/wpsg/ - WoW Private Server General

Non pickles edition

Hellfire/Hellground TBA

Northcraft TBA

Atlantiss Alliance 1x (3x RAF)

TauriWoW (Evermoon) Horde 1x

>Where can I get game clients?
>How do I connect to [server]?
1. Register on a private server that hosts the same game client you have.
2. Copy their realmlist URL. This can usually be found on the main page of the website or on their registration page.
3. Look for a realmlist.wtf file in your WoW folder. This may either be in the root folder, or inside Wow/Data/enUS/
4. Open the realmlist.wtf file in a text editor such as Notepad and paste in the realmlist settings of the server. Make sure it starts with 'set realmlist' followed by the realmlist URL.

>I have set the realmlist correctly but it still connects me to XYZ server/says invalid login info.
You will need a clean wow.exe and dll files if you downloaded your WoW client from XYZ server. Check the clients section above.

>How do I stop my client from auto-updating?
• Start the game with wow.exe - not launcher.exe
• Don't use your email for logging in, use your account name.
• Find the patchlist file in your installation and remove it

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for


reminder to all players, we welcome you on the Horde side


Reminder that there are no active wpsg guilds on Tauri now


So why is our friend Pickles on a crusade?

still mad people choose senna over him

>doesn't include any of the tbc guilds
>just adds a cata guild
pickles thread was objectively better

nearly 3am server time

lmaoing @ u

hey pickles:3 how's your discord going?

can't wait to see all the people drop off when they actually get to MoP and don't want to grind dailies constantly

newfag here (hgfugee), anyone care to greentext a story real quick, this drama is top kek

I did not grind dailies in retail MoP and did fine.

I did a minimal amount to get my bonus rolls and that's it.

It's really overstated


>pickles is autistic
>proof found when people choose this thread over the one he made 10 mins prior
>j-join my discord! its goruption free!!
>no corruption to be found on any wpsg discord
>pickles is autistic

>Join TauriWow
>264 players


Then why not play on MoP with us?

>wanting to be in a discord where Yarrick the poltard spammer degenerate has powers

hi hi, playing on atlantiss yet?

pickles is a shitty person who was abandoned by his own group of players after backstabbing it. he now holds a grudge against the person who is doing what he failed to accomplish (progressive raiding on atlantiss) with part of his own old group.

>wanting to be in a discord where Tyrannis the poltard spammer degenerate has powers

>tyrannis has power in pickles discord

>have to make a guild on Tauri because the horde guild is named something stupid

Time to go spam some newbie zones for charter sigs

>being autistic about a guild name
>being so new to not know about the fesh pince

well good luck with your guild

do you realize how autistic that sounds

it doesn't matter what the guild name is because no matter what it boils down to you're playing in a Veeky Forums guild

I don't think you belong here

yes he does

It looks like everone is playing on Tauri so that's where I'll end up playing for now!

are you serious my good friend

alright, make sure to whisper someone in the guild if you haven't already.

kys weebshits

Be nice to animeposters


where do you think we are?



So do you have to actually buy TBC to play Hellfire? Unlike download a free client like Elysium Vanilla WoW.


Fuck off Luki or give me a straight answer.

How fucking new are you?

Are you retarded

>this is your average tbcbab

No wonder you guys think the expansion is hard.


holy shit please tell me you're trolling.


Can someone invite me to the atlantiss guild?

IGN: Neze

stop shitting up the thread with discords


That's just to cover their ass legally


enjoy raiding faggots

NAcucks BTFO!

How big is the EU pop?


I mean, that's still shit but not as shit as NA.

Maybe the population in both regions will grow within the next few weeks.

>2.2k is shit
that's a medium pop server on retail are you fucking retarded?

>listening to nostbabbies

Tired of deleting auction house pending mails?
Spam this macro while the mailbox is open:

/run if atbmi==nil then atbmi=1 end atbni=GetInboxNumItems() if atbni>atbni then atbni=1 end atbit=GetInboxInvoiceInfo(atbni) if atbit=="seller_temp_invoice" then GetInboxText(atbni); DeleteInboxItem(atbni) else atbni=atbni+1 end

Nice try humbert


>he can't understand a simple macro

>XD look how smart i am you guys are stupid lol

spam this macro to delete pending mail:

/run if atbmi==nil then atbmi=1 end atbni=GetInboxNumItems() if atbni>atbni then atbni=1 end atbit=GetInboxInvoiceInfo(atbni) if atbit=="seller_temp_invoice" then GetInboxText(atbni); DeleteInboxItem(atbni) else atbni=atbni+1 end

whys everyone here so hateful? Dont we all just wanna play some nice WoW? Or is this what happens when something is free...



who the fuck would join a guild called Blacked. you retarded faggots need to kill yourselves.

