_Dogshit is to true /pol/ what /r/Veeky Forums is to Veeky Forums dot org Besides the fact that it's counting data from some irrelevant normie website instead of proper Western Anime content site >fucking FEMALE ponies >gay what is your major malfunction? Unless you prove that it was women searching, it's hetero.
David Rodriguez
Adrian Roberts
if you read the patch notes, watch a couple of games, and go to dotabuff and find a guide for hero you're gonna play, 1 or 2 games.
Ryder Hall
No you're not, I'm still using my favorite heroes like Lion(42%winrate since 7.00) Jakiro and support naga just party with your friends winning is not the only source of fun in dota, I prefer losing using mjolnir apparition than forcing myself to play meta heroes to win
Carter Johnson
>i hate EG but i can't go after them because they always beat my team when it matters so i have to try and focus the narrative on rtz
Camden Cooper
Nicholas Nguyen
you get more exp from a creep if u last hit it, right?
Bentley Jenkins
>he missed the Superbowl of shitposting yesterday in favor of his dotard safespace discussion of e"""""((("""sports""")))"""
Isaiah Hernandez
i always forget how triggered NEETs get by people who can socialize
Brody Hill
>eg/nb in 10 hours yeeeet I don't gotta fuck with my sleep besides going to bed a little later
Adam Wood
>muslim ban wasn't done >most animefags are americans >most ponyfags are americans >most neets posting are americans
yeah about that
Samuel Reed
>always beat my team when it matters >my team
i'm not on a team user
are you one of those literal cucks, and I mean literal, that paints yourself with the success with literal highschool drop out, social reject, video game no lifers?
do you not see how incredibly sad that is?
Bentley Brooks
none at all, you get exactly as much from a lasthit as from a creep dying on the border of your exp range
Xavier Thomas
>pornhub >irrelevant I'd call you retarded if i didnt agree that more accurate statistics would come from image hosting sites like a certain booru and phael >thinking i was implying faggotry is purely for homosex and not immoral degeneracy such as bestiality Ok i'm gonna go ahead and call you retarded
Nolan Nelson
no, you actuallly deny exp with that method
Austin Brooks
Lincoln Gutierrez
>projecting your own failure in life onto others
stay mad kid
i know your kind, i know what your motives are, and i know why you're taking this desperate approach
Thomas Brown
The hardest part will be the map changes and how it fucks with old farming patterns and ward placements. Not to mention those shrines and talents.
Know any good youtubers with guides for the new patch?
Cameron Torres
>superbowl literally no one cares out of usa my burger friend
Grayson Flores
>try and focus the narrative on rtz
literally everyone calls RTZ shit holy fuck your really digging here. Seriously, why are you getting so fucking angry about this? Are you actually mentally ill?
Nicholas Lopez
how do I get good at dota I want to be a millionaire too lads
Ian Baker
>Smoking weed means you socialize My social interaction amounts to "I'll take half an ounce of that", paying, and then leaving.
Dylan White
yes but you get the most exp if neutrals kill it thats why pro players pull the camp
Brandon Hernandez
>he shibbo's himself as unwhite by showing his lack of proficiency with language >he fell for the "bestiality is degenerate" kike psyop
Gabriel Brown
yurocucks always get triggered by rtz and NA but are unable to deal with The Scoreboard so they always have to resort to just trying to focus on "b-b-but it's about rtz"
Levi Clark
>just finished watching all the games today via replays >panel has ppd and he's way to energetic is God Emperor Peter taking drugs?