/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1384

Stop being lewd

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for April:
4/1 - 4/9 - Table for Six
4/10 - 4/15 - All Four Celestials (Renewal)
4/16 - 4/21 - Cerberus/Fenrir Showdown
4/16 - 4/21 - The Inner Light (Mary Event; Rerun and Renewal)
4/22 - 4/29 - Guild War (Fire)
4/30 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

4/1 - 4/8 - Anime Special (200 Crystals a Day, Increased Pendant Gain/Cap)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Has light a proper heal chara?



Fun fact: Lyria is actually more concerned about Erunes getting intimate with Gran and her favorite race to hang around are Draphs.


Super comfy album




Looking for friendship, I am not lewd.
still a DT

t. draph

I'll stop being lewd when the game stops being lewd.


My wife.

Evens: I Start ticket Korwa
Odds: I Start Ticket Petra

What about Altair, that sexually ambiguous potato, the erune dice fetishist, and Johann?
They're basically all the GCypher nerds

Zoi is a criminal.

I'm a magna shitter, am I supposed to take an axe out for these bad girls or farm the normal ones?
SSR fucking when?

Has Lyria ever gotten jealous when a girl gets close to Gran?

What's a DT?



You don't use your Start Dash on a non-limited

normals are fucking useless without hades.

You should run 4-5 cele weps and 2-3 olden corts.



>2-3 olden corts
Are you suicidal?

dick tease!

Fuck windroaches, seriously.

You do If there are no limiteds in your SD


Krugne isn't a nerd, he's just autistic about dice and rng. Swap him for Arusha and you have a complete nerd set.

Of course, but that user should check if they have any

>tfw one of the first things you got exposed to when you started browsing /gbfg/ some two months ago was placenta and you now get nauseous whenever Clarisse is posted

Must be why I've never used mine.

Work harder, ain't got all day

>1300 jewcrystals and 30 blue sky crystals away from first GW chara
This was seriously way easier than expected. Now to be patient.

Thanks for telling me your weakness dumb frogposter!

>that DJ got me flaccid real quick

Then I guess I'll run
2 Baha
2 Axes
2 Claws
2 Cortanas
1 Mainhand

That sounds wrong

What the fuck do I spend my renown on? What do the whales spend their renown on?

I am at 17k renown and I have completed pools for every element. 9500 renown weapons look worthless since I don't have a primal summon to MLB.


wow, how pathetic

>Krugne isn't a nerd, he's just autistic about dice and rng
I know, but wouldn't that be a good choice for an hypothetical "boardgame night with crewmembers" event?


Make Zephy useful while you're at it

Post them. And you can always buy them for the sake of having the weapons ready in storage when you need them.

9500 renown weapons just in case, weapon stones, SSR fodder.

In that order.

Also you can stop worrying about renown for now and just do some HLs and play casually.

More story when


>When it's just a ruse and I trick user into posting Clarisse whenever a frog is posted making me eventually hold the biggest collection of Clarisse pictures on /gbfg/

one baha
3 axe or claw

I've started buying Baal axes even if I don't have Titan.

more importantly, when is GBF story ending? this shit better not be another one piece


The story is just starting, so it will end until the game dies.

it is another one piece
we're still scrubs when compared to gran's dad and we can fuck primarchs and bahamut.


It's not for another 16 hours


>seruel va is the va for jp Dante

If that's what you're aiming for, then he's as perfect as it gets. You could add more of the gambler types like Rackam and that guy with the hat who always hangs out with Therese and it'll make for a fun event.

This is the better option.

Bahamut is god though

why the fuck do they have to reair it during the weekday instead of two days on the weekend

im going to miss the first episode's check in because i have to be a wageslave tomorrow morning

> when is GBF story ending?
It alredy did on Katapillar's fate episode

>tempted to damacus this shitty wind unk but I'm almost there

How can I save this mess?

>6 days left

Why are you worried?

yeah that's to show how strong gran dad is

>primal beast

There's no reason at all to do that, it's still a better option than other things even at 2*.

>caring that he's donte and not sephiroth or every normie's favorite jojo villain

Wagecucks btfo

>Only 1 flip
>7m honours

>those summons
Uncap your varuna. Do you have a grid decent enough to farm fenrir?

Eustace was biting Gran?

Stop wasting money on this kusoge and starting grinding Levi.

citation needed

Do not lewd my Star Waifu

Of course I only care about Dante.
Reuben is still the best though.

This is bait but i'll give you a you and say i love you but don't do this again just remember i love (you) user you don't need others

>2 from honors
>2 from badges
I don't see the problem

you can do a lot with these, please fucking explode

>/gbfg/ says don't do HL twitter Bakas
>My first 3 went smoothly

You guys are such liars.

Now this is bait.


>I want two

Only spend money once for a ticket

In progress

>Eustace was biting Djeeta?
Doggo is not gay.

I did about 10 twitter Baka HLs trying to get my first 5 horns, and only 2 failed.

But it only gets the skill at 100!!
There I said it
Now say baited for this exact response you dumb cutie! JEEZ!

No idea why you'd want 2 when wind already has trouble fitting non-guns in to their pool, but good luck, I guess.

You don't need two.

I want to be done with this event before Tuesday, that's all.

Do you have any of the four unticketable main wheel summons(agni, varuna, titan, zeph)? I think I've been unlucky in rolling titan twice when I want agnis and varuna.

Put varuna in Bonito's place.
Farm normal Auberons, start phasing out the Gacha weapons. Durandal is fantastic though.
Thats really it.

One day they'll add a wind gun unknown.

>tfw I got a bunch of HL horns from the insta death bug a couple weeks back
Enjoy doing your baha's, nerds!

You need 4. The skill that matters doesn't unlock until 100.