Im ejoying MoP.

I hate pandas.

>think about rolling enhance on tauri
>remember that shit ass searing flames buff
TBC it is!


It's like you get triggered and start shitposting about anything, really.


literally who?

Stfu senna names retarted and so are you for picking it you dumbass drooling sub human ape


>he doesn't know our lord and savior
one day he'll return... i can feel it

>ded thred

cobe hates most people here I dont think hell be returning

wtf i hate cobe now

It's not like he has lots of reasons to like us...

>be cobe
>bust my ass to max level on servers only to see half my guild playing anime mmos
>when these weeb cucks finally make it to max level theyre subtier garbage at raiding
>leave this general never to come back except i do because i secretly want the attention

>people complain
>don't shitpost
>ded thread

>play the game
>dont shitpost
>its impossible

>play the game
Ncraft is not out yet to play.

are we really stuck with tyrannis for northcraft

>implying he'll get chosen as gleader

literally everyone else has no interest in playing northcraft

unless you want a guild ran by a literal who and just look how the last one turned out

A lot of people have interest and I have no gripes with letting a literal who lead in favor of turdanis tbqh

i just want to play wow REEEEEEEEEEEEE

fuck tyrannis someone else needs to make a guild

What you're referring to as Elysium/Kronos/Warmane/Crestfall/Etc, is in fact, GNU GPL Stock TrinityCore/C/MaNGOS, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU GPL Stock TrinityCore/C/MaNGOS plus Elysium/Kronos/Warmane/Crestfall/Etc. These projects are not a server system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU GPL Stock TrinityCore/C/MaNGOS server made useful by the GNU GPL corelibs, shell utilities and vital server components comprising a full server as defined by C&D letters.

Many private server users run a modified version of the GNU GPL Stock TrinityCore/C/MaNGOS Server system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU GPL Stock TrinityCore/C/MaNGOS Server which is widely used today is often called by a project name, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU GPL Stock TrinityCore/C/MaNGOS Server system, developed by the GNU GPL Stock TrinityCore/C/MaNGOS Server teams projects.

There really is an Elysium/Kronos/Warmane/Crestfall/Etc, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. These projects are the front end: the project on the web that allocates the user's traffic to and from the other clients that you run. A project is an essential part of a server system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete server system. Projects are normally used in combination with the GNU GPL server system: the whole system is basically GNU GPL Stock TrinityCore/C/MaNGOS Server with a project name added, or GNU GPL Stock TrinityCore/C/MaNGOS Server. All the so-called project distributions are really distributions of GNU GPL Stock TrinityCore/C/MaNGOS Server!

so how's this TauriWoW? MoP was the best expac after all, might as well and finish it properly this time

In terms of private servers amazing, but expect the MoP launch in a week to be a shitshow.

Luckily the devs are pretty good at fixing things. Also don't let the population scare you, it's cross-realm with their other two servers.

Questing there was relaxing after all those shitholes. Gotta waste more time on raiding and 5 mans before jumping to conclusions but it's all seems better than your average server. Somebody asked help on 1st boss of BWL in guild chat because you shouldn't be able to solo it, even as level 90 on retail.

I solo'd it as Blood DK, just controlled the boss and killed the eggs. 99% off the mobs go to your character so inbetween controlling him I'd aoe the mobs down (without diseases to hurt the boss the least) and heal with death strike. Popped a defensive CD and controlled him again. Took me 3 controls because I'm bad.

Only issue I had was chromaggus and that's because I didn't know the mechanics. Swapped to frost and killed easily before debuffs could start stacking.

The whole thing did seem scripted properly though, except on nefarion when he resurrects all the mobs it didn't look right.

>tyrranis is a bad leader

He's unironically not though.

name one successful guild he's ran

name one successful wpsg guild

Is anyone playing a WOTLK server currently?

Whats my best option?

I'd say that he's managed to build his core has been impressive. I doubt he and his core will back off from running the NC guild and would be larger than any splinter guild that would arise.


Waiting for Northcraft

we need pickles to make a guild and save us from tyrannis

good post /g/