>Autistic pack buying / crafting strategy Save up all gold 120 days before each expansion (6100g). This means saving for the next set starting the 18th of April. You can craft remaining top legendaries without the chance of pulling them from packs.
How is that powercreep though? Beast tag is worth a lot.
Zachary Rivera
First for small time indie development company just trying to keep the lights on and feed its employees
Brandon Russell
Jonathan Ortiz
So I play 4 cards that give me combo enablers and i already got the quest done?
Wyatt Bailey
seems about right, actually.
Jace Wright
Brayden Taylor
lmao they didn't think about this did they?
Julian Miller
igneous adds two, but raptor is rotating
Aaron Bennett
>Beast tag is worth a lot. Sure thing. Compare Volcanosaur to Grotesque Dragonhawk, Captured Jormungar, and Core Hound
Wyatt Hernandez
>minimal rng >entire mage quest revolves around rng >warrior quests turn their hero power into rng >warlock quest revolves around not discarding your actually good cards >paladin quest reward is super rng the minion >shaman quest reward is neptulon on steroids
Real talk. You guys are ok with this rng being shoved by blizzard?
Justin Collins
Then why isn't the Fierce Monkey priced higher?
Alexander Cox
If there's one thing we don't want is more RNG What makes you think we are all Ben Brode?
Matthew Bailey
Because class card.
Adapt is too situational, there's no guarantee you get what you want. In a parallel universe where you might want a big beast with windfury, you'd still play dragonhawk.
Ethan Perez
Welcome to Hearthstone. Are you playing the game or just whining about it?
Austin Russell
Play 4 as in "put 4 cards in your deck and you have 25 cardslots for whatever"
Aaron Ortiz
Yes. If I didn't accept the RNG it would be very stupid to play this game, right?
>Adapt is too situational When you have 2 adapts you can guarantee Volcanosaur will be a better 7 drop than any of those listed minions, it can even be better than a 8 drop
Landon Rodriguez
>JtU It's JUG.
John Clark
>posting in a thread about a game you don't even play
Ayden Campbell
Shitposting is at least fun.
Anthony Sanders
>8 drop Besides Tirion and Ragnaros, how many 8 drops get played?
Luis Martinez
In pure stat point value, but getting both stealth and taunt makes little sense.
Ryan Morris
For some reason everyone just assumes this quest is complete garbage without thinking how you can proc it. It's one of faster and more consistent quests, imho bigger problem is actually finishing game with 5/5 chargers. Also why Shadowcaster and mimic pod aren't cards you want to run in quest deck.
Evan Reyes
Quest Warrior will be the new cancer and everyone will continue complaining how warrior is literally never bad, beating aggro with taunts and control with a PERMANENT ragnaros
screencap this
Chase Perez
>So I play 4 cards that give me combo enablers and i already got the quest done? Seems like it's actually worse than just bouncing minions.
If you're playing elementals you need to draw either 2 out of 4 or 3 out of 4 to complete the quest. The best case scenario here would be drawing the two deathrattles, but by nature those are extremely vulnerable mind control, polymorph or silence so if you place all your bets on them your quest might be rendered useless by a skilled player.
On the other hand if you're bouncing minions you have to draw 3 out of 6 bounce cards or 2 out of 6 bounce cards and a second copy of the minion you bounced first. Overall you end up with a better chance of drawing your combo pieces so the quest is more consistent.
This is of course ignoring how said cards fit into your deck, but I'd guess that building a Bounce Rogue would be way easier than building an Elemental Rogue.
Lincoln Flores
>Playing standard
Bentley Jones
Shamans weakest card is the quest.
Fire Plume Harbinger is top 3 of the expansion.
Ryder Kelly
A big stealthed minion with taunt is a great setup for that Druid 'copy a beast' minion
Asher Young
At this point I'm only here to learn about the new expansion. The only playing involved is done by my bot because I'm sick and tired of this ridiculous shit but muh investment fallacy and beaten wife syndrome. If I get banned at least I'm going to be free.
Jason Cox
It's a mini-Thaurissan. I can't imagine how they could've thought "yeah, having two of these in your deck is totally balanced" but what do I know.
Anthony Moore
>"You can just mulligan your quest away vs aggro to get the extra card" >Queue ladder >See Warrior
How are you meant to know whether they're aggro or not?
Ryder Long
>Blocks your path
James Price
Are Quests the ultimate Jewish trick?
>another class legendary >require you to have certain card from previous adventures/expansions
Michael Sanders
>At this point I'm only here to learn about the new expansion. From sub rank 20 shitters?
Brandon Howard
If he isnt golden he is aggro. If he is, then flip a coin
Owen Sanchez
Shitposting is like an addiction, and I have a lot of studying for tomorrow, so... yes
Elijah King
No, 3 expansions a year are.
Grayson Cox
>brawls you >brawls you again >King Moshes you >Deathwings you
Benjamin Thomas
Look at the chart
Isaac Roberts
>refills the board with Auctioneer and infinite Jade Idols
>generates one dude a turn after 3-4 boardclears I don't know how is that a weakness, but yeah
Adrian Johnson
Atleast you put effort in it, user but I'm not filling out all of that shit
Also thicc is a dumpster tier meme
James Diaz
I think a problem with mage's quest is most random spells you can generate have a pretty high average mana cost
Brandon Johnson
Should i run kun in a jadeless ramp druid when expansion hits?
Gabriel Ward
if you unironically think that discard warlock is anything but garbage, you are a complete fucking retard.
Jason Hill
When are we getting it "Don't be a retard / Stop being a fucking retard" emote?
Brandon Taylor
>I'm not filling out all of that shit That's ok, you can fill out as much as you want when it comes to the cards themselves, the only required questions are at the very bottom.
