Ygo general /dng/

Thread #2489
Crashing this game with no survivors Edition

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BANLIST yugioh-card.com/en/limited/

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YGO is dead.

Xth for sex with Aisha.

Sex with Tea,Asuka,Aki or Aoi? Kotori and Yuzu are excluded because they're like 12 you sick fucks.

Who /link sylvans/ here?

not sex with best girl(male).

You're not wrong. Old YGO is dead but the link era has just begun and it looks to be the most boring one since everybody will be slinging the same cards. What the fuck is Konami thinking?

>since everybody will be slinging the same cards

First to draw Ghost Cherries wins?

So, just like Zexal?


Nice webm of things you cannot do in the Link format.

This is an extremely lazy OP.

Post obscure cardfus.

Yup, fucking boring, every duel will be Links, every person will be use the same link. Fucking dammit, even Code of Duelists only different method slots are Reji's DDDs and Zarc's servant dragons. through, I'm kinda curious what that synchro or xyz monster might be between Alexander and Caesar, Gongenzaka's Level 8 synchro from the Zarc duel or Crow's level 9 Assault blackwing from the Shun duel

That's why I'm playing chaosgoddess.dek one last time.



You are a man of great tastes.

How to improve?

Take out that illegal 3rd rat,run more dbarriers.

It'll be Temujin

>more dbarriers
>3 there

Also, what's the point of me running 2 rat. Combo was 3.

>running 3 of a semi-limited card
Are you retarded?

Oh I didn't see them in side. You need to just scrap the Rat engine desu, it's not worth it as an engine when it's at 2, at least in my eyes.

Isn't Temujin a promo ? Will they reprint it this quickly ?

You can do a similar combo with Ramram, you are already running Lyca anyway.

What the fuck are you on about? I know rat is semi-limited fuckboi, which is why I needed to improve my deck.

That's what I was thinking, but I don't know what to replace them with. I've seen people use dinos and that's it.

What's the combo do?

I fear the day Tiaramisu is ever considered not good.

People run the True Kings with Dinos, not the True Dracos. You should just run them with Cloudians, using Cloudian Squall and Summon Cloud. I'm not even kidding, get that Nimbusman OTK going for the memes.

If you open Barrage you do the Rat combo and normal summon the Zoodiac you searched.

If you open Rat you send Ramram to the Graveyard, revive with Lyca and destroy it with Drident.

It's Servant King Dragon Dark Rebellion,user. Servant King Dragon Odd Eyes will be right about Servant King Dragon Starving Venom as there are no ritual slots for this set. Reji is the only character along with Zarc who will have a non extra deck slot with 1 card each for them.

So sweet, they'll rot your teeth

It'll probably be when Konami gives everything full immunity since she's only non targeting spinning removal.
Considering True Dracos have 2 Towers in their archetype, that's probably not far away.

That new trickster trap smells of ftk from miles away

>since she's the only non-targetting spinning removal
You must have missed the FUN format.

and even disregarding that;
>banish and replace opponent's hand
>anything to do with ftk

the op has to shitpost?

>implying a trap cannot be used turn 1

Also it's the 'replace' that would cause the ftk if you could empty their deck out just like the old ftks with morphing/cyber jar.


Deck out.

>>banish and replace opponent's hand
>>anything to do with ftk

There's only three ways to FTK:
Exodia (by extension Horakhty)
Can you guess what the third is?

>not even using choco
>spinning 2 when you have the means to make the second tiara for a 3 spin
>not detaching mew and anjelly to return

>He wasn't there for empty jar

the most obscure

you under estimate its power


>that trap being generic
Yes. Because banish bullshit wasn't cancerous enough with three gold sarcs and desires.

That said there's nothing more hilarious than stealing their soul absorption for a free 5K and killing them with their own dynamite.


Somewhat obscure desu.




>using Present Card instead of Disturbance Strategy
Fuck Return to Frontline. Now I can't chain MST/TT/CC to stop the combo.

O: thought ftk was a burn wincoin

She is kind of obscure.

I am trying to get a Spellbook deck just because I always wantes to have one and I think I can get it finally, and I do want to try it. My only question, I know that High Priestess Junon is used a lot. My question is, if I have to build any spellbook variant, should I use 2 or 3 of her? Should I use the Extra Deck too? And are the other Prophecies useful?

What are the most overrated decks in the game?
By that I mean decks which are more popular than their actual worth.


>tfw your favourite build was a full fuckyou.dek focusing on 6 vanity's


>Has surpassed EmEm, Dragon Rulers, Nekroz, TeleDAD and maybe even Chaos Yata in terms of tops

I always forget Mischief exists, she's bundled in with Exodia and Horahkty.

What do you plan on tributing for her summon? Spellbook wins my slowly admassing advantage, ritual summon for no real benefit sounds like a bad idea. I'd use 2 junon at most, the other useful are blue boy and justice. The mill build is fun but an inconsistent mess.

That's purely because of the amount of time they went without updating the fucking banlist.

Take all those broken backrows and even Dragon Rulers post first tcg banlist can wreck them.
Set 5 are the real overrateness.

>tfw remembering the good old days of /dng/ when that grimro fag would be in every thread
What went wrong, boys?

That's rhetorical, I know what went wrong:Drulers happened and crushed everyone's spirits.

>surpassed PePe in terms of tops
Only because an emrgency banlist in both the OCG and TCG nuked it. If we didn't get the emergency list we'd have had PePe only metas for months (and then some eldritch zoodiac-PePe abomination meta afterwards).

Well technically speaking you can pull off and ftk with the ranked-up Leo and final countdown.

Have you ever considered making a pyre of all your cards and tossing yourself in?

It's not even set 5, it's set 5 no you can't do that's.

