/wfg/ - Warframe General

Liset Decoration Prime edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed, if it wasn't full: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png
>Avoid the line, join the /wfg/ alliance today! PM killsaw of Warbros NFA for inquiries

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/0iE0a61cJuZN5L6h
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
Damage 2.0: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData (MissionDecks=mission rewards)
Another Datamine / Warframe News: semlar.com/
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/2v58uvp.jpg
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Tierqueer Filters: git.io/vMhaS
CURRENT UPDATE: Octavia's Anthem
> forums.warframe.com/topic/776642-octavias-anthem-update-20/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/767736-banshee-prime-hotfix-19115/

Liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


warframe cosplay for taters when

Faptura Liset posters when

bodysliders for frames and taters when
genderswap for frames when


i want thos pants

Post captura.

>just found out operators can also dance

e d g e

I'm having way too much fun with captura.

>No juvie Corpus or Grineer tater modelswaps

I just want to be a nearly featureless lump of flesh and tubing like Worm.


postan the shitter guide, let's all have a laugh

like how he actually recommends radiant finish

and str on limbo

>edgy banshitter

Is Bladed Rounds even worth it? Im critting on most shots anyway, and I'm not getting red crits unless I have Arcane Avenger which I don't.


>hammer shot

I would rather have Shred, but It's one too big.

>Ember, give me the gun.

But you're just initiating a hand shake

i really like this pose and mist

I usually stay away from those mods because hip fire is more efficient in many scenarios. If I was you, I'd swap bladed & hammer for shred & high voltage.


>Playing my first public match since I normally play with friends
>One person clears the map with Ember before any of the enemies can even react and before the Ember would see them
>Essentially just a run to the end

Pretty cool.

yee haw

welcome to pubbing

Pretty boring.

>tfw /wfg/ is turning into /tesg/

Bring up something to talk about then faggot.

Considering most of the game is repetitive as shit I don't mind if the repetitive shit is done fast.

bladed rounds is good, yes

hammer shot is terrible, replace it with shred or heavy caliber (hcal>shred)

I just opened the game after a few months.

I've got six messages, one saying I got a syandana, one saying my clan got a gold trophy, but most pressingly there are 3 that are talking about the Telos Boltace, Tonkor, and Simulor.

What exactly happened? I gathered they're nerfs, but how? Sounds like the Tonkor was given massive self-damage like other explosives, but i'm not sure on Simulor or Boltace.

I don't think we're quite there yet.

this is how efficient gameplay goes in warframe, it's just how the game is structured - I'm always grateful to see someone else taking the role if I'm trying to leech or do something else, but I always try to go fast enough to at least keep up

tbolt is literally fucking worthless now

tonkor deals full self damage now

simulor changed - you only really deal damage by manually detonating now

should I buy a tater for the jat kitty if I already have Fragor Prime

Tonkor got killed by self damage would have been nice to see it not nerfed into the ground but hey it's DE can't let competency get near the game.

Whip the enemy out of their ill-gotten gains; double credit drops on kills.

>Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c

Pretty much done, but still listening to input. I think that I'm going to stay away from linking to individual builds

Oh. Welp. Nice ten minutes of logging in. Guess this was just a check in. Built some "ascension" thing and now my clan has gone from Rank 0 to 9. Have fun you all.

please respond

Nah fuck you, make your own decisions.


jat kittang is a billion times better than fragor prime in all ways

well then I decide to rape your mom in the asshole and smear the shit on her fine carpets

how do you feel about that decision?

Reminder that any attempts to make a frame guide will either be identical to the current frame guide, or be complete shit.

Currently, this topgun guide is the latter. Eventually it may become the former. It's legitimately hilarious seeing /wfg/ give so much feedback in an attempt to turn it into the thing that already exists which they hate.

Fragor Prime does not make things explode, Jet kitty does.
Fragor Prime does not have jet engines, Jet kitty does.
Fragor Prime does not make fancy particle effects on slam attacks, Jet kitty does.

Splendid, I await your arrival because I want to watch.

no you shouldnt, unless you have a burning desire to use vulcan blitz



hey, how are going the studies?

Someone have a good Braton Prime build? I like it being a basic assault rifle.

>Should I potato the only weapon that allows me to run around the map using Home Run God on everything?

I think you can figure out the answer to this question

>Complains about a weapon list but refuses to make an actual weapons tier
>Tom has some spare time so he's tackling a frame list while you just shitpost and throw your tantrums

the oncoming weeks are going to be great because regardless of the outcome, you can not stop yourself from sperging out about it and that alone is worth it.

>top gun
You might consider adding Condition Overload to the bottom for melees, due to the way it works as 1.6^n where N is number of statuses on target. Just two statuses can yield ~3x damage multiplier just from that mod.

