>Autistic pack buying / crafting strategy Save up all gold 120 days before each expansion (6100g). This means saving for the next set starting the 18th of April. You can craft remaining top legendaries without the chance of pulling them from packs.
What decks will shape the Journey to Un'Goro meta?
Jason Rogers
You honestly think that the warrior quest is good? Damn man, I'm sorry.
Brody Cox
Who /preorder and proud/ here?
Jaxson Hernandez
>brb Be right back was best adventure, afk lego was the best
Ryder Morgan
thats the shittiest poll ive ever seen. good job
Cameron Russell
No Jade Spirit immediately comes to mind. He didn't even list the Alley Cat. He missed a lot.
Gnomes are disgusting.
Isaac Perry
It's shitty data, go suck his dick if you love him so much
Gabriel Walker
I /pnp/ friend.
Andrew Butler
Tyler Morgan
Any kind anons here who are familiar with Elder Scrolls Legends?
Add me, IGN: BardNarson
William Johnson
>hideous freshly hatched dinosaurs and insects are cute Sure thing, weirdo
Luke Kelly
Doesn't a single taunt mess up your kill? Both arcane giants must connect face.
Julian Gomez
James Cook
I never said it was good data, just that I had turned the data he used into a graph. Thanks for playing though.
Jacob Diaz
>quest: do something easy >reward: something really strong
Literally how is this bad?
Ethan Baker
Sent ;)
Jeremiah Cooper
Play this deck if you want to [spoiler ______have____ ____fun_
He listed both of those tho, doesn't change the fact he missed a lot (EVEN MISTER BITEY)
Colton Jones
Added you.
Joshua Collins
>degenerate combos wat
Jose Wood
sniff my cunny loser
Matthew Barnes
user that's naughty
Levi Wood
This explains so much about your inability to use logic.
Owen Morris
You realize they can have spare mana right? If they're giants cost 0 they have 5 free mana on their first turn, if they don't need to Alex you they have up to 10 free mana on their extra turn.
Gabriel Hill
>thinking the clarification is the point
Being legally retarded must be rough
Gabriel Williams
I wouldn't say it's really bad per se, it's just not good. The rag HP isn't as strong as you think it is, although it helps with control. Will see play/be experimented with anyway/10
Luis Moore
Logic does not belong in /hsg/ieldbearer general, friendo.
Only memes and dumb people allowed
Jack Kelly
Even more fun is that Umbra activates the Living Mana token's deathrattles
Jeremiah Fisher
>I never said it was good data, just that I had turned the data he used into a graph. Thanks for playing though.
>i took this pile of shit and turned it into differently sized piles >why are you calling me a brain dead moron?
Anthony Bennett
yeah, that's totally right. the game can lose all of their players tomorrow and her salary wouldn't be affected at all, you're completely right, logical samefag >inb4 phone screenshot to further prove the samefagging
Lucas Bell
>You are now aware that you have more chance of getting 200 legendaries in 200 cards than getting 0 in 200.
Oliver Roberts
You don't have to make it a requirement when it's already 99% true, just let it go man this is a safe space for your cretinous kind
Jaxon Williams
Visualizing data is a great way to look at it in a different manner and decide whether it actually has meaning. I originally started making the graph to demonstrate the relative equality of these examples in each set except for that of JtU. I didn't figure you required my analysis of the data so I just posted it.
Cameron Jones
That wasn't me though. That is some interesting projection though. I'd advise you to think about why you would lie on an anonymous imageboard.
Tyler Johnson
t. Marketing Department
Evan Evans
Straight White Male.
Hunter Gomez
Jesus christ its delusionanon again
1. Have you worked at a real job once in your life?
2. Since the answer to question 1 was obviously no, what makes you think you have any idea about how the real world works?
3. Have you ever considered that you are the retarded one and that is why multiple anons always tell you you're wrong?
4. Am I being set up into some 'le ebin trolld u' scenario where I find out that /hsg/ has just been all ironic memeing all along?
I'm glad your shit world view and your shit brain will never have an impact on the world the rest of us live in
Cooper Sullivan
Post the quests you're most hyped for
>Jungle Giants >Last Kalideosuar >Caverns Below
Might be shit but all interesting to build around.
Least hyped for >Awaken the makers >Fire Plumes Heart >Open The Waygate
Probably all good but boring decks to build/play imo.