Owen Hughes
OTK Mage will be unplayable without any healing. Cabalist's Tome costs too much.
Caleb Robinson
That's why sane man runs glyph's, mana binds, lorewalker cho, kabal discover ladies, antonidas and burgly bully instead of le get random mage spells books.
Samuel Martin
>Mage Quest reward >take another turn herewego.jpg
Joshua Edwards
I think one of their best Jewish tricks is how they are not offering free packs like they did last year, they are doing daily log ins (so most people will miss the free). Then, they remove Brawl rewards to get Goro packs that way so people feel they get to open all these free packs at the start of the expansion. Clever tricks.
Ayden Wilson
I bet women in general are a dumpster tier meme to you.
Hunter Perry
Caleb Rivera
>Players just keep leaving, don't even have the decency to concede
Isaiah Carter
'Wow.' already exists
Xavier Garcia
Don't forget that the login rewards are only 2 packs. MSG and Old Gods packs are irrelevant to most people and they are worth 40 dust for most people, the 100 dust reward means nothing when a new expansion hits. A pack is worth far more since basically every card you unpack is worth at least 40 dust.
But at least we get one (1) whole golden Rare.
Xavier Gomez
if you think unironically that discard warlock is anything but vialable, you are complete fucking retard
John King
No, I just don't find the thicc aesthetic very attractive. I don't even like big tits very much. If it's an issue to you that I enjoy slim, feminine women, then that's, like, your opinion.
Thiccposting is still a shit meme, tho.
Liam Hernandez
Not effective. Remember, they're retards. They need it spelled out.
That is assuming aggro rogue and jade druid won't be good
Kayden Morgan
You mean you enjoy underdeveloped children? /svg/ is that way
Lucas Allen
Yeah but the meme potential is bretty cool >"Cruel Dinomancer- Deathrattle:Summon a card you discarded this game" >Discard one of these >Play the other >Infinite 5-5s that keep resummoning each other >Drop Nzoth
Hex, devolve, and polymorph are all rotating right?
Austin Hernandez
priest somewhere between tier 1 and 2
Liam Perry
average tits are best tits. Having big boobs because you're fast is like having a fast car because it's falling off a cliff
Eli Foster
David Baker
big fast boobs
Adam Powell
>Having big boobs because you're fast what did it mean?
Carter Peterson
I mean, if they offer nothing, reddit will throw a fit, so we'll get something each expansion. The real trick is 3 cardpack expansions, and having 2 legendaries per class in this one.
So the free stuff is slowly being reduced, but it's still okay. However the percentage of each expansion you get given for free (via free packs, dust, etc) is next to nothing now.
Gavin Powell
I don't like Shadowbabs but at least the daily login system is far more generous.
Evan Hill
fat*, obviously Don't drink and type
Eli Thomas
i need some fast boobs now
Juan Martinez
They seem to enjoy making their own archtypes now and designing mandatory leggos to complete the archtype. It will continue in the future.
Owen Martinez
>tfw fast but no boobs
why live
Jaxon Peterson
You're on the internet user
Brandon Long
>People actually think Elemental Shaman will be a thing when Jades exist.
Jayden Jackson
According to Einstein's Special Theory of relativity, the faster you move the heavier you are. So, if you run really fast, your boobs are heavier, and thus bigger
Cooper Ward
How are all the female sprinters have no boobs
Thomas Allen
Jades are too slow to amass you fuckass white boi
Kayden Peterson
Surgically removed to lessen mass so that they can be equal to men. No breasts are a male privilege.
Thomas Cook
Now that reno is out and all the control decks will have win conditions jades will finally be bad, r-right guys?
Austin Lewis
>People actually don't understand how cancerously good Jade Druid's early game is.
Andrew Brooks
Reddit is already throwing a fit with everything being a cash grab and generally a big pile of shit. The sub is full of posts where everyone is suggesting a shitloaf of stuff for free in the form of permanent login rewards or anything else, with a ~90% upboat ratio. Everyone saying it's a fucking free to play game and of course they're trying to make money is downdooted into oblivion and the kitchen psychologists are saying it's a beaten wife syndrome or they just want others to suffer as they suffered or fucking blizzard shills defending this shit etc etc...
You guys aren't really that different from them really, regards plebbit pro.
Landon Watson
Scrooge McDuck is more generous than Blizzshit.
Carson Gray
>really that different from them really
Fuck I'm retarted
Aaron Moore
had a druid double innervate coin out Aya against me turn one earlier.
Dylan Sanders
I think you're mixing up Jade Shaman with Jade Druid. If elementals are faster to build up and have a better curve (they have a fucking perfect curve), there is n reason why Elemental Shaman wouldn't pick up.
Also there is nothing that prevents you from combining both, after all Shaman is losing cards as well. Outright denying that possibility makes you just as retarded as Team 5 who didn't predict aggro Shaman with Jades.
Gavin Bennett
>Ramp >Ramp + 1/1 >Loot Hoarder >Doomsayer
Out of those only Doomsayer is a good early game play and that's only if it doesn't get removed.
Jeremiah Evans
>attack face >get windfury >attack face again >get stealth >adapt twice next turn Sleeper OP, screencap this
Asher Long
>Dragon Priest is finally rotating out as the deck that plays overstatted minions on curve. >Elemental Shaman replaces it
Elijah Cook
You can't combine them. They are different themes.
Sebastian King
What the fuck is this art
Justin Robinson
>have to play a 3 mana 3/3 >it has to live a turn
Wyatt Watson
>summon it >enemy trades his 2 drop >summons his better 3 drop >gets board advantage and wins
Cooper Edwards
And hope there's no Taunt in the way, when Un'Goro has a ton of taunts.