>>Complains about a weapon list but refuses to make an actual weapons tier
cuz I have neither fun, interest, nor time. Building and testing frames is actually fun, weapons is literal number crunching and each build needs 4+ forma to function

>Tom has some spare time so he's tackling a frame list while you just shitpost and throw your tantrums
It's hilarious seeing the absolutely jank shit he puts into his guide. The funny thing is, I'm one of the few people who even bothered to glance at it, because nobody else is calling him out on how absolutely retarded his builds are like Radiant Finish and STR Limbo. It's legitimately worse than the old frames FAQ in the OP, and that's saying something.

I honestly could not give a shit about his guide, it's fucking garbage and it will either remain that way or eventually turn into something identical to my frame guide. The only reason I'm funposting so much is because I've been on vacation this week

don't forget to claim your 45k~ endo from the altar

we hate it because of the insufferable cunt who produced it, the content is irrelevant

Every piece of plat you hoard or spend on slots is money in [DE]'s pocket, remember that.

>Excuses, deflection and condescension
Oh good it's already begun!

>I honestly don't give a shit

and yet here you are, complaining about it right now. You really can not stop yourself can you?

I don't hate your guide, and facts are facts.

I hate your shitty smug attitude and anime images, and just the way you interact with anyone on this anonymous image board.

No, wait for the rocket katana instead

im so shit at captura

something to do while waiting for LWA subs

Archwing weapons in normal missions when?



Looking pretty good mate.
Keep up the good work

does the clan have any open spaces?

hype ass fuck

only for moon clans 10o! buy plat

>tom is polite, unobtrusive, and somewhat smart


>tq is obnoxious, close minded, and regularly says incorrect things and then argues about them

makes your noggin clunk, dont it

Exactly what I mean. It's like watching a bunch of parrots. You either have to be very stupid to not see the glaring errors in his guide, have extremely low standards to accept what passes for worthwhile information, or simply didn't read it.

>weapons is literal number crunching and each build needs 4+ forma to function
You literally just complained a thread or two ago about Gottfaust being only about number crunching and simulacrum.

In mission feel is important as well as the numbers.

that actually looks really cool
just do it in a different background, the fog doesnt look good

i dont have any other scenes and I hate corpus ships

Ill try make it work eventually

they gotta increase the enemies in captura, for god's sake

You're reaaaaaly not taking this well, are you?

You're only thinking about sorties, aren't you?

>TQ has been in the general for months now
>Take hiatus from Warframe
>Come back 4 months later
>TQ is still here

Why? I'm genuinely curious. It's not like anyone wants you here, and autism can only go so far.

What drives you?

>My girlfriend who mains Oberon is breaking up with me because I always play Mesa when I play with her and she's mad at me for stealing her kills

>In mission feel is important as well as the numbers.

Performance in mission is the ultimate test of whether a weapon is worthwhile

However, there are an absolute shitload of weapons out there, and each one requires 4+ forma, so a passable shortcut for weapons is just to number crunch and look at DPS/TTK. If It's purely theoretical and there are many cases where calculations differ from in-mission performance, but number crunching is an acceptable starting point.

If you're trying to make a weapons guide, nobody's going to expect you to dump 4+ forma into every single weapon to test it. But you should AT LEAST do number crunching, and in cases where theory differs from reality, actually test the weapon itself.

Good, you didn't deserve to play with someone who has such shit taste in frames.

marry her

they've given away like 50k more than once, and they give a bunch of plat away every year at conventions and shit

it's entirely possible to trade in freerange plat that wasn't purchased by anyone

Because he doesn't get banned.

It's a mystery to us all.
He's like a train conductor who's proud of wrecking trains, all while under the delusion he's doing something right.
And all we can do is just sit there and watch, because lord knows he doesn't know how to listen to anyone.

the mods just dont care about us apparently
but from what i can tell he is being pushed out

>do a hive kuva siphon

hmm really made me think

who wants to erp

me :DD

I took an 8-month "break" and came back to see TQ. I don't even know how somebody can be so autistic as to literally shitpost every fucking thread for a year+ being constantly told to get the fuck out. What even.


*unzips dick*

>Made 800 plat today ERPing as Cocktavia
God damn, this bitch is a real money maker

details, now

*zips up dick, tearing skin*

>tfw no qt fem frame friends to milk my tenno cock with their feet

why is the composer so shit

Zephyr's feet

what's that in your pants ember? a member? xd

Post ign and plat then I might consider it
I don't do feet shit

They care enough to ban dogposting, but they let the real cancer of this general run rampant. TQ probably keeps them at bay with ERP like Randy from Trailer Park Boys

details, now, for free, post it in the thread