Nathan Wilson
>Being the most excited for the worst quest
Julian Long
noone cares about your opinion shitter
Justin James
what a surprise that someone with a spelling error in their name is a retard
Landon Scott
Right sorry I forgot the rules
>DAE think le blizzard suxxx hahaha Jews! XD >play cunnyverse
Julian Howard
Lel, blizz designers literally design cards hoping they wont be used
Josiah Thomas
>Meanwhile on the same set I AM IN CHARGE NOW
Gabriel Sullivan
Why don't they print better HEALTH buffs then ?
Dylan Wright
literally just a stonetusk boar for the purpose of combos though
Landon Howard
That thin decks and is essentially 2 damage for free.
Nathan Flores
>Find a person who seems to play brawl okay >Right at end, low on health, he can naturalize a party crasher to save me so I can heal myself. >Instead he whacks a 2/2 golem way on the other side of the board >literallywhat.jpg >If there's a spiked punch, I die >There is >I die. So fucking senseless. I don't understand this retarded shit.
Also DRASTICALLY increases the chance of bloodsail Cultist triggering
Parker Lewis
>Nat on board with Gallywix and a huge Reporter and a Coldlight >I bet he slams Nat into that fucking crasher even though he doesn't have any reason to >Does Unfuckingreal.
Charles Ward
>decide to stop opening my arena packs >two weeks later I'm sitting on 50 I wish I was addicted to a better game.
Robert Powell
was this the strongest turn one play in the history of the game?
Noah Morales
Team 5 has an issue with creatures doing damage to players on the turn they're played, unless it's part of their battle cry, because it's too easy to buff a creature's damage.
The only charge minions we're going to see will either have mediocre stats and cost no less than 5 mana, or have conditional charge effects.
Nathan Morales
>Rag HP isn't as strong as you think it is
how many games have you had where rag stuck on the board for more than one turn and you still lost
Caleb Ward
+ coin deckhand
Isaac Bailey
Undertaker was stronger.
Nathaniel Lopez
Why exactly is Hemet jungle hunter good? Destroying cards in your deck seems terrible.
Brody Sanchez
My game has two arena modes with more generous rewards.
Aaron Torres
wouldn't coin 'fly pally!' be better?
Adam Carter
it's literally the opposite for me except for awaken the makers, which I actually think is gonna be bad. Swap it for Marsh Queen
Also Open the waygate is going to be really inconsistent if all the spells you randomly generate are on average too high a manacost to cast quickly
Jayden White
+ coin n'zoth's first mate
Jordan Sullivan
its not, it could have been good in astral druid though
Jacob Hill
Luis Cruz
interesting: >druid, warrior, rogue, mage, pally, hunter (in that order) good but I won't really bother playing: >priest, shaman 400 dust: >warlock
Nolan Johnson
Play it turn 6 and guarantee you won't draw your early game minions in the late game
Kayden Martin
Jade druid, after you have ramped up just burn your shit cards. Just make sure you have jade idol in hand. It could work on a mid range hunter, or any mid range curvestone deck. Last thing you want to topdeck with those decks is some fiery bat instead of the next best minion on curve. Hemet removes the low cards from the deck making it sure you only draw those on-curve cards.
He'll probably still be shit.
Chase Howard
>have 0 cards in hand >topdeck 1 drop vs >have 0 cards in hand >topdeck 4 drop that's why
Asher Martin
you could build a quest mage around it, fill your deck with cycle and stall that costs 3 or less, then destroy everything except for arcane giants and cabalist tomes. ideally with iceblock/intellects in hand
Easton Gonzalez
think about this way user: You're a midrange deck, you have a good amount of 2 and 3 drops, a few 1 drops and your usual late game threats (6/7/8 mana cards) You got to play one 2 drop and one 3 drop in your early game, your hand has maybe one or two below 3 mana cards So you still have about 3~4 below 3 mana cards left in your deck, top decking them on turn 10 or 12 wouldn't feel good right? That's when Hemet goes in and saves the day
Ethan Rivera
>tfw STILL no HTC packs ;_;
Isaiah Bennett
You weren't around for the t1 undertaker + coin + undertaker meta
Adam Harris
everyone got the packs. If you havent then you arent getting any period
Nolan Wilson
It removes skill command and other burn stuff tho.