Fucking hell, just how many obscure auto-win monsters are there?

Don't worry user, only Majesty's Fiend is searchable :^)
Also, I don't play irl, I'm not a total loser.

Never forget Dino Rabbit.

I was thinking at using two or even one Northwemko. Tributing is something I will see when the time comes. There are cards like Spellbook of Life (that funny enough had Northwemko on the art, which also brings me the question what is she doing there) to recover.
So two HP? And the Blue one and Justice. What about others like Temperance or Destroyer?

>Judgment is banned
>Warning is at 1
>this is at 3
For what purpose? The Solemn series has got to be the most overpowered trap cards in the game's existence

Strike only stops monsters and inherent SS
Warning stops anything that SSs
Judgment stops everything

Watch some bullshit as Strile getting reprinted for everyone, then get banned and judgment return. Fucking Tewart and his shitty team may pull that crap and you know they can. And then more rarity bump reprint.

Exodia, Horakhty, Angel, Disaster Leo (ftk firendly)
Vennominaga, Exodius, Leo (otk friendly)

Judgment doesn't stop monster effects but yeah it hits everything else.

>Not wanting 1-1-1 solemn ratio (who even uses scolding)

What does Synchro look like post-link?

>Strike only stops monsters and inherent SS
It does something Solemn doesn't, it negates any monster effect, you can strike Maxx "C" and the ghost loli's.
Also, strike's better against certain decks just because of the way it works, take a ritual deck for instance, do you:
>solemn warning a spell going 1 for 1
>solemn strike the effect that's going to fire from the monster summoned going +1 or +2 (depending on the cards)
Same thing for fusions.

Also, you forgot Scolding which is quite nice if you have 2 spaces left and don't run much backrow, I run em in blue-eyes decks.

Not dead. But you are gonna need links or things like Soul Charge.

The current best monster line-up is 3 blue, 2 justice, 2 priestess and some stunny monster like jowgen and Kycoo, then the spellbooks and big load of stun. You could just take out the stun monsters and some stun and slap in Northwemko and pre-prep. Temperance and Destroyer are only worthwhile in the mill build but since we're talking about a petdeck 1 temperance couldn't hurt I guess.

>If an "Odd-Eyes" monster(s) you control is destroyed: You can Tribute 1 "Odd-Eyes" monster or 2 other monsters; Special Summon this card from your hand. If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can send 1 "Odd-Eyes" monster from your hand or Deck to the Graveyard, then target 1 monster your opponent controls; it has its effects negated. If this card attacks, your opponent cannot activate any Spell/Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step. During damage calculation (in either player's turn), if a monster you control battles: You can return 1 "Odd-Eyes" monster you control to the hand; that monster cannot be destroyed by that battle, also you take no battle damage from that battle. During damage calculation (in either player's turn), if a monster you control battles: You can send 2 "Odd-Eyes" monsters from your hand to the Graveyard; that monster cannot be destroyed by that battle, any battle damage you take from that battle becomes halved, also inflict damage to your opponent equal to the damage you took from that battle.

Is it good?


user, why'd you have to caps it? I actually laughed imagining someone yelling that.

I see. What about Ritual Sanctuary instead of Pre-Prep or even Prep?
And this is just me being curious. Are the others Spellbooks even used?
Still thanks for the tips!

Nowadays, due to Ritual and Fusion support, it's better to Warning the spell because they rarely summon using shit from hand anymore.
I'm looking at you, Al, Shaddoll, Brilliant, ARA, Nekroz.

Sorry. Meant to say Prophecies.
Yes. You cant negate the summon of a Ritual or Fusion if you dont negate the spell. But you can bottomless and that.

>it's better to warning their spell
But aside from that you waste their fusion/ritual monster.

Does anyone even run the non-warning limited traps now days? I remember when they were a staple in every deck, now they're shit.

Not fully dead yet, but the fate of Synchros fully depend on the quality of future Link monsters.
If future Link monsters are really good, then Synchros will be entirely out-classed since Links are basically Synchros without the need to fuck about with Tuners.
Best case scenario is that future Link monsters supplement Synchro.deks well enough to keep them afloat.

You can surprise them sometimes.

>Ritual Sanctuary instead of Pre-Prep or even Prep?
Pre-pre is inherently better than ritual sanctuary, you want to use the latter after you've already maxed out on pre-prep. Moreover you want to use spellbooks which are more spell reliant on their field spell than you might think.
>Are the others Prophecies even used?
Nope, magician, justice and junon are the good ones, temperance, world are decent techs in fun builds I guess and destroyer, reaper and fool are decent in their janky build the rest is trash. Only ever saw some of the others used in some convoluted impractical combo I think.

>Red-eyes got support in both CORE and INOV
>BLS got support in both DOCS and RATE
>Buster Blader got support in BOSH, TDIL and MACR

What about Blue-eyes and Dark Magician?
More support when?

I'm saying if you didn't negate it, they will plus like mad.
They can even hide from Strike behind chain link.

Also, fuck whatever ruling that say you can still activate Warning for no effect to Fusion with Meltdown face-up.
You can't even attempt to CotH with Vanity face-up nor Slumber with no monster in field damnit.

Getting back into the game after about a year, have ritual beasts and elemental heros. Could I use either of them as a base to build off of? I heard RB got destroyed by ban list

When the LINK focused set is revealed in full in VJUMP this month

More support when?

I see. And the Extra Deck? I can use a Hierophant right? Or its better if I dont?

Screw that, Magnets are made to be worthless if they had all that generic rock support and even that as a V-JUMP promo and still ended up doing nothing
More support when?

hey, hey, instead of spin 2
why don't you, you know, block their ED for a turn instead
with battle immunity arc light no less

More support when?

Hoshiningen will be the only support you need.