League of Legends General - /lolg/


"Hello again...lets have some fun..." edition

1st for shyvana

2nd for big butts

Today i will remind them.

Do...do we perchance have an Aurelion Sol poster? Or are you gonna be like twitchfag and spam lewds of him?

Crazy is cute

>playing "hard nerfed" sol
>in 2017

Post dem

i adopt the name of twitchfag and promise to do you proud by never posting lewd.

what ADC should I start with when learning the role?

>Everyone gets defensive and pretends to not understand what I mean.

Fucking buff Udyr already Riot, he has like a 46 percent WR right now.

I updated mine

You can nerf my champions but I'll never drop them.

I don't think you've ever even mentioned A. Sol before but said "nice arms" and then went back to you twitch crops.

>Think about all the puns nami has
>She has no waveclear

Cait, but I think you'd be better off playing twitch atm because he's really good in normals/soloq

Ashe, Jinx

Ashe and Caitlyn.

I'm going to tell you the truth user, i play like 1 match at day now, i'm not even enojying the game anymore, i have more fun talking about shit, lore and reworks with you guys than playing the game


Caitlyn. Not only is she the easiest late game hypercarry but she has an incredibly good laning phase. Ashe is good to learn after you have played some Caitlyn, but she has a much weaker lane. Twitch is really good once you learn how to lose lane gracefully.

> tfw too intelligent to healslut

what is that

Blitzcrank and a brain

You do make your waifu happy by getting an S and never dying, right user?


It's the new summoner icon.

do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb give you a hug if you asked nicely
would lamb give you a fug if you asked nicely

Xin Zhao

I make my waifu happy by not playing normals you cuck

Fuck do I want it now

vg vs vg up on NA
pass vidya


who is door man


just play a normal game and you'll get it

it's for the april fools event

I got it exactly as it released during the event, I fucking love it.

it is a door huh


all very respectable with zero cancer a rare sight indeed, great skins too wow
really big guys and no cancer i dig it a lot
good taste, big fan of all of these, azir is cool as heck
really nice, not a big ahri guy but good taste all around, best 2 nautilus skins as well

good work today guys these are some good ones

>mfw playing movement speed crit Garen for the first time

comfy bfs~

I saw some anons thinking up a yordle farmer girl champ. I thought I'd scribble up a quick concept.

Pic related is so cool!
Fighting games are fun!

>not playing some nice relaxing normal games where you can take it easy and just enjoy yourself


official patrician tier champion list:
>miss fortune
>twisted fate

needs more body hair

i want to smell her rusty magic

good shit tho

Not my cup of tea

Her dance reference could be Jiggle Billy from Aqua Teen.
And she yells WELL TARNATION ever time she starts to dance.

>miss fortune
Not in a million fucking years kid.

i don't think so, lolbab

I went onto the old client and changed my item set for akali. No change in new client, even a week later. Will I get the new one if I just make a brand new set?

>tfw I won't have time to play during the event

someone needs to make an honest top laner chart


what do you mean?

How the fug do I deal with getting counter jungle?

>>Everyone gets defensive and pretends to not understand what I mean.
That in both cases you're still a faggot?

I love yours

>Blitz only in high elo
>Nunu only when smurfing
>Singed only when playing triple dark seal and not proxying like a meme-loving tard
>Miss Fortune only if you are not female, not a waifufag and are playing her because you genuinely enjoy her personality and lore.
>Shyvana only if you're good at her and not a raging tard

Missing a lot of champions but otherwise really solid.

If you're paying enough attention you can take their jungle while they take your jungle.

Honest top lanes:
>melee ONLY
>at MOST 1 dash with no resets or low cooldown on the dash
>does not build full AD/AP
>is tanky
>is not Cammile


Don't respond user they never learn a penis is a penis.

who wants a piece of the adc

>no jax

>Miss Fortune only if you are not female, not a waifufag and are playing her because you genuinely enjoy her personality and lore.
Not even then

forget the shield, it does low damage anyway...

xth for Tobias Fate

I'm saying you're getting defensive because the context was talking about how shit they are and I never said either one was even half decent.

>Drinking a glass of piss is better than drinking a tub of shit

You will never give poppy a third pigtail.

>tfw you only like top laning with Gragas, Yi and Vi

What does one do if they like junglers the most but suck at jungle? Just learn to lane with them or l2 jungle?

yes they are
tell that again after looking at this sweet ass
>missing a lot of champions
if most champions are patrician tier, then noone is

I know dyrus and tobias but who are the other 3?

Am I the only one who thinks Shen is an unkillable cancer monster?

>Miss Fortune only if you are not female, not a waifufag and are playing her because you genuinely enjoy her personality and lore.

What if I enjoy her playstyle and don't give 2 fucks about any lore but enjoy the characterization?

poppy is an honest top laner, anything that says "FUCK YOUR MOBILITY" is the cure for cancer

Not him, but what if i see them coming to the side of the jungle i'm at the moment and i know i can't outduel them? Keep in mind that he has both buffs while i have none/ one.

No they're not


lrn2jungle scrub
And never play Vi again, fuck you

No, I will give her my tail...

Ping your laners and if they can help you cool but if they can't or their mid has priority then give. Of course in bronze or silver or whatever your midlaner will likely not be paying any attention to what's going on.

hashillshit plays him thus making him a pleb pick
xin is a superior jax and even him doesn't make the cut

Most champions are patrician tier because the vast majority of people only play a few pleb champions like Ezreal, Lux, GG this team, healslut, low elo stomper tops, meta jungler, gun nigger and memes

>ywn drink sona milk
why even live

>All in an easy facerollfuckfest kit

I am actually just done with this game.



>even him
Hello, my fellow African American.


Probably more patrician cause the lore is shit despite being better than the old lore

rip user

mathas yassuo and some other fag

and then you realize ekko isnt even that good

>Getting milked

thanks I just got fired

Honestly if you cut out the part where she takes her nipples out this wouldn't even be NSFW because you never see her nipples or her vagina

warwick is a killing machine with the right items

>mfw I remember and realize that Moms probably get wet and the more fucked up ones probably even orgasm while they breast feed

>(kind of) food analogies
is this /v/

Anyone remember they statue of Ahri that was almost released last year but people complained that she didn't look like Ahri in the face so it was shelved.

What the fuck ever happened to that? It's been a